Group 15's project advisors are Sir Zia-ul-Haq and Madam Masooma. The group consists of 6 members who will study apples and apple juice. Apples are one of the most widely grown fruits worldwide, with hundreds of cultivars but only 20 that are commercially important. New cultivars like Gala, Fuji and Braeburn are becoming more popular. Apples can be stored for weeks to months but require proper harvesting and storage to maintain quality for processing.
Group 15's project advisors are Sir Zia-ul-Haq and Madam Masooma. The group consists of 6 members who will study apples and apple juice. Apples are one of the most widely grown fruits worldwide, with hundreds of cultivars but only 20 that are commercially important. New cultivars like Gala, Fuji and Braeburn are becoming more popular. Apples can be stored for weeks to months but require proper harvesting and storage to maintain quality for processing.
Group 15's project advisors are Sir Zia-ul-Haq and Madam Masooma. The group consists of 6 members who will study apples and apple juice. Apples are one of the most widely grown fruits worldwide, with hundreds of cultivars but only 20 that are commercially important. New cultivars like Gala, Fuji and Braeburn are becoming more popular. Apples can be stored for weeks to months but require proper harvesting and storage to maintain quality for processing.
Group 15's project advisors are Sir Zia-ul-Haq and Madam Masooma. The group consists of 6 members who will study apples and apple juice. Apples are one of the most widely grown fruits worldwide, with hundreds of cultivars but only 20 that are commercially important. New cultivars like Gala, Fuji and Braeburn are becoming more popular. Apples can be stored for weeks to months but require proper harvesting and storage to maintain quality for processing.
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GROUP MEMBERS 1. MUHAMMAD ZUBAIR SHARIF (10-ch-44) 2. MUHAMMAD TALHA SAEED (10-ch-106) 3. SULEMAN ARSHAD (10-ch-46) 4. SHIRAZ MUSHTAQUE (10-ch-72) 5. UMAR ABDUL SATTAR (10-ch-54) 6. ZOHAIB ZULFIQAR (10-ch-99) The old saying is, 'an apple a day keeps the doctor away". The NEW saying is "an apple juice a day keeps the doctor away". Apples are more widely grown than any other fruit; apple trees of one kind or another are grown all around the world. Apple production can vary from one year to the next by as much as 20 percent, depending on the climate of any given year. There are hundreds of apple cultivars, but only about 20 cultivars are commercially important. More than 90 percent of this production is represented by 14 cultivars and only five of these account for most of the world's apple production: Delicious, Golden Delicious, McIntosh, Rome Beauty and Granny Smith. Newer cultivars are becoming increasingly common in the marketplace. Some newly popular cultivars are Gala, Fuji, Jonagold, Braeburn and Lady Williams. Many new commercial cultivars are red strains of the primary cultivars. There is a wide variety in their characteristics. For instance, Gala matures in 100 days or less while the Western Australian cultivar Lady Williams needs more than 200 frost-free days to mature. Some need long cold winters to break dormancy while others can be grown in very mild climates such as Israel.
While some cultivars are grown exclusively for use in processing, at least some of the harvest of all commercial apple cultivars is used in processed products. Only sound, ripe fruit should be used for further processing because decay, damage, maturity, firmness, color, soluble solids, acids and tannins of the fruit impact the quality of the product. Perfectly good fruit from the commercial fresh market cultivars (an average of 20 percent) are used for processing. Some fresh market cultivars produce excellent juice and still others produce superior sauce. Some apples are grown specifically for processing, but most of the apples that are sold to the processor are salvaged fruit grown for the fresh market. Premium price is paid for large, bruise-, disease- and insect-free apples delivered to the processor. This requires apple producers to pay full attention to their cultural details whether growing for fresh or the processing markets. Production practices for apples will vary not only with the apples' destination, but also with the climate and soils in which they are grown.
One advantage that apples have over other more perishable fruit crops is that the fruit may be successfully kept in storage for a few weeks to several months. However, to maintain their high quality for processing over storage time periods, it is extremely important that they are picked at the proper stage of maturity and storage conditions are optimized for specific apple cultivars. The processor must determine when the apples for processing are to be harvested.
