Fowler Unified Modeling Language
Fowler Unified Modeling Language
Fowler Unified Modeling Language
1. Introduction
2. Use case diagram
3. Activity diagram
4. Class diagram
5. State machine diagram
6. Other diagrams of interest
7. UML in the software process
(Source: Fowler, M. UML Distilled, 3
edition. Addison-Wesley, 2004)
1. Introduction:
Origins of UML
Origins of UML
In the 1980s, object-oriented programming moved from research labs into
the real world
Smalltalk and C++ became popular languages and various people started
thinking about object-oriented graphical design languages
Between 1988 and 1992, the key authors were Booch, Coad, Jacobson,
Odell, Rumbaugh, Shlaer, Mellor, and Wirfs-Brock
Each author was informally leading a group of practitioners who liked those
The same basic OO concepts would reappear in very different notations,
causing confusion with clients
When Jim Rumbaugh left GE to join Grady Booch at Rational, an alliance
was formed and a critical mass of market share occurred
In 1997, Rational released UML 1.0
Origins of UML (continued)
Consists of a family of graphical notations that help in describing and
designing software systems
Focuses particularly on software systems built using the object-
oriented style
Controlled by the Object Management Group, which is an open
consortium of companies
Comes from the unification of many OO graphical modeling languages
that thrived in the 1980s and early 1990s
1. Introduction:
Ways of using UML
As a Sketch
Most common use of UML
Used to help communicate some aspect of a system and to better
understand it
Used for both forward engineering (i.e., build diagrams before coding)
and reverse engineering (i.e., build diagrams from existing code)
Strives to be informal and dynamic
Only emphasizes those classes, attributes, operations, and relationships
that are of interest
More concerned with selective communication than complete
As a Blueprint
Goal is completeness
Is more definitive, while the sketch approach is more explorative
Used to describe a detailed design for a programmer to follow in
writing source code
Notation should be sufficiently complete so that a programmer can
follow it in a straightforward manner
Can be used by a designer to develop blueprint-level models that show
interfaces of subsystems or classes
Developers then work out the implementation details
As a reversed engineered product, diagrams convey detailed
information about the source code that is easier for developers to
As a Programming Language
Specifies the complete system in UML so that code can be
automatically generated
Looks at UML from a software perspective rather than a conceptual
perspective which concentrates on the domain of study
Diagrams are compiled directly into executable code so that the UML
becomes the source code
Challenge is making it more productive to use UML rather than some
another programming language
Another concern is how to model behavioral logic
Done with interaction diagrams, state diagrams, and activity diagrams
Comparing and Contrasting
Ways of Using UML
UML sketches are useful with both forward and reverse engineering
and in both conceptual and software perspectives
Detailed forward engineering blueprints are difficult to do well and
slow down the development effort
Actual implementation of interfaces will reveal the needs for changes
The value of reversed engineered blueprints depends on the CASE tool
A dynamic browser would be very helpful; a thick document wastes time
and resources
UML as a programming language will probably never see significant
Graphical forms have not shown to be more productive in writing code
than textual code for most programming tasks
1. Introduction:
UML Diagrams
Types of UML Diagrams
Diagram Name Purpose
Activity Models procedural and parallel behavior
Class (*) Models classes, attributes, operations and relationships
Communication Models interaction between objects
Component Models structure and connection of components
Composite Structure Models runtime decomposition of a class
Deployment Models deployment of artifacts to nodes
Interaction overview Mixes the sequence and activity diagram
(more on next slide)
Types of UML Diagrams
Diagram Name Purpose
Object Models example configurations of instances
Package Models compile-time hierarchical structure
Sequence Models sequence interaction between objects
State Machine (*) Models how events change an object over its life
Timing Models timing interaction between objects
Use Case (*) Models how users interact with a system
(*) Denotes diagrams that we will use in this course
Classification of Diagram Types
Structure Diagram
Use Case
State Machine
2. Use Case Diagram
Use Case Diagram
Use cases serve as a technique for capturing the functional
requirements of a system
Describes the typical interactions between the users of a system and
the system itself, providing a narrative of how a system is used
A use case consists of a set of one or more scenarios tied together by a
common user goal
A scenario is a sequence of steps describing an interaction between a
user and a system; some scenarios describe successful interaction;
others describe failure or errors
Users are referred to as actors; an actor is a role that carries out a use
An actor need not always be a person; it can also be an external system
that is either automated or manual
Use Case Diagram (continued)
A use case diagram is like a graphical table of contents of the use cases
for a system
It shows the use cases, the actors, and the relationships between them
Use cases represent an external view of the system; consequently, they
have no correlation to the classes in the system
