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Report of the Kumar Mangalam

Birla Committee on Corporate

The concept of corporate governance has been
attracting public attention for quite some time in
India. The topic is no longer confined to the halls of
academia and is increasingly finding acceptance for
its relevance and underlying importance in the
industry and capital markets.
Stock Exchanges, Intermediaries, Financial
institutions, Mutual Funds and concerned
professionals who may have access to inside
information. This is being dealt with in a
comprehensive manner, by a separate group
appointed by SEBI, under the Chairmanship of Shri
Kumar Mangalam Birla.

Kumar Mangalam Birla

In early 1999, Securities and Exchange
Board of India (SEBI) had set up a
committee under Shri Kumar Mangalam
Birla, member SEBI Board, to promote and
raise the standards of good corporate
The report submitted by the committee is
the first formal and comprehensive attempt
to evolve a Code of Corporate Governance',
in the context of prevailing conditions of
governance in Indian companies, as well as
the state of capital markets.

The Term Committee.

The Committee's terms of the reference were to:
suggest suitable amendments to the listing
agreement executed by the stock exchanges with
the companies and any other measures to improve
the standards of corporate governance in the listed
companies, in areas such as continuous disclosure
of material information, both financial and nonfinancial, manner and frequency of such disclosures,
responsibilities of independent and outside directors;
draft a code of corporate best practices; and
suggest safeguards to be instituted within the
companies to deal with insider information and
insider trading.

Corporate Governance
The Objective.

Corporate governance has several claimants shareholders

and other stakeholders - which include suppliers, customers,
creditors, the bankers, the employees of the company, the
government and the society at large. This Report on Corporate
Governance has been prepared by the Committee for SEBI,
keeping in view primarily the interests of a particular class of
stakeholders, namely, the shareholders, who together with the
investors form the principal constituency of SEBI while not
ignoring the needs of other stakeholders.


The Committee therefore agreed that the fundamental

objective of corporate governance is the "enhancement
of shareholder value, keeping in view the interests of
other stakeholder". This definition harmonises the need
for a company to strike a balance at all times between
the need to enhance shareholders wealth whilst not in
any way being detrimental to the interests of the other
stakeholders in the company.

3 . In the opinion of the Committee, the imperative for

corporate governance lies not merely in drafting a code of
corporate governance, but in practising it. Even now, some
companies are following exemplary practices, without the
existence of formal guidelines on this subject. Structures and
rules are important because they provide a framework, which
will encourage and enforce good governance; but alone,
these cannot raise the standards of corporate governance.
What counts is the way in which these are put to use. The

Committee is thus of the firm view, that the best results

would be achieved when the companies begin to treat the
code not as a mere structure, but as a way of life.

4. It follows that the real onus of achieving the desired level

of corporate governance, lies in the proactive initiatives
taken by the companies themselves and not in the external
measures like breadth and depth of a code or stringency of
enforcement of norms. The extent of discipline, transparency
and fairness, and the willingness shown by the companies
themselves in implementing the Code, will be the crucial
factor in achieving the desired confidence of shareholders
and other stakeholders and fulfilling the goals of the company

The Recommendations of the


This Report is the first formal and comprehensive

attempt to evolve a Code of Corporate Governance,
in the context of prevailing conditions of governance
in Indian companies, as well as the state of capital

While making the recommendations the Committee

has been mindful that any code of Corporate
Governance must be dynamic, evolving and should
change with changing context and times. It would
therefore be necessary that this code also is
reviewed from time to time, keeping pace with the
changing expectations of the investors,
shareholders, and other stakeholders and with
increasing sophistication achieved in capital

Applicability of the Recommendations.

Mandatory and non mandatory
The committee divided the recommendations
into two categories, namely, mandatory and
non- mandatory.
The recommendations which are absolutely
essential for corporate governance can be
defined with precision and which can be
enforced through the amendment of the listing
agreement could be classified as mandatory.

Applies To Listed Companies With Paid Up
Capital Of Rs. 3 Crore And Above.
Composition Of Board Of Directors
Optimum Combination Of Executive &
Non-Executive Directors .
Audit Committee With 3 Independent
Directors With One Having Financial And
Accounting Knowledge.
Remuneration Committee.

Board Procedures Atleast 4 Meetings Of The

Board In A Year With Maximum Gap Of 4
Months Between 2 Meetings. To Review
Operational Plans, Capital Budgets, Quarterly
Results, Minutes Of Committee's
Meeting.Director Shall Not Be A Member Of
More Than 10 Committee And Shall Not Act As
Chairman Of More Than 5 Committees Across
All Companies
Management Discussion And Analysis Report
Covering Industry Structure, Opportunities,
Threats, Risks, Outlook, Internal Control
Information Sharing With Shareholders

Role Of Chairman
Remuneration Committee Of Board
Shareholders' Right For Receiving Half Yearly
Financial PerformancePostal Ballot Covering
Critical Matters Like Alteration In
Memorandum Etc
Sale Of Whole Or Substantial Part Of The
Corporate Restructuring
Further Issue Of Capital
Venturing Into New Businesses