The Royal Horticultural Society's Award of Garden Merit (AGM) helps gardeners make informed choices about plants. This award indicates that the plant is recommended by the RHS. What is the AGM? With more than 100,000 plants available in the UK alone, how can you tell which plants are the best for all-round garden value? The RHS Award of Garden Merit (AGM) exists to help gardeners make that choice. Criteria: The AGM is intended to be of practical value to the gardener. It is awarded therefore only to a plant that meets the following criteria: It must be of outstanding excellence for ordinary garden decoration or use It must be available It must be of good constitution It must not require highly specialist growing conditions or care It must not be particularly susceptible to any pest or disease It must not be subject to an unreasonable degree of reversion in its vegetative or floral characteristics Plants of all kinds can be considered for the AGM, including fruit and vegetables. An AGM plant may be cultivated for use or decoration. It can be hardy throughout the British Isles, or suitable only for cultivation under heated glass. Though growing conditions and plant types may vary, the purpose of the award is always the same: to highlight the best plants available to the gardener.
1. Get whiter, healthier teeth An apple wont replace your toothbrush, but biting and chewing an apple stimulates the production of saliva in your mouth, reducing tooth decay by lowering the levels of bacteria. 2. Avoid Alzheimers A new study performed on mice shows that drinking apple juice could keep Alzheimers away and fight the effects of aging on the brain. Mice in the study that were fed an apple-enhanced diet showed higher levels of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine and did better in maze tests than those on a regular diet. 3. Protect against Parkinsons Research has shown that people who eat fruits and other high-fibre foods gain a certain amount of protection against Parkinsons, a disease characterized by a breakdown of the brains dopamine- producing nerve cells. Scientists have linked this to the free radical-fighting power of the antioxidants contained therein. 4. Curb all sorts of cancers Scientists from the American Association for Cancer Research, among others, agree that the consumption of flavonol-rich apples could help reduce your risk of developing pancreatic cancer by up to 23 per cent. Researchers at Cornell University have identified several compoundstriterpenoidsin apple peel that have potent anti-growth activities against cancer cells in the liver, colon and breast. Their earlier research found that extracts from whole apples can reduce the number and size of mammary tumours in rats. Meanwhile, the National Cancer Institute in the U.S. has recommended a high fibre intake to reduce the risk of colorectal cancer. 5. Decrease your risk of diabetes Women who eat at least one apple a day are 28 percent less likely to develop type 2 diabetes than those who dont eat apples. Apples are loaded with soluble fibre, the key to blunting blood sugar swings.
6. Reduce cholesterol The soluble fibre found in apples binds with fats in the intestine, which translates into lower cholesterol levels and a healthier you. 7. Get a healthier heart An extensive body of research has linked high soluble fibre intake with a slower buildup of cholesterol- rich plaque in your arteries. The phenolic compound found in apple skins also prevents the cholesterol that gets into your system from solidifying on your artery walls. When plaque builds inside your arteries, it reduces blood flow to your heart, leading to coronary artery disease. 8. Prevent gallstones Gallstones form when theres too much cholesterol in your bile for it to remain as a liquid, so it solidifies. They are particularly prevalent in the obese. To prevent gallstones, doctors recommend a diet high in fibre to help you control your weight and cholesterol levels. 9. Beat diarrhea and constipation Whether you cant go to the bathroom or you just cant stop, fibre found in apples can help. Fibre can either pull water out of your colon to keep things moving along when youre backed up, or absorb excess water from your stool to slow your bowels down. 10. Neutralize irritable bowel syndrome Irritable bowel syndrome is characterized by constipation, diarrhea, and abdominal pain and bloating. To control these symptoms doctors recommend staying away from dairy and fatty foods while including a high intake of fibre in your diet. 11. Avert hemorrhoids Hemorrhoids are a swollen vein in the anal canal and while not life threatening, these veins can be very painful. They are caused by too much pressure in the pelvic and rectal areas. Part and parcel with controlling constipation, fibre can prevent you from straining too much when going to the bathroom and thereby help alleviate hemorrhoids.