They can serve as a starting point for writing software validation test cases
Example Use Case Diagram
Make automated menu
Order food and drink
Pay for food and drink
Notify customer that
food and drink are ready
Expert Menu
3. Activity Diagram
Activity Diagram
Serves as a technique to describe procedural logic, business process
logic, and work flow
Is similar to a flowchart except that it can also show parallel behavior
States the essential sequencing rules to follow, thereby allowing
concurrent algorithms to be used
Consequently, an activity diagram allows whoever is doing the process to
choose the order in which to do certain things
Can be used to describe the actions in a use case
Example Activity Diagram
Set counter = positive n
Set accumulator = initial value
n > 1
Set accumulator = accumulator * n
Set n = n - 1
(n mod 5) == 0
Display accumulator value
Return accumulator value
4. Class Diagram
Class Diagram
Describes the types of objects in the system and the various kinds of
static relationships that exist among them
Also shows the properties and operations of a class and the constraints
that apply to the way objects are connected
A class box has three parts:
Name of the class
Attributes of the class
Operations of the class
Properties represent structural features of a class and consist of
attributes and associations
+ criticalMsg: String [1] = "Error message" {readonly}
Visibility marker: public (+) or private (-)
Name: name of the attribute in the programming language
Type: Type of the attribute in the programming language
Multiplicity: how many objects fill the property
Default: Default value of the attribute at instantiation
{property-string}: additional properties of the attribute
Describes a property as a line of text within the class box
Used for representing value types
visibility name: type multiplicity = default {property-string}
Represented by a solid line between two classes directed from the
source class to the target class
Used for representing (i.e., pointing to) object types
The name of the association goes at the target end of the association
The target end of the association links to the class that is the type of the
Multiplicities can be shown at both ends but are usually at the target
Arrows may be bidirectional
Source Target
Aggregation and Composition
Aggregation and composition are sometimes viewed as special types of
associations and have their own UML symbol of a diamond at the
source end of a line
Aggregation is a part-of relationship
Composition is more restrictive than aggregation
The diamond is filled in (i.e. shaded)
The part pointed to does not continue to exist without the whole
Source Target
Example: + computeTotal (account: Account) : float
Visibility marker: public (+) or private (-)
Name: name of the operation in the programming language
Parameter-list: list of parameters passed to the operation
Syntax: direction name : type = default-value
Direction is (in), (out), or (inout); default is (in)
Return-type: Type of the return value if there is one
{property-string}: additional properties of the operation
Portrays actions that a class knows to carry out
Corresponds to the methods of a class
Operations may be queries or modifiers; modifiers change the state of
any object
Set and get operations are implied and therefore not shown
visibility name (parameter-list) : return-type {property-string}
Portrays inheritance between a super class and a subclass
Is represented by a line with a triangle at the target end as shown below
Super class
Subclass Subclass
A dependency exists between two elements if changes to the definition
of one element (i.e., the source or supplier) may cause changes to the
other element (i.e., the client)
One class sends a message to another class
One class mentions another as a parameter to an operation
Once a dependency is created, if a class changes its interface, any
message sent to that class may no longer be valid
A general rule is to minimize dependencies and be wary of cycles
Example Class Diagram
Error Log Input Handler
Local File
Remote File
Account List
When to Use Class Diagrams
Class diagrams are the backbone of UML and are the most used
Normally use only a subset of the notations available: class box,
attributes, operations, association, aggregation, and generalization
Class diagrams only model software structure; consequently, it is easy
to get too focused on class diagrams and ignore behavior
Use a state diagram to model the behavior of a class
Use a sequence diagram to model interactions (i.e., behavior) among
objects of various classes
5. State Machine Diagram
State Machine Diagram
Commonly called a state diagram
A state diagram describes the behavior of a system
In object-oriented technology, a state diagram shows the lifetime behavior
of a single object
A state diagram captures the behavior of a state across several use cases
A state diagram consists of states and transitions
Note that a state diagram is NOT a set of processes connected by lines
representing data input and output
A state is characterized by the current values of an object's attributes and
its name reflects some ongoing activity or state
A transition indicates a movement from one state to another because an
event has occurred; this transition changes one or more attribute values of
the class
Trigger-signature: a single event that triggers a potential change of state
Guard: a Boolean condition that must be true for the transition to be taken
Activity: some behavior that is executed during the transition
All three parts of the transition label are optional
A missing guard means the transition is taken every time the event occurs
A missing activity indicates that nothing extra is done during the transition
