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What is negotiation?
Ø Negotiation.
The process of making joint decisions when the parties
involved have different preferences.
Workplace disagreements arise over a variety of

What is Negotiation?

 Negotiation occurs when conflict exists between

groups and both parties are prepared to seek a
resolution through bargaining

 Negotiation is process of bargaining which two

parties, each of whom have something that the
other wants, try to reach an agreement, on
mutually accepted terms.
It is the process of finding an agreement that is
satisfactory to all of the groups/individuals involved.
It is used to ensure a “win-win” situation.
Negotiation is best when it includes the members in
conflict and peers who are stakeholders in the
Or, a third party may be called when ongoing conflict
resolution/negotiation does not work among the
team members .

Everyone Negotiates
Buying a car, house or other object for which the
price may not be fixed
Establishing a salary, workplace tasks, office
conditions, etc.
Organizing team tasks or priorities
Allocating household tasks
Deciding how to spend a free evening
Conflict Resolution Options
Capitulation (surrender )
Problem solving (e.g. negotiation, mediation,
Escalation (develop)
Conflict & Negotiation
Conflict can be solved through negotiation when:
There are two are more parties
There is a conflict of interest between the parties
The parties are willing to negotiate to seek a better
Both parties believe that entering negotiations as a
better solution than breaking contact
Types of Negotiations
Day-to-Day Managerial
Job Roles


Compliance with Governmental Regulations
Characteristics of a Successful
It should:
Be timely and effective with the parties
Produce an agreement that results in a resolution
of the conflict and a revitalized team process
Improve the relationships between the individuals,
strengthening the team

Negotiation Skills
In “Principled” Negotiation, a negotiator should:

Help the parties develop objective criteria for solutions
Separate the members from the issue – be tough on
the issue not the members.
Focus on the issue not the different viewpoints.
Develop different solutions that are satisfactory to all.
Think about the consequences of the decision among
team members and outside the team.
Do not just try to win. Work on finding an acceptable
resolution for all involved.

Negotiation - Challenges
Challenges that may impact the negotiation
may include
• A re-statement of confrontational positions
• Personal agendas that are not acknowledged
• Psychological and emotional makeup of team
members, including their past conflict
management styles
• Communication breakdown due to language
barriers or misunderstanding or…

When Negotiation Fails
• A negotiation process may not lead to consensus
within the time allowed
• Resolution of the problem is still required, so the team
moves to another form of intervention (i.e.,
arbitration or external ruling)
• Remember: it’s okay to request instructor intervention
if team facilitated interventions are not successful

Bargaining Strategies
Ø Distributive negotiation.
The key questions is: “Who is going to get this
“Hard” distributive negotiation.
Each party holds out to get its own way.
“Soft” distributive negotiation.
One party is willing to make concessions to the other
party to get things over.

Ø Distributive negotiation — cont.
Bargaining zone.
The range between one party’s minimum reservation
point and the other party’s maximum reservation
A positive bargaining zone exists when the two parties’
points overlap.
A positive bargaining zone provides room for

Ø Integrative negotiation.
The key questions is: “How can the resource
best be utilized?”
Is less confrontational than distributive
negotiation, and permits a broader range of
alternative solutions to be considered.
Opportunity for a true win-win solution.

Ø Integrative negotiation — cont.
Range of feasible negotiation tactics.
 Selective avoidance.
 Compromise.
 True collaboration.

Distributive versus Integrative
Staking Out the Bargaining Zone
Bargaining Zone Model
Your Positions
Initial Target Resistance

Area of

Resistance Target Initial

Opponent’s Positions
Negotiation strategies
Initial strategies
Plan the whole discussion according to the
psychological needs
Get the information about the views and objectives
of other parties
Seta a tone for the whole discussion
Think how the other person will see your proposal
Alter your position within your planned limits
Avoid compulsive talking. Allow the other person to
 During the discussion
 Do not state the whole case in the beginning
 Be a silent listener
 Notice the tone + words
 Do not interrupt
 Put searching questions verify the correctness of factual
information offered
 Do not directly challenge them
 Avoid confrontation tone (no personal terminology or criticism)
 Use adjournments (breaks )
 Use concession and compromise
 Use conditional compromise
 Do not allow the discussion to go on too long without bringing in
concession / compromise necessary for reaching for
After reaching and agreement
Final should be taken as final no further
Be tactful and persuasive
Emphasize the other party's benefits
Approach the other party’s cooperation and
brilliant suggestions
Written form

Ø Effective negotiation.
Occurs when substance issues are resolved and
working relationships are maintained or
Criteria for an effective negotiation.

