Using Wikis and Blogs in Education.
Using Wikis and Blogs in Education.
Using Wikis and Blogs in Education.
Jason de Nys
April, 2008
Part One:
Some History…
“Students today can’t prepare Bark to
calculate their problems. They
depend on their slates, which are
more expensive. What will they do
when the slate is dropped and it
breaks? They will not be able to
- Teachers Conference, 1703
“Students today depend
upon paper too much.
They don’t know how to
write on slate without
getting chalk dust all
over themselves. They
can’t clean a slate
properly. What will they
do when they run out of
the paper?”
- Principal’s Association, 1815
Students today depend too much upon
ink. They don’t know how to use a
pen knife to sharpen a pencil. Pen
and ink will never replace the pencil.”
What about this next one?
The Internet is not a great tool for teaching.
the Internet pales in comparison to the hype
surrounding it. People think that children
can think of any topic and pull up a wealth
of information on it, but that is not the case.
The information in a library is what people
seem to expect, but nobody has the time to
transcribe entire libraries onto computers.
There is nothing on the Internet that is
incredibly beneficial to education, yet we
continue to waste money on it.”
- The Monterey County Herald, 1999
To be fair, do you know when Google was
September 1998
What’s a wiki?
• PBwiki
– Page level access
– Little space
• Wikispaces
– Fewer security options
– More space, cleaner interface
– Integrated with other work on OLP
– Not very intuitive
Some ideas for using them in the classroom
Class information wiki: Let parents and students know
what your class is up to, put in a calendar. Upload
newsletters and circulars in case they get 'lost' in
someone's bag.
Whole class projects: Students make X-number of pages
relating to a research topic and link to their classmates'
Group projects: 3, 4, 5 + students can collaborate on
reports, presentations etc without that classic excuse
"James is away sick and he has all of the work!“
Organising a Fete, Or any other major event: All
members of the committee can work on the planning.
Curriculum planning: Link to resources, upload
worksheets and lesson plans.
Some ideas for using them in the classroom
Comparative merits?
Much of a muchness, try them out.
Some ideas for using blogs in the classroom
Blog/vlog commenting and reflecting – Constructive criticism and
reflective practice are often facilitated by the use of blogs and video
blogs. Students commenting and replying to postings have to evaluate
the material in context and reply.
Posting – posting comments to blogs, discussion boards, threaded
discussions. These are increasingly common elements of students' daily
practice. Good postings like good comments, are not simple one-line
answers but rather are structured and constructed to evaluate the topic or
Moderating – This is high level evaluation; the moderator must be able to
evaluate a posting or comment from a variety of perspectives, assessing
its worth, value and appropriateness.
Evaluating (cont)
Collaborating and networking – Collaboration is an increasing
feature of education. In a world increasingly focused on
communication, collaboration leading to collective intelligence is a
key aspect. Effective collaboration involves evaluating the strengths
and abilities of the participants and evaluating the contribution they
make. Networking is a feature of collaboration, contacting and
communicating with relevant person via a network of associates.
Publishing – whether via the web or from home computers, publishing
in text, media or digital formats is increasing. Again this requires a
huge overview of not only the content being published, but the
process and product. Related to this concept are also Video
blogging – the production of video blogs, blogging and also
wiki-ing - creating, adding to and modify content in wikis. Creating
or building Mash ups would also fit here.
Part 4:
Reasons for shying away from
using computers with our classes
Sign up
• Using Blogs to Promote Authentic Learning in the Classroom
• Blog ideas for the classroom
• Rationale for educational blogging
• Wiki ideas for the classroom
• Wikis Make Learning Wicked Fun
• Bloom's Taxonomy Blooms Digitally
• Bloom’s taxonomy rubrics
The quotes on the first few slides can be retrieved from numerous online sources.
I have verified them as best I can