------------------- (1)
Or -
= ------------------ (2)
I = Intensity of the incident light or radiation
t = denotes the thickness or path length of the medium
K = is a constant and is called proportionality constant or absorption coefficient
The term dI/dt denotes the rate of change of intensity with the thickness of the
And ve sign indicates the decrease of intensity with increase the thickness of
the medium.
On integrating the equation (2) then,
It becomes
I = Io e
------------- (3)
When a beam of light or monochromatic radiation is allowed to pass through an
absorbing medium, then the intensity of radiation decreases with concentration of
the absorbing medium.
Mathematically, may be stated as
-------------------- (1')
= -------------------- (2')
I = Intensity of the incident light or radiation,
c = molar concentration of the solution
K = is a constant and is called proportionality constant or absorption coefficient
On integrating the equation (2') then,
It becomes
I = Io e
------------------- (3')
Where, c = conc. of the soln. in moles/liter
Combination of two laws i.e. combination of Beers and Lamberts Law
or we can say that combination of equations (3) and (3),
I = Io e
-------------------- (4)
This is the fundamental equation of Colorimetry and Spectrophotometry.
Now taking the log of equation (4) then, we get the following equation
Log Io /It = k / 2.303 ct -------------------- (5)
We know log Io / It = Absorbance (A) and k / 2.303 = then,
A = ct -------------------- (6)
Where, A = absorbance
= molar absorptivity or molar extinction coefficient
c = concentration of the medium, t = thickness of the medium
Let's suppose that a sample has molar absorptivity 10000 and absorbance 2 with a 1 cm cell
then calculate the concentration of that solution.
Since, A = ct
c = A / t
= 2 / 10000 1
= 2x10
mol per liter
All photometers, colorimeters and spectrophotometers have the following
basic component
Light source is the continuous source of radiant energy. It emits all colors of
Ex- Tungsten filament lamp and hydrogen deuterium lamp.
Filter or Monochromator it allows the light of the required wavelength but
absorb the light of other wavelength.
It selects one wavelength and that wavelength is sent through the sample.
Sample cells all instruments must contain a container or cuvettes for the
sample, which are round or square shape made up of glass or plastic and have
thickness of 1 centimeter.
Detector used for measuring the wavelength of transmitted light that has
passed through the sample.
In some systems it is called as read out system.
It measures the intensity of the incident light and generates an electrical
signal which is proportional to the intensity.
Ex- photovoltaic cell, phototubes, photomultiplier tubes.
Amplifier it increases the signal so that it is easier to read out.
Recorder -
Colorimetry is a light sensitive instrument that measure how much light is
absorbed by an object or substance or sample.
It determines color based on the red, blue and green components of light
absorbed by the object or substance or sample.
Example consider the bananas
When white light hits the bananas, all colors are absorbed except for yellow.
The yellow light reflect back and hits our eyes, so we perceive the banana to
be yellow.
The working start from the light source which produce white light
(which is a combination of VIBGYOR).
The white light passes through a lens or prism then it breaks into VIBGYOR
Then the light hit on monochromator, that select required wavelength but
absorb the light of other wavelength
When the white light hits the color filter then it filter the light.
Now the filtered light hits the sample then some of the light is absorbed, some of the
light is reflected and some are transmitted through the sample.
Darker sample will absorb more of the light while pale samples will absorb less of the
The detectors measure the amount of the light which is transmitted through the
Finally read out by computer.
can be used to monitor the growth of a bacterial or yeast culture. (if the culture
grows then the medium becomes cloudy and absorbs more light).
to determine the concentration of a known solute in a given solution.
used to test for water quality, by screening for chemicals such as chlorine,
fluoride, cyanide, dissolved oxygen, iron, molybdenum, zinc and hydrazine.
also used to determine the concentrations of plant nutrients such as
phosphorus, nitrate and ammonia etc. in the soil.
also used to determine hemoglobin in the blood.
also used in industries like color printing, textile manufacturing, paint
manufacturing, in food industries etc.
it can detect the smallest color difference that the human eye cannot pick up.
used to find out the concentration of any colored subsistent in food & beverage
for quality control.
also used for clinical and medical applications like routine analysis of
Albumin, Cholesterol, Glucose, Creatinine, Total Protein, Haemoglobin etc.