12. Control your weight Many health problems are associated with being overweight, among them heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes and sleep apnea. To manage your weight and improve your overall health, doctors recommend a diet rich in fibre. Foods high in fibre will fill you up without costing you too many calories. 13. Detoxify your liver Were constantly consuming toxins, whether it is from drinks or food, and your liver is responsible for clearing these toxins out of your body. Many doctors are skeptical of fad detox diets, saying they have the potential to do more harm than good. Luckily, one of the bestand easiestthings you can eat to help detoxify your liver is fruitslike apples. 14. Boost your immune system Red apples contain an antioxidant called quercetin. Recent studies have found that quercetin can help boost and fortify your immune system, especially when you're stressed out. 15. Prevent cataracts Though past studies have been divided on the issue, recent long-term studies suggest that people who have a diet rich in fruits that contain antioxidantslike applesare 10 to 15 per cent less likely to develop cataracts
Pakistan is 10 th largest producer of apples in the world Land area for apple growth is about 45875 hectares with an annual production of 589281 tones Baluchistan shares about 65% production and KPK around 25% At present 38 units are producing fruit juices, syrups, and squashes. The big producers are Nestle Pakistan Limited Mitchells Fruit Benz Industries About 90% of the total fruit juice market is accounted for 250ml tetra pack Enzymes are the Biological catalysts synthesized by the living cells. They are protein in nature, colloidal and specific in their action. The substrate of an enzyme are the reactants that are activated by the enzyme Enzymes are specific to their substrates The specificity is determined by the active site Another way of classification is following. Enzymes Intracellular They are functional within the cells where they are synthesized. Extracellular They are active outside the cells for example digestive enzymes like pepsin & Trypsin etc. A catalyst is a substance which increases the rate of a chemical reaction without itself undergoing a permanent chemical change. It only influences the rate of chemical reaction; it does not effect the reaction equilibrium. Pathways: enzymes function in sequence of reactions called pathways. For a cell to grow normally, it is essential that the flow of chemical substances or the metabolites through these pathways be under a high degree of regulation or control. Un catalyzed Reaction Catalyzed Reaction UF METHOD CONVENTIONAL METHOD High quality of the treated juice with respect to color, clarity and taste. High juice recovery, approximately 85 95% Enzyme