Ø Ethical aspects of negotiation.
To maintain good working relationships,
negotiating parties should strive for high ethical
The negotiating parties should avoid being side
tracked by self-interests, thereby being tempted
to pursue unethical actions.

Ø Organizational settings for negotiation.
Two-party negotiation.
Group negotiation.
Intergroup negotiation.
Constituency negotiation.

Ø Culture and negotiation.
Differences in negotiation approaches and
practices are influenced by cultural differences
Time orientation.
Power distance.

Third-Party Negotiations
Third-Party Negotiations (cont’d)
Types of Third-Party Intervention
 Mediation – A neutral third party who facilities a
negotiated solution by using reasoning,
persuasion, and suggestions for alternatives
 In labor disputes, international relations, and marital
 What Do Mediators do?
 Almost anything that aids the process or atmosphere of
negotiation can be helpful
 The mediator might also intervene in the content of the
negotiation, highlighting points of agreement, pointing
new options, or encouraging concessions

Types of Third-Party Intervention
 Mediation (cont.)
Best for everyday disputes between two
employees as gives employee more
responsibility for resolving their own disputes
Most effective under moderate level of conflict
The mediator must be perceived as neutral and

Types of Third-Party Intervention
Arbitration – The process of arbitration occurs
when a third party is given the authority to
dictate the terms of settlement of a conflict
When employee cannot resolve their differences
Seems to work best because the predetermined
rules of evidence and other process create a
higher sense of procedural fairness
What are the different strategies involved
in negotiation?
Ø Gaining truly integrative agreements rests on:
Supportive attitudes.
Constructive behaviors.
Good information.

What are the different strategies involved
in negotiation?
Ø Supportive attitudes.
Integrative agreements require that each party
Approach the negotiation with a willingness to trust the
other party.
Convey a willingness to share information with the
other party.
Show a willingness to ask concrete questions of the
other party.

What are the different strategies involved
in negotiation?
Ø Constructive behaviors.
Reaching integrative agreements depends on the
negotiator’s ability to:
Separate the people from the problem.
Focus on interests rather than positions.
Avoid making premature judgments.
Keep alternative creation separate from evaluation.
Judge possible agreements on an objective set of
criteria or standards.

What are the different strategies involved
in negotiation?
Ø Good information.
Each negotiation party must know what he/she
will do if an agreement can’t be reached.
Each party must understand the relative
importance of the other party’s interests.

When quick, decisive action is vital (in
emergencies); on important issues.
Where unpopular actions need implementing (in
cost cutting, enforcing unpopular rules,
On issues vital to the organization’s welfare.
When you know you’re right.
Against people who take advantage of
noncompetitive behavior.
USE …..Collaboration
To find an integrative solution when both sets of
concerns are too important to be compromised.
When your objective is to learn.
To merge insights from people with different
To gain commitment by incorporating concerns into
a consensus.
To work through feelings that have interfered with a
 When an issue is trivial, or more important issues are
 When you perceive no chance of satisfying your
 When potential disruption outweighs the benefits of
 To let people cool down and regain perspective.
 When gathering information supersedes immediate
 When others can resolve the conflict effectively.
 When issues seem tangential or symptomatic of other
 When you find you’re wrong and to allow a better
position to be heard.
 To learn, and to show your reasonableness.
 When issues are more important to others than to
yourself and to satisfy others and maintain
 To build social credits for later issues.
 To minimize loss when outmatched and losing.
 When harmony and stability are especially important.
 To allow employees to develop by learning from
When goals are important but not worth the effort
of potential disruption of more assertive
When opponents with equal power are committed
to mutually exclusive goals.
To achieve temporary settlements to complex
To arrive at expedient solutions under time
As a backup when collaboration or competition is

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