Abnormal Carbohydrate Metabolism
Abnormal Carbohydrate Metabolism
Abnormal Carbohydrate Metabolism
Chemistry of CHO
Monosaccharides : It is an aldehyde or keto compounds- 1
(with multilpe OH groups (hydrated carbon ,Cn(H2O
Hexoses are alcohol reducing sugars
Ex: Glucose, Fructose ,Galactose
:Disaccharides- 2
Ex: lactose (glactose +glucose( ,Reducing sugar
Maltose(glucose +glucose( ,Reducing sugar
Sucrose(fructose +glucose( ,Non – Reducing
. sugar,No free carbonyl group
There are two abnormalities
Hyperglycemia- 1
Hypoglycemia- 2
.Hyperglycemia :Sustained elevation of the blood glucose level
Appear at majority- 2
(In type I)DKA diabeyic Ketoacidosis
Insulin therapy is essential- 1
The onset is most commonly during childhood-2
Ketoacidosis- 3
Inherited disorder- 4
(In Type II)NKHS Non ketotic hyperosmolar state
Insulin therapy is not essential , some times may be- 1
Onset during adult most patients acquired the disease- 2
after the age 40 but it may occur in younger people
There is not develop ketoacidosis- 3
Obesity is commonly associated &weight loss improve- 4
the hyperglycemia
:In type II ,patients required
Dietary manipulation- 1
Oral hypoglycemic agents or insulin to control- 2
:Other specific types of diabetes
Gestational DM- 1
Impared Glucose Tolerance-2
Impared Fasting Glucose-3
:Gestational DM
Insulin resistance related to the metabolic changes
.of late pregnancy
Excessive secretion of hormones that antagonize
.The action of the insulin
Diabetic women who become pregnant are not
.include in this category
:Impaired Glucose Tolerance Test
(Oral GTT between normal and DM(
IGT is diagnosed in people who have FBS
concentration less than those required for a
diagnosis of DM.Patiens have an increased
prevalence of atherosclerosis and mortality
.from cardiovascular disease
Microvascular disease is quite rare in this group
and patients usually do not experience the renal
or retinal complications of diabetes
:Impaired Glucose Tolerance
The WHO definition of impaired glucose
:tolerance includes
Patients with a Fasting plasma venous glucose- 1
(Between (5.5 -&7.8 mmmol/l , 100- 180 mg/dl
Plasma glucose concentration between- 2
mmol/l , 140 -200 mg/dl( at two 7.8-11.1 (
(hours after taking standard glucose load (GTT
:Impaired Fasting Glucose
This new category is analog to IGT ,but is diagnosed
by a fasting glucose value between that of normal
and diabetic individuals .IGT,&IFG are risk
factors for developing diabetes & cardiovascular
:Diagnosis of Diabetes
Measuring serum insulin- 1
Random blood glucose level ≥ 200 mg/dl accompanied- 2
by a classic symptoms ( polyurea ,polydipsia ,weight
OGTT still a valid mechanism for diagnosis DM-3
HbA1Cuse as a diagnostic test for diagnosis DM- 4
Measuring blood glucose level which is
considered the best index because
It gives the net result of the change in the
hormonal activity.High insulin activity does not mean that there is
No Diabetes due to the high glucagon that has insulin opposite
In the Diagnosis of the diabetes by measuring blood
glucose level either using
Fasting blood glucose level (FBG( : No food- 1
.intake for at least 6 hours or more
Random blood glucose(RBG( : Any time after- 2
.the meal
Post prandial blood glucose level : Two hours- 3
.after a normal meal
FBG: > 120 mg /dl
RBG : >160 mg/dl
Renal Threshold : The concentration of the blood
glucose above which it appears in the
Hyperglycemia- 1
Ketosis- 2
(Metabolic acidosis ( increase anion gap- 3
S.HCO3 < 10 mmol /l- 4
Arterial PH (6.8 – 7.3 ( depend on the severity of the- 5
Total body stores of Na ,Cl ,PO4 ,Mg are also reduced - 6
( (because of osmotic diuresis effect of glucose
Increase S.urea & S.creatinine due to osmotic diuresis- 7
& ,effect of glucose ,cause volume depletion
Hyper Triglyceridemia- 8
Hyperlipoproteinemia- 9
Hyperamylasemia may suggest diagnosis of- 10
pancreatitis ,especially when accompanied by
.abdominal pain
However in DKA the amylase is usually of salivary
origin & thus is not diagnostic of pancreatitis
Non – Ketotic Hyper Osmolar State Type II- 2
It is most commonly seen in elderly patients
Polyurea ,weigh loss ,orthostatic hypotension
( ,Cause by standing(
Neurological symptoms (lethargy ,altered mental
(status seizure & possible coma
(Polyuria (dehydration- 1
Hyperosmolality- 2
(Volume depletion ( Osmotic diuresis- 3
Hypotension- 4
Tachycardia- 5
Myocardial Infarction- 6
Stroke- 7
Pathophysiology of NKHS
Insulin deficiency lead to increase
Hepatic gluconeogenesis
Hepatic Glycogenolysis
Lead to increase glucose production- 1
,Decreased the glucose utilization- 2
decrease glucose uptake due to insulin (
Osmotic Diuresis- 2
Volume depletion-3
Relative deficiency of insulin & lower level of
counterregulatory hormones lead to increase
Insulin /Glucagon ratio this ratio is not enough to
favor ketogenesis
Laboratory Abnormalities of NKHS Type II DM