This document describes a case report of a 49-year-old female patient who presented with ear pain and yellowish discharge from her right ear that had been ongoing for one week. On examination, a foreign object (cotton bud head) was found obstructing the external auditory canal of the right ear, and the tympanic membrane on that side had a central perforation. The patient reported a history of ear discharge since age 13. The primary diagnosis was an active case of right-sided chronic suppurative otitis media.
This document describes a case report of a 49-year-old female patient who presented with ear pain and yellowish discharge from her right ear that had been ongoing for one week. On examination, a foreign object (cotton bud head) was found obstructing the external auditory canal of the right ear, and the tympanic membrane on that side had a central perforation. The patient reported a history of ear discharge since age 13. The primary diagnosis was an active case of right-sided chronic suppurative otitis media.
This document describes a case report of a 49-year-old female patient who presented with ear pain and yellowish discharge from her right ear that had been ongoing for one week. On examination, a foreign object (cotton bud head) was found obstructing the external auditory canal of the right ear, and the tympanic membrane on that side had a central perforation. The patient reported a history of ear discharge since age 13. The primary diagnosis was an active case of right-sided chronic suppurative otitis media.
This document describes a case report of a 49-year-old female patient who presented with ear pain and yellowish discharge from her right ear that had been ongoing for one week. On examination, a foreign object (cotton bud head) was found obstructing the external auditory canal of the right ear, and the tympanic membrane on that side had a central perforation. The patient reported a history of ear discharge since age 13. The primary diagnosis was an active case of right-sided chronic suppurative otitis media.
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auricle (it is cartilage)
auditory canal (also called the ear canal) eardrum outer layer (tympanic membrane) Anatomy of the outer ear Sound funnels through the pinna into the external auditory canal, that ends at the eardrum. Function OBJECTS IN AUDITORY CANAL
In small children
green beans, toys, rubber eraser, and sometimes the battery. In adults
cotton bud head, broken pencils, small insects such as ants Remove the objects should be careful. If uncooperative patients, could be at risk of trauma to the tympanic membrane or middle ear structures. CASE REPORT Identity of patient Name : Mrs. N No. MR : Age : 49 years old Sex : Female Address: Limau manih HISTORY Main complaints: Ear pain and discharge from the right ear continuously since 1 week ago. NOW HISTORY OF DISEASE : Ear pain and discharge from the right ear continuously since 1 week ago, smelling and colored yellowish. Pain of Right ear has increased since the day before to the hospital. discharge from the right ear and left ear since the age of 13 years, appear suddenly and disappear suddenly but never get treatment, which often fester on the right.
A week prior to hospital patients back to the right ear pus, and the patient picking his ear with a cotton bud, cotton bud and are living in it. Then the patient tried to remove it with a new cotton bud, but the new cotton bud and even then stay in the right ear. History of Ferret ear (+) History of The ears take in water (+) swimming (+) Pain (-), fever (-)
Spinning dizziness (-), headache (-), loss of consciousness (-) Hearing loss since the age of 13 years History of Hypertension (-) DM (-) Cough and cold (-) Family history of disease: No family suffer like this Past history of disease History of discharge from the left and right ear at the age of 13 years PHYSICAL EXAMINATION Status of generalist General Situation : medium Awareness : komposmentis cooperative Blood pressure : 130/80 Nadi : 80 x per minute Breath : 20 x per minute Temperature : 36.8 C Head : normocephal Eyes : conjunctiva was not anemic, not jaundiced sclera .
STATUS OF LOCALIST Inspection Disorders Dekstra Sinistra Pinna Congenital - - Trauma - - Inflammatiom - - Metabolic abnormalities
- - Tenderness - - Pain of press - - EAR Wall of the ear canal Quite Field (N) + + Narrow - - Hyperemia - - Edema - - Mass - + (foreign objects) Discharge smell - - color - yellowish Quantity Almost meets the ear canal type - Mukopurulen TYMPANIC MEMBRANE Whole color - light reflex Normal reduced Bulging - - Retraction - - Atrophy - - Perforation Number of perforations - 1 Type - Central Quadrant - Posterosuperior Edge - Mastoid Sign of inflammation - - Fistula - - Sikatrik - - Tenderness - - Nyeri ketok - - Tuning fork tests 512 Hz Rinne + - Swabach Normal Weber Lateralized to the right Conclusion Conductive deafness of AS Nose Inspection Abnormalities Dekstra Sinistra External nose Deformity - - Congenital abnormalities - - Trauma - - Inflammation - - Mass - - Inspection Dekstra Sinistra Tenderness - - Pain of word - - Paranasal Sinus Rinoskopi Anterior
Vestibulum Vibrise + + Inflammation - - Kavum nasi Normal + + Narrow - - Field - - Sekret Location - - Type - - Quantity - - Smell - - Konka inferior Size Eutrofi Eutrofi color pink pink Surface Licin Licin Edema - - Konka media Size Eutrofi Eutrofi color pink pink Surface Licin Licin Edema - - Septum Normal / deviasi Normal Normal Surface Licin Licin color pink pink Spina - - Krista - - Abses - - Peforasi - - Mass Location - - Shape - - Size - - Surface - - color - - Consistency - - Easily moved - - Effect of vasoconstricto r - - Rinoskopi Posterior
Inspection Abnormalities Dekstra Sinistra Koana Normal Normal Normal Narrow - - Field - - Mucosa color pink pink Edema - - Jaringan granulasi - - Konka superior Size Eutrofi Eutrofi color pink pink Surface Licin Licin Edema - - Adenoid There or not - - Estuary of eustachian tube closed by discharge - - Mass Location - - Size - - Shape - - Surface - - Post nasal drip There or not - - Type - - Orofaring dan Mouth Inspection Abnormalities Dekstra Sinistra Trismus - Uvula Edema - - Bifida - - Palatum mole arkus faring Symmetric/ no Symmetric Symmetric color pink pink Edema - - Bercak/ eksudat - - wall of the pharynx color pink pink Surface Licin Licin Tonsil Size T1 T1 color pink pink Surface Licin Licin Muara/kripti - - Detritus - - Eksudat - - Adhesions to the pillars - - Peritonsil color pink pink Edema - - Abses - - Tumor Location - - Shape - - Size - - Surface - - Consistency - - Gigi Karies/ radiks - - Kesan Gigi geligi baik Tongue color pink pink Shape Normal Normal Deviasi - - Mass - - Laringoskopi indirek Inspection Abnormalities Dekstra Sinistra Epiglotis Shape Normal Normal color pink pink Edema - - Edge Flat Flat Mass - - Aritenoid color pink pink Edema - - Mass - - Movement Symmetric Symmetric Ventrikular band color Pink Pink Edema - - Mass - - Plika vokalis color White White Movement Symmetric Symmetric Side of medial Flat Flat Mass - - Subglotis/ trakea Mass - - Sekret - - Sinus piriformis Mass - - Sekret - - Valekulae Mass - - Sekret (Typenya) - - Inspection of the Lymph Nodes of Neck
On inspection no visible enlargement of the lymph nodes of neck. On palpation no palpable enlarged lymph nodes of the neck.
Primary Diagnosis: Omsk of AS safe type, active phase
Prompts examination: X-ray of the mastoid Therapy: 2x cefotaxime 1 g
- Quo ad Vitam: dubia at bonam - Quo ad Sanam: dubia at bonam - Qua ad Fungsionam: dubia at bonam