This document discusses body language and gestures used during storytelling. It explains that storytellers must remain relaxed, confident, and in control while making eye contact with listeners. Gestures are an important form of non-verbal communication that help listeners understand the story better by conveying clues through the storyteller's body language. The document outlines different types of gestures including iconic gestures that illustrate what is being said, metaphoric gestures that explain concepts, deictic gestures that indicate points in space, and beats that emphasize words. It provides suggestions for storytellers to work on their body language such as practicing in front of a mirror and recording themselves to improve.
This document discusses body language and gestures used during storytelling. It explains that storytellers must remain relaxed, confident, and in control while making eye contact with listeners. Gestures are an important form of non-verbal communication that help listeners understand the story better by conveying clues through the storyteller's body language. The document outlines different types of gestures including iconic gestures that illustrate what is being said, metaphoric gestures that explain concepts, deictic gestures that indicate points in space, and beats that emphasize words. It provides suggestions for storytellers to work on their body language such as practicing in front of a mirror and recording themselves to improve.
This document discusses body language and gestures used during storytelling. It explains that storytellers must remain relaxed, confident, and in control while making eye contact with listeners. Gestures are an important form of non-verbal communication that help listeners understand the story better by conveying clues through the storyteller's body language. The document outlines different types of gestures including iconic gestures that illustrate what is being said, metaphoric gestures that explain concepts, deictic gestures that indicate points in space, and beats that emphasize words. It provides suggestions for storytellers to work on their body language such as practicing in front of a mirror and recording themselves to improve.
This document discusses body language and gestures used during storytelling. It explains that storytellers must remain relaxed, confident, and in control while making eye contact with listeners. Gestures are an important form of non-verbal communication that help listeners understand the story better by conveying clues through the storyteller's body language. The document outlines different types of gestures including iconic gestures that illustrate what is being said, metaphoric gestures that explain concepts, deictic gestures that indicate points in space, and beats that emphasize words. It provides suggestions for storytellers to work on their body language such as practicing in front of a mirror and recording themselves to improve.
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a dignifed, self-confdent manner or bearing;
composure; self-possession.
Some people enjoy being in the so-called limelight
but to some, being in front of a group of people could be a very nervous experience.
ll eyes !ill be on the storyteller" loo#ing at his$her
face and body; clothes and ma#e-up; and the !ay he$she stands, sits or !al#s. %ervous habits" playing !ith hair and shu&ing of the feet. 'ac# of self-confdent" not ma#ing eye contact and loo#ing very tense. storyteller therefore must remain
relaxed !hile presenting a story;
loo# and sound confdent;
be in control
ma#ing eye contacts !ith
his$her listeners. Gestures
Tool for communication for listeners and a tool for
thinking for speakers. -- (oldin-)eado! *+,,,, -+,.
/x" movement of the hands, face, or other parts of
the body 0hen telling a story using gestures, the storyteller is in fact helping his$her listeners understand the story better by giving a!ay clues through the use of his$her body language. 1t is therefore 2uite important for a storyteller to understand his$her o!n body language or gestures and !hen to use or deploy them !hen telling a story. /3ective use of gesture and body language allo!s the storyteller some control over the story, the audience and ho! they respond during the storytelling presentation. Suggestions to teach good body language 0or# in front of a full length dress mirror.
Record yourself telling a story. 4laying it bac# !ill
give important feedbac#. (o for mastery over one habit you !ant to modify or get rid of at a time rather than trying to banish the lot at once.
5emember regular smaller practices are more
e3ective. Practice !hat you can throughout the day. 6ou can teach yourself body language anywhere. 7eep your gestures clear and appropriate. void the use a furry of gestures that bears no real relationship to the subject matter of our speech. 8ypes of gesture
8he most basic and !ell #no!n are iconics,
metaphorics, deictics and beats.
referred to as speech-associated gestures, have
distinct roles in aiding further understanding of speech or concepts.
9ther types of gestures that !e shall also brie:y
loo# at include emblems, regulators, afect displays and facial expressions. +. 1conic gesture illustrating !hat is being said, painting !ith the hands. ;or example, !hen a person illustrates a physical item by using the hands to sho! ho! big or small it is. 8hey are used to show physical, concrete items.
8hey are useful as they add detail to the mental image
that the person is trying convey and sho! the frst person or second person vie!point that the person is ta#ing. <. )etaphoric gesture
0hen using metaphoric gestures, a concept is being
(estures are in three-dimensional space and are
used to shape and idea being explained, either !ith specifc shapes such as fnger pinches and physical shaping, or more general waving of hands that symboli=es the complexity of !hat is being explained. >. ?eictic gestures
?eictic gestures indicate a point in space.
8hey accompany reference to persons,
places and other spatiali=eable discourse entities.
n example is pointing to the ground !hile saying
@?o you have an account at )ellon or at 8A1S ban#BC -. Deats
Deats are small formless waves of the hand
that occur !ith heavily emphasi=ed !ords, occasions of turning over the :oor to another spea#er, and other #inds of special linguistic !or#.
n example is !aving oneCs left hand brie:y up
and do!n along !ith the stressed !ords in the phrase @(o A/?.@ E. /mblems
/mblems are specifc gestures !ith specifc
meaning that are consciously used and consciously understood. 8hey are used as substitutes for words and are close to sign language than everyday body language.
;or example, holding up the hand !ith all fngers
closed in except the index and second fnger, !hich are spread apart, can mean CF for victoryC or Cpeace. G. 5egulators
5egulators are used to control turn-taking in
n example" the !ay that as a person completes
!hat he$she is saying, he$she may drop the arms, !hilst a person !anting to spea# may raise an arm as if to grasp the !ay for!ard. H. 3ect displays (estures can also be used to display emotion, from tightening of a fst to the many forms of self-touching and holding the self. /xamples" Iovering or rubbing eyes, ears or mouth can say C1 do not !ant to see$hear$say thisC. Aolding hands or the !hole body can indicate anxiety as the person literally holds themselves. Self-preening can sho! a desire to be li#ed and can indicate desire of another.