treatment can be automated and consumption reduced to 25% of traditional quantities Addition of gelatin, bentonite and kieselguhr can be eliminated Low operating costs (labor, energy, chemicals) Continuous/batch/semi-batch plant operation Sanitary design High quality of the treated juice with respect to color, clarity and taste. low juice recovery, approximately 75 80% Addition of gelatin, bentonite and kieselguhr for coagulation High operating costs (labor, energy, chemicals) Batch/semi-batch plant operation An additional heating step prior to final pasteurization may have a detrimental effect on flavor, Rapid cooling is necessary to minimize flavor changes, The method efficiency is cultivar dependent and not applicable to all apples,
Mass Flow rate of Product = 474kg/hr Density = 1.0437 gm/ml Volume = 454153.4924 ml/hr or = 10900 liter/day 11000 liter/day Packs of 250ml: 43600 pack/day Raw Material = 80 ton/day Annual Requirement of Raw Material = 26400 ton Utilities & Enzymes Raw Material Juice Pomace Aroma Vapor Distillation column IN STREAM NAME l1 l2 Stream flow kg/hr 3333.3 350 COMPONENTS --------- FIBRE 0.0432 --------- D.Solids 0.1250 --------- Aroma 0.0001 --------- Enzymes -------- -------- Water 0.8317 1 impurities --------- --------- TOTAL FLOW kg/hr 3683.3 OUT STREAM NAME l4 l8 Stream flow kg/hr 3333.3 350 COMPONENTS FIBRE 0.0432 -------- D.Solids 0.1250 -------- Aroma 0.0001 -------- Enzymes -------- ------- Water 0.8317 0.9962 impurities 0.0038 TOTAL FLOW kg/hr 3683.3 OUT STREAM NAME l5 Stream flow kg/hr 3339.96 COMPONENTS FIBRE 0.0431 D.Solids 0.1247 Aroma 0.0001 Enzymes 9.97x10 -5
Water 0.8320 TOTAL FLOW kg/hr 3339.96 IN STREAM NAME l4 l3 Stream flow kg/hr 3333.3 6.6 COMPONENTS FIBRE 0.0432 --------- D.Solids 0.1250 --------- Aroma 0.0001 --------- Enzymes -------- 0.05 Water 0.8317 0.95 TOTAL FLOW kg/hr 3339.96 STEAM IN STREAM NAME u3 Stream flow kg/hr 431.29 REACTOR 1 OUT STREAM NAME l6 Stream flow kg/hr 3339.96 COMPONENTS FIBRE 0.0431 D.Solids 0.1247 Aroma 0.0001 Enzymes 9.97x10 -5
Water 0.8320 TOTAL FLOW kg/hr 3339.96 IN STREAM NAME l5 Stream flow kg/hr 3339.96 COMPONENTS FIBRE 0.0431 D.Solids 0.1247 Aroma 0.0001 Enzymes 9.97x10 -5
Water 0.8320 TOTAL FLOW kg/hr 3339.96 IN STREAM NAME l6 Stream flow kg/hr 3339.96 COMPONENTS FIBRE 0.0431 D.Solids 0.1247 Aroma 0.0001 Enzymes 9.97x10 -5
Water 0.8320 TOTAL FLOW kg/hr 3339.96 OUT STREAM NAME l15 p4 Stream flow kg/hr 2838.96 501 COMPONENTS FIBRE 0.0136 0.2101 D.Solids 0.1336 0.0742 Aroma 0.0001 --------- Enzymes 9.97x10 -5 -------- Water 0.8526 0.7157 TOTAL FLOW kg/hr 3339.96 IN STREAM NAME l15 Stream flow kg/hr 2838.96 COMPONENTS FIBRE 0.0136 D.Solids 0.1336 Aroma 0.0001 Enzymes 9.97x10 -5
