Project Made by Tybms Student.: Joyoson Mathai
Project Made by Tybms Student.: Joyoson Mathai
Project Made by Tybms Student.: Joyoson Mathai
The concept of corporate governance has been
attracting public attention for quite some time in
India. The topic is no longer confined to the halls of
academia and is increasingly finding acceptance for
its relevance and underlying importance in the
industry and capital markets.
Stock Exchanges, Intermediaries, Financial
institutions, Mutual Funds and concerned
professionals who may have access to inside
information. This is being dealt with in a
comprehensive manner, by a separate group
appointed by SEBI, under the Chairmanship of Shri
Kumar Mangalam Birla.
Corporate Governance
The Objective.
Applies To Listed Companies With Paid Up
Capital Of Rs. 3 Crore And Above.
Composition Of Board Of Directors
Optimum Combination Of Executive &
Non-Executive Directors .
Audit Committee With 3 Independent
Directors With One Having Financial And
Accounting Knowledge.
Remuneration Committee.
Role Of Chairman
Remuneration Committee Of Board
Shareholders' Right For Receiving Half Yearly
Financial PerformancePostal Ballot Covering
Critical Matters Like Alteration In
Memorandum Etc
Sale Of Whole Or Substantial Part Of The
Corporate Restructuring
Further Issue Of Capital
Venturing Into New Businesses
Clause 49:
As per the committee, the recommendations should be
made applicable to the listed companies, their directors,
management, employees and professionals associated
with such companies, in accordance with the time table
proposed in the schedule given later in this section.
The recommendations will apply to all the listed private
and public sector companies, in accordance with the
schedule of implementation.
The Committee recognizes that compliance with the
recommendations would involve restructuring the
existing boards of companies. It also recognizes that
some companies, especially the smaller ones, may have
difficulty in immediately complying with these
The recommendations were implemented through
Clause 49 of the Listing Agreements, in a phased
manner by SEBI.
There are several corporate governance structures available
in the developed world but there is no one structure, which
can be singled out as being better than the others. There is
no "one size fits all" structure for corporate governance. The
Committees recommendations are not therefore based on
any one model but are designed for the Indian environment.
Corporate governance extends beyond corporate law.
The Committee believes that its recommendations will go a
long way in raising the standards of corporate governance in
Indian firms and make them attractive destinations for local
and global capital. These recommendations will also form
the base for further evolution of the structure of corporate
governance in consonance with the rapidly changing
economic and industrial environment of the country in the
new millenium.