Digital Signature
Digital Signature
Digital Signature
• User A sends a signed document to User B.
• To verify the signature on the document, user B’s
application first uses the certificate authority's public key
to check the signature on user A’s certificate.
• Successful de-encryption of the certificate proves that the
certificate authority created it.
• After the certificate is de-encrypted, user B’s software can
check if user A is in good standing with the certificate
authority and that all of the certificate information
concerning user A’s identity has not been altered.
• User B’s software then takes user A’s public key from the
certificate and uses it to check user A’s signature. If user
A’s public key de-encrypts the signature successfully,
then user B is assured that the signature was created
using user A’s private key, for the certificate authority
has certified the matching public key.
• If the signature is found to be valid, then we know that an
Digital Signature
• The most widely used type of
cryptography is public key
cryptography, where the sender is
assigned two keys – one public, one
private. The original message is
encrypted using the public key while
the recipient of the message requires
the private key to decrypt the
message. The recipient can then
determine whether the data has been
altered. However, although this
system guarantees the integrity of
the message, it does not guarantee
the identify of the sender (public key
owner). In order to remedy this, a
Digital Signature
• A certification authority (CA) performs
the task of managing key pairs, while
the verification of the person or entity
bound to that key pair is initially
ascertained at the time of application
by the registration authority. A
certificate is issued by a CA and links
an individual or entity to its public
key, and in some cases to its private
key. Certification authorities can offer
different grades of certificates,
depending upon the type of initial
Digital Signature
• The sender uses his private key to compute the
digital signature.
• Another fundamental process, termed hash
function, is used in both creating and verifying
a digital signature. An hash function(in the
signer’s software) is an algorithm which creates
a digital representation of the message in the
form of “hash value” of a standard length which
is much smaller than the message.
• The hash value is an efficient way to represent
the message, as well as being a unique
number that can only be calculated from
the contents of the message.
• Any change to the message will produce a
different hash result when the same hash
function is used. In the case of secure hash
function, some times termed as “one way-has
function, it is computationally infeasible to
derive the original message from the
Digital Signature
• The signer’s software then
transforms the hash result into a
digital signature using the signer’s
private key . The resulting digital
signature is thus unique to both the
message and the private key used
to create it. The digital
signature(digitally signed hash
result of the message) is attached
to its message and stored or
transmitted with its message. Since
a digital signature is unique to its
message, it is useless if it is wholly
Digital Signature
• Your public key: This is the part that any one can get
a copy of and is part of the verification system.
• Your name and e-mail address: This is necessary
for contact information purposes and to enable the
viewer to identify the details.
• Expiration date of the public key: This part of the
signature is used to set a shelf life and to ensure
that in the event of prolonged abuse of a signature
eventually the signature is reset.
• Name of the company: This section identifies the
company that the signature belongs too.
• Serial number of the Digital ID: This part is a
unique number that is bundled to the signature for
tracking ad extra identification reasons.
• Digital signature of the CA (certification
Authority): This is a signature that is issued by the
authority that issues the certificates.
Digital Signature
• Public key and private key
Another user can encrypt the data using users A’s Public Key.
User A will use the Private Key to decrypt the message. Without
user A’s Private Key the data can not be decrypted. The above
figure depicts the encryption method and decryption method and
which keys are used.