Water 0.8526 TOTAL FLOW kg/hr 2838.96 STEAM IN STREAM NAME u3 Stream flow kg/hr 48.66 Pressure 2 bar CONDENSATE OUT STREAM NAME c1 Stream flow kg/hr 48.66 Out STREAM NAME l17 Stream flow kg/hr 2838.96 COMPONENTS FIBRE 0.0136 D.Solids 0.1336 Aroma 0.0001 Enzymes 9.97x10 -5
Water 0.8526 TOTAL FLOW kg/hr 2838.96 IN STREAM NAME l17 Stream flow kg/hr 2838.96 COMPONENTS FIBRE 0.0136 D.Solids 0.1336 Aroma 0.0001 Enzymes 9.97x10 -5
Water 0.8526 TOTAL FLOW kg/hr 2838.96 OUT STREAM NAME l19 A1 Stream flow kg/hr 2510.156 328.80 COMPONENTS FIBRE 0.015381 --------- D.Solids 0.1511 --------- Aroma --------- 8.6342x10 -4
Enzymes 1.127x10 -4 -------- Water 0.8330 0.99914 TOTAL FLOW kg/hr 2838.96 STEAM IN STREAM NAME u4 Stream flow kg/hr 484.904 Pressure 2 bar STEAM OUT STREAM NAME c2 Stream flow kg/hr 484.904 IN STREAM NAME A1 Stream flow kg/hr 328.801 COMPONENTS FIBRE --------- D.Solids --------- Aroma 8.6342x10 -4
Enzymes -------- Water 0.99914 TOTAL FLOW kg/hr 328.801 OUT STREAM NAME A3 w7 Stream flow kg/hr 0.283893 328.517 COMPONENTS FIBRE --------- --------- D.Solids --------- --------- Aroma 1 --------- Enzymes -------- -------- Water --------- 1 TOTAL FLOW kg/hr 328.801 IN STREAM NAME A3 Stream flow kg/hr 0.283893 COMPONENTS FIBRE --------- D.Solids --------- Aroma 1 Enzymes -------- Water --------- TOTAL FLOW kg/hr 0.283893 IN STREAM NAME A3 Stream flow kg/hr 0.283893 COMPONENTS FIBRE --------- D.Solids --------- Aroma 1 Enzymes -------- Water --------- TOTAL FLOW kg/hr 0.283893 COOLING WATER IN STREAM NAME w1 Stream flow kg/hr 3.432 COOLING WATER OUT STREAM NAME w2 Stream flow kg/hr 3.432 OUT STREAM NAME l20 Stream flow kg/hr 2564.804 COMPONENTS FIBRE 0.01565 D.Solids 0.14788 Aroma --------- Enzymes 0.021221 Water 0.81525 TOTAL FLOW kg/hr 2564.804 IN STREAM NAME l19 E1 Stream flow kg/hr 2510.156 54.648 COMPONENTS FIBRE 0.015381 --------- D.Solids 0.1511 --------- Aroma --------- --------- Enzymes 1.127x10 -4 1 Water 0.8330 --------- TOTAL FLOW kg/hr 2564.804 IN STREAM NAME l20 Stream flow kg/hr 2564.804 COMPONENTS FIBRE 0.01565 D.Solids 0.14788 Aroma --------- Enzymes 0.021221 Water 0.81525 TOTAL FLOW kg/hr 2564.804 OUT STREAM NAME l21 w5 Stream flow kg/hr 2223.2217 341.5823 COMPONENTS FIBRE --------- 0.1175 D.Solids 0.1535 0.61213 Aroma ---------- --------- Enzymes --------- 0.15933 Water 0.8465 0.1110 TOTAL FLOW kg/hr 2564.804 IN STREAM NAME l21 Stream flow kg/hr 2223.2217 COMPONENTS FIBRE --------- D.Solids 0.1535 Aroma ---------- Enzymes --------- Water 0.8465 TOTAL FLOW kg/hr 2223.2217 OUT STREAM NAME c6 c7 v3 l24 Stream flow kg/hr 594.6122 583.302 571.359 473.9485 COMPONENTS FIBRE --------- --------- --------- --------- D.Solids --------- --------- --------- 0.7200 Aroma --------- --------- --------- --------- Enzymes -------- -------- -------- -------- Water 1 1 1 0.28 TOTAL FLOW 2223.2217 STEAM IN STREAM NAME u5 Stream flow kg/hr 769 