A missing trigger-signature is rare; this means the transition is immediately taken
and usually occurs in activity states
When an event occurs in a state, each corresponding transition out of the state
must be unique
Multiple transitions with the same event must have guards on them that are
mutually exclusive; otherwise its non-deterministic
If an event occurs for which there is no transition labeled, then the event is
ignored in that state
trigger-signature [guard]/activity
Activity State
In some states, an object is inactive as it waits for the next event before
it does something
In an activity state, the object is doing some ongoing work
The work may take a finite amount of time
A transition from the state cannot occur until the work is done
This is represented by "do/ activity" notation in the state box
Example State Diagram
Filled Stack
Full Stack
pop [n == 1]
push [n - 1 == max]
push [n 2 < max]
pop [n > 1]
pop [n == max]
pop / return error
push [n >= max] / set n to max; return error
Three Ways to Implement a State
Diagram in Source Code
A double-nested switch statement
Each case label in a switch has its own internal switch statement
The case labels of the external switch are various states
The case labels of each internal switch are events
Guards are implemented as Boolean conditions
A state table with columns for source state, target state, event, guard,
and activity
The state pattern, which creates a hierarchy of state classes to handle
behavior of the states
6. Other Diagrams of Interest
Sequence Diagram
Captures the behavior of a single scenario in a use case
Shows a number of example objects and messages that are passed between
those objects within the use case
The columns of the diagram represent each object involved in the use case
The life time of an object progresses from the top of the diagram to the bottom
Clearly illustrates the calls between participants and the sequence of those
Gives a good picture about which participants are doing which processing
Sequence Diagram (continued)
Can exhibit centralized control or distributed control
In centralized control, one participant does all of the processing
In distributed control, processing is split among many participants
Distributed control gives more opportunities for using polymorphism rather than
using conditional logic
Use a sequence diagram when you want to look at the behavior of several
objects within a single use case
When not to use a sequence diagram
If you want to look at the behavior of a single object across many use cases, use a
state diagram
If you want to look at the behavior of several objects across many scenarios, use
an activity diagram
Object Diagram
Represents a snapshot of the objects in a system at a point in time
Shows instances rather than classes, therefore it is sometimes called an
instance diagram
When to use object diagrams
To show examples of objects connected together based on a specific
multiplicity number
To show instances with values for their attributes
Package Diagram
Used to take any construct in UML and group its elements together
into higher-level units
Used most often to group classes
Corresponds to the package concept in Java
Represented by a tabbed folder, where the tab contains the package
Can show dependencies between packages
The more dependencies coming into a package, the more stable its
interface needs to be
Deployment Diagram
Shows a system's physical layout, revealing which pieces of software
run on which computer platforms
Uses rectangles to represent nodes and lines to represent
communication paths between nodes
Nodes contain artifacts, which are the physical manifestations of software
(i.e., executable and data files)
Listing an artifact in a node shows that the artifact is deployed to that node
in the running system
Artifacts can be shown either as class boxes or by just listing the name in
the node
Communication paths can be labeled based on the protocols that they use
Can be used as a configuration management tool to show an "as is"
system architecture and a proposed "to be" system architecture for an
7. UML in the Software Process
Fitting UML into
Software Requirements Analysis
A use case diagram helps describe how people interact with the system
An activity diagram shows the context for use cases and also the
details of how a complicated use case works
A class diagram drawn from the conceptual perspective is a good way
of building up a rigorous vocabulary of the domain
It also shows the attributes and operations of interest in domain classes
and the relationships among the classes
A state diagram shows the various states of a domain class and events
that change that state
Fitting UML into
Software Design
A class diagram drawn from the software perspective can show design
classes, their attributes and operations, and their relationships with the
domain classes
A sequence diagram helps to combine use cases in order to see what
happens in the software
A package diagram shows the large-scale organization of the software
A state diagram shows the various states of a design object and events
that change that state
A deployment diagram shows the physical layout of the software
Fitting UML into
Software Documentation
Complements the written documentation and in some instances can
replace it
Captures the outcome of the requirements analysis and design
activities in a graphical format
Supplies a software maintainer with an overall understanding of a
Provides a good logical roadmap of the system layout
Describes the various states in which a system may exist
Details complex algorithms in a more understandable form
Shows how multiple objects collaborate in the system