Repetition: one complete movement of an
exercise (con/ecc)
Set: group of repetitions
Repetition Maximum (RM): maximum
number of repetitions that can be
performed at a resistance with proper
technique; 1 RM
Power: rate of performing work, weight
lifted times the vertical distance it is lifted
Progressive Overload
increase the amount of weight lifted
use of RM
increase the training volume
(number of sets or repetitions)
easy to overtrain
especially with increases in training
Rest Periods
If goal is to improve performance
and power for short, intense
activities, rest period should be short
(< 1 min.)
One day of recovery is usually
recommended for a specific body
joint angle specific
must avoid Valsalva maneuver
Dynamic Constant External
Resistance (DCER)
Muscular contraction in which the
muscle exerts a constant tension
Not the type of contraction with freeweights (contrary to popular
Free-weight, the force varies
throughout the ROM
Recommendation of sets for health is
Variable Resistance
Equipment operates through a lever
arm or cam, attempt to match
resistance with changes in strength
throughout a ROM
No perfect machine out there yet,
cannot match ROM demands with
individual differences
Muscular action performed at a constant
angular velocity
Resistance is not controlled, only the
Theoretically, it is possible for the muscles
to exert a continual, maximal force
through the full ROM
Optimal number of sets is not clear
Training velocity should be between 180240/sec
Can do eccentric training on
machines by lifting a weight greater
than 1RM with both legs or arms and
then lowering it with one
Can do eccentric training on
isokinetic devices
Eccentric training can lead to
significant strength gains
not clear what appropriate volume
should be for strength gains and
Plyometrics or Stretch-Shortening
cycle exercises
20-30% of the difference between a
countermovement and a
noncountermovement may be explained
by the elastic energy
Elastic energy can be stored in tendons
and other connective tissue
Things to consider:
number of jumps
height of drop
weighted exercises
concurrent strength training
injury potential
Development of Muscular
50-70% 1 RM
2-3 exercise/group
1-3 sets
No more than 15 reps (adv. 25+)
30 sec 1 min rest btwn sets
2-6X week
Development of Muscular
80-90% 1RM
3-4 exercise/group
1-4 sets
6-12 reps
1 min rest btwn sets
variation in the volume and intensity
needed for optimal gains in strength
and power
Preparatory: high volume, low resistance
exercise (50-80% 1RM)
First Transition: increase strength,
moderate volume and intensity
Competition: Peak, selective strength
training, low volume, high intensity, with
intervals and sport-specific exercises
Second Transition or active recovery:
recreational activities and low intensity
resistance training , different exercise
Pollock et al. (1994): 1 set, 10-15
RM, 8-10 exercises, 2 d/wk minimum
Fleck & Kraemer (1997): 4-6 large
muscle groups, 3-5 supplemental
small muscle groups, 80% of 1RM for
8 repetitions (most common), 3 sets,
2-3 minutes rest between sets, 3