Pressure 2 bar (g) CONDENSATE OUT STREAM NAME c5 Stream flow kg/hr 769 IN STREAM NAME STREAM FLOW kg/hr l1 3333.3 l2 350 l3 6.6 u2 (u3+u4) 533.564 E1 54.648 w1 3.432 u5 767 H1 431.29 TOTAL FLOW 5048.544 kg/hr OUT STREAM NAME STREAM FLOW kg/hr l8 350 p4 501 c4 (c1+c2) 533.564 A4 0.283893 w7 328.517 w2 3.432 w5 341.5823 c5 767 c6 594.6122 c7 583.302 v3 571.359 l24 473.9485 H2 431.29 TOTAL FLOW 5048.676 kg/hr (OUT-IN) 0.13 kg/hr IN Stream name: l1 l2 Mass flow Rate kg/hr 3333.33 350 Component Cp KJ/Kg C 3.7850 4.18 Temperature 25 25 Heat Q KJ/hr 0 0 Total Heat KJ/hr 0 OUT Stream name l4 l8 Mass flow Rate kg/hr 3333.33 350 CP of stream kJ/kg C 0.15509 4.17 Temp C 25 25 Hear Q KJ/hr 0 0 Total Heat KJ/hr 0 Qin Qout
0KJ/hr 0KJ/hr Reference Temperature = 25 o C IN Stream name l4 I3 H1 Flow Rate Kg/hr 3333.33 6.66 431.29 Component CPKJ/kgC 3.785 4.08 4.18 Temp C 25 30 60 Heat Q KJ/hr 0 126.04 73740. 0712 Total Heat KJ/hr 73866.111 Out Stream name
I5 H2 Flow Rate Kg/hr 3339.96 431.29 Component CP KJ/kgC 3.7859 4.18 Temperature C 30 30 Heat Q KJ/hr 63223.77 28 10516.253 Total Heat KJ/hr 73740.0258 Qin = Qout 0+126.04+73740.0712 63223.7728+10516.253 73866.111 73740.0258 Heat Duty = 126.0852 KJ/hr IN Stream name l5 Flow Rate Kg/hr 3339.96 Component CP KJ/kgC 3.7859 Temperature C 30 Heat Q KJ/hr 63223.7728 Total Heat KJ/hr 63223.7728 Out Stream name l6 Flow Rate Kg/hr 3339.96 Component CP KJ/kgC 3.7859 Temperature C 30 Heat Q KJ/hr 63223.7728 Total Heat KJ/hr 63223.7728 Qin = Qout 63223.7728 KJ/hr 63223.7728 KJ/hr Out Stream name p4 l15 Flow Rate Kg/hr 501 2838.96 Component CP KJ/kgC 3.8608 3.7729 Temperature C 30 30 Heat Q KJ/hr 9668.212 53555.56 Total Heat KJ/hr 9668.212 53555.56 In Stream name l6 Flow Rate Kg/hr 3339.96 Component CP KJ/kgC 3.7859 Temperature C 30 Heat Q KJ/hr 63223.7728 Total Heat KJ/hr 63223.7728 Qin = Qout 63223.7728 KJ/hr 63223.7728 KJ/hr In Stream name U3 L15 Flow Rate Kg/hr 48.66 2838.96 Temperature C 120 30 Component Cp KJ/kgC ---------- 3.7729 Heat Latent KJ/kg 2201 --------- Heat Q KJ/hr 126731.04 53555.56 Total Heat KJ/hr 180286.6 Out Stream name l17 C1 Flow Rae Kg/hr 2838.96 48.66 Component CP KJ/kgC 3.7729 4.18 Temperature C 40 120 Heat Q KJ/hr 160666.68 19542.34 Total Heat KJ/hr 180209.2 Qin = Qout 180286.6KJ/hr 180209.2KJ/hr Heat Duty = 77.4 KJ/kg In Stream name L17 U4 Flow Rae Kg/hr 2838.96 484.904 Component CP KJ/kg o C 3.7729 ---------- Enthalpy KJ/kg ---------- 2352.31 Temperature C 40 62.2 Heat Q KJ/hr 160543.188 1216045.161 Total Heat KJ/hr 1376588.349 Out Stream name L19 A2 C2 Flow Rate Kg/hr 2510.150 328.80 484.904 Component CP KJ/kgC 3.7180 4.18 4.18 Temperature C 50 62.2 62.2 Enthalpy KJ/kg --------- 3093.11 Heat Q KJ/hr 232816.412 1068141.653 75400.63 Total Heat KJ/hr 1376588.349 Qin = Q out 1376588.349 KJ/hr 1376588.349 KJ/hr IN Stream name A1 Flow Rae Kg/hr 328.80 Component CP KJ/kgC 4.18 Temperature C 62.2 Heat Q KJ/hr 1068141. 