Muffel Furnance
Muffel Furnance
Muffel Furnance
3. Furnace chamber: constructed of
insulating materials
4. Hearth: support or carry the steel.
Consists of refractory materials
5. Charging & discharging doors for
loading & unloading stock
Digital muffle fernis
Electric M.F.
Barrier Material
Silica Brick
>93% SiO2 made from quality rocks
Iron & steel, glass industry
Advantages: no softening until
fusion point is reached; high
refractoriness; high resistance to
spalling, flux and slag, volume
Low of expension
Operating cycle
Heat-up time
Soaking time Steady temp Graph
Forging time
Fueluse: depends on material and
number of reheats
Specific fuel consumption depends
upon the type of material and
number of ‘reheats’ required
Type of Furnaces
1.Forging Furnace