Demand For Casting
Demand For Casting
Demand For Casting
Graphical Method
Fitting Trend Equation or least squares
Box Jenkins Method
. Leading indicators :- it moves up & down
ahead of some other series.
E.g.., (i) index of net business investment,
(ii) change in the value of inventories: (iii)
index of prices of the materials .
Coincidental indicators :-
it moves up and down
simultaneously with the level of general
economic activities. e.g., (i) no.s of
employees in non agriculture sector : (ii)
rate of unemployment ;(iii) gross national
products at constant prices.
Lagging indicators :-
it consist of those indicators that
follows a change after some time-
1. e.g., labour cost per unit of
manufactured output,
2. Lending rates for short term loans
Econometric method.