653 Total Heat KJ/hr 1068141. 653 Out Stream name A3 W7 Flow Rate Kg/hr 0.283893 328.517 Component CP KJ/kgC 3.0006 4.18 Temp C 80 75 Heat Q KJ/hr 287.00 903075.79 Total Heat KJ/hr 849010.439 Qin = Q out 1068141.653 KJ/hr 1068141.653 KJ/hr Heat Duty = 219131.214 KJ/hr In Stream name A3 W1 Flow Rate Kg/hr 0.283893 3.432 Component CP KJ/kgC 3.0006 4.18 Temp C 80 36.8 Heat Q KJ/hr 287.00 169.88 Total Heat KJ/hr 456.88 Out Stream name W2 A4 Flow Rate Kg/hr 3.432 0.283893 Component CP KJ/kgC 4.18 3.0006 Latent Heat KJ/kg 240.17 846 Temp C 50 27 Heat Q KJ/hr 455.18 1.7 Total Heat KJ/hr 456.88 Qin = Q out 456.88 KJ/hr 456.88 KJ/hr In Stream name l19 E1 Flow Rate Kg/hr 2510.156 54.146 Component CP KJ/kgC 3,7180 2.26 Temp C 50 50 Heat Q KJ/hr 233319 3059.249 Total Heat KJ/hr 236378.249 Out Stream name l20 Flow Rate Kg/hr 2564.804 Component CP KJ/kgC 3.6865 Temperature C 50 Heat Q KJ/hr 236378.24 Total Heat KJ/hr 236378.24 Qin = Q out 236378.249 KJ/hr 236378.249 KJ/hr In Stream name l20 Flow Rate Kg/hr 2564.804 Component CP kJ/kgC 3.6865 Temperature C 50 Heat Q KJ 236378.249 Total Heat KJ 236378.249 Out Stream name l21 w5 Flow Rate Kg/hr 2223.2217 341.5823 Component CP KJ/kgC 3.7199 1.984 Temp C 50 68.7 Heat Q KJ 206754.06 29624.189 Total Heat KJ 236378.249 Qin = Q out 236378.249 KJ/hr 236378.249 KJ/hr In Stream name l21 u5 Flow Rate Kg/hr 2223.2217 767.1 Component CP KJ/kgC 3.7 4.18 Latent Heat KJ/kg --------- 2163 Temp C 50 134 Heat Q KJ 205648.007 2009960.37 Total Heat KJ 2215608.397 Out Stream name c5 c6 c7 l24 V3 Flow Rate Kg/hr 767.1 594.6122 583.3
474 571.359 Component CP KJ/kgC 4.18 4.18 4.18
2.02 4.18 Temp C 134 121 112.53 72 112.53 Latent Heat KJ/Kg --------- ---------- ----------- ----------- 2236.24 Heat Q KJ 349460.54 238605.98 213415.1208 45001.56 1363758.1 Total Heat KJ 2210242.16 Qin = Q out 2215608.397 KJ/hr 2210242.16 KJ/hr Heat Duty = 5366.237 KJ/kg In Stream Name l24 Flow Rate (kg/hr) 474 Component Cp (KJ/kg o C) 2.02 Temperature ( o C) 72 Total Heat (KJ/hr) 45001.56 Out Stream Name l25 Flow Rate (kg/hr) 474 Component Cp (KJ/kg o C) 2.02 Temperature ( o C) 5 Total Heat (KJ/hr) 19149.6 Balance In Out 45001.56 KJ/hr 19149.6 KJ/hr Cooler Duty = -25851.96 KJ/hr IN STREAM NAME STREAM Heat KJ/hr l1 o l2 0 l3 73740.0712 u2 (u3+u4) 1342776.201 E1 3059.249 w1 169.88 u5 2009960.37 l24 45001.56 TOTAL Heat 3474707.331 OUT STREAM NAME STREAM heat KJ/hr l4 10516.253 p4 9668.212 c4 (c1+c2) 100344.56 A4 1.7 w7 1068141.653 w4 455.18 w5 29624.189 c5 349460.54 c6 238605.98 c7 213415.1208 v3 1363758.1 l24 45001.56 l25 45001.56 TOTAL Heat 3474707.331 Surplus Energy 126.085 KJ/hr 77.4 KJ/hr 219131.214 KJ/hr 5366.237 KJ/hr Total = 224700.936 KJ/hr