Names of the Members of the committee Shri Kumar

Mangalam Birla, Chairman, Aditya Birla group
Chairman of the Committee
1. Shri Rohit Bhagat, Country Head, Boston Consulting Group
2. Dr. J Bhagwati, Jt. Secretary, Ministry of Finance.
3. Shri Samir Biswas, Regional Director, Western Region, Department of Company
Affairs, Government of India
4. Shri S.P. Chhajed, President of Institute of Chartered Accountants of India
5. Shri Virender Ganda, Ex-President of Institute of Company Secretaries of India
6. Dr. Sumantra Ghoshal, Professor of Strategic Management, London Business School
7. Shri Vijay Kalantri, President, All India Association of Industries
8. Shri Pratip Kar, Executive Director, SEBI Member Secretary
9.Shri Y. H. Malegam, Managing Partner, S.B. Billimoria & Co
10.Shri N. R. Narayana Murthy, Chairman and Managing Director, Infosys Technologies
11.Shri A K Narayanan, President of Tamil Nadu Investor Association
12.Shri Kamal Parekh, Ex-President, Calcutta Stock Exchange (Shri J M Chaudhary
President Calcutta Stock Exchange
13.Dr. R. H. Patil, Managing Director, National Stock Exchange Ltd.
14.Shri Anand Rathi, President of the Stock Exchange, Mumbai
15.Ms D.N. Raval, Executive Director, SEBI
16.Shri Rajesh Shah, Former President of Confederation of Indian Industries.
17.Shri L K Singhvi, Sr. Executive Director, SEBI
18.Shri S. S. Sodhi, Executive Director, Delhi Stock Exchange

Suggested List Of Items To Be Included In

The Report On Corporate Governance In
The Annual Report Of Companies
1. A brief statement on companys philosophy
on code of governance.
2. Board of Directors.
3. Audit Committee.
4. Remuneration Committee report.
5. Shareholders Committee
6. General Body meetings.
7. Disclosures.
8. Means of communication..
9. General Shareholder information

Clause 49:
As per the committee, the recommendations should be
made applicable to the listed companies, their directors,
management, employees and professionals associated
with such companies, in accordance with the time table
proposed in the schedule given later in this section.
The recommendations will apply to all the listed private
and public sector companies, in accordance with the
schedule of implementation.
The Committee recognizes that compliance with the
recommendations would involve restructuring the
existing boards of companies. It also recognizes that
some companies, especially the smaller ones, may have
difficulty in immediately complying with these
The recommendations were implemented through
Clause 49 of the Listing Agreements, in a phased
manner by SEBI.

Clause 49 of the Listing Agreement

to the Indian stock exchange.
Clause 49 of the Listing Agreement to the Indian stock
exchange comes into effect from 31 December 2005. It has
been formulated for the improvement of corporate governance
in all listed companies.
In corporate hierarchy two types of managements are
envisaged: i) companies managed by Board of Directors; and
ii) those by a Managing Director, whole-time director or
manager subject to the control and guidance of the Board of
Directors. As per Clause 49, for a company with an Executive
Chairman, at least 50 per cent of the board should comprise
independent directors. In the case of a company with a nonexecutive Chairman, at least one-third of the board should be
independent directors.
It would be necessary for chief executives and chief financial
officers to establish and maintain internal controls and
implement remediation and risk mitigation towards
deficiencies in internal controls, among others.

Clause VI (ii) of Clause 49 requires all companies to

submit a quarterly compliance report to stock exchange
in the prescribed form. The clause also requires that there
be a separate section on corporate governance in the
annual report with a detailed compliance report.
A company is also required to obtain a certificate either
from auditors or practising company secretaries regarding
compliance of conditions as stipulated, and annex the
same to the director's report. The clause mandates
composition of an audit committee; one of the directors is
required to be "financially literate". It is mandatory for all
listed companies to comply with the clause by 31
December 2005.
The term Clause 49 refers to clause number 49 of the
Listing Agreement between a company and the stock
exchanges on which it is listed (the Listing Agreement is
identical for all Indian stock exchanges, including the NSE
and BSE). This clause is a recent addition to the Listing
Agreement and was inserted as late as 2000 consequent
to the recommendations of the Kumarmangalam Birla
Committee on Corporate Governance constituted by the
Securities Exchange Board of India (SEBI) in 1999.

There are several corporate governance structures available
in the developed world but there is no one structure, which
can be singled out as being better than the others. There is
no "one size fits all" structure for corporate governance. The
Committees recommendations are not therefore based on
any one model but are designed for the Indian environment.
Corporate governance extends beyond corporate law.
The Committee believes that its recommendations will go a
long way in raising the standards of corporate governance in
Indian firms and make them attractive destinations for local
and global capital. These recommendations will also form
the base for further evolution of the structure of corporate
governance in consonance with the rapidly changing
economic and industrial environment of the country in the
new millenium.


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