Switched Boost Inverter For Standalone DC Nanogrid Applications

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Dc nano grid is a low-power dc distribution system suitable for
residential power applications. The average load demand in the
nano grid is generally met by the local renewable energy sources
like solar, wind, etc. An energy storage unit is also required in the
nano grid to ensure uninterruptible power supply to the critical
loads and to maintain power balance in the nano grid. Switched
boost inverter (SBI) is a single-stage power converter derived from
Inverse Watkins Johnson topology. Unlike the traditional buck-type
voltage source inverter (VSI), the SBI can produce an ac output
voltage that is either greater or less than the available dc input
voltage. Also, the SBI exhibits better electromagnetic interference
noise immunity when compared to the VSI, which enables compact
design of the power converter. Another advantage of SBI is that it
can supply both dc and ac loads simultaneously from a single dc
input. These features make the SBI suitable for dc NANOGRID

Scope of The Project
This paper presents a novel power electronic interface
called switched boost inverter (SBI) for dc nanogrid
applications. It is shown that the SBI is a single-stage
power converter that can supply both dc and ac loads
simultaneously from a single dc input. It is also proven
that the SBI can generate an ac output voltage that is
either higher or lower than the available source voltage.
This paper also describes the advantages and limitations
of SBI when compared to the ZSI and the traditional
two-stage dc-to-ac conversion system. The steady-state
and small-signal analysis of the SBI supplying both dc
and ac loads, and a PWM control technique suitable for
SBI are presented.

Literature Survey
DC-bus signalling: A distributed control strategy for a hybrid renewable
nanogrid, IEEE Trans.Ind. Electron., vol. 53, no. 5, pp. 14531460, Oct. 2006
by J. Schonberger, R. Duke, and S. D. Round, presents
dc nano grid is a hybrid renewable system since renewable sources supply
the average load demand, while storage and nonrenewable generation
maintain the power balance in the presence of the stochastic renewable
sources. The system is power electronic based, with converters being used
to interface both the sources and loads to the system. The nanogrid is
controlled using dc-bus signaling (DBS), a distributed control strategy in
which the control nodes, the source/storage interface converters, induce
voltage-level changes to communicate with the other control nodes.

Literature Survey..contd
Low-voltage bipolar-type DC microgrid for super high quality
distribution, IEEE Trans. Power Electron., vol. 25, no. 12, pp. 3066
3075, Dec. 2010 by H. Kakigano, Y. Miura, and T. Ise,, presents
Microgrid is one of the new conceptual power systems for smooth
installation of many distributed generations (DGs). While most of
the microgrids adopt ac distribution as well as conventional power
systems, dc microgrids are proposed and researched for the good
connection with dc output type sources such as photovoltaic (PV)
system, fuel cell, and secondary battery.Moreover, if loads in the
system are supplied with dc power, the conversion losses from
sources to loads are reduced compared with ac microgrid. As one of
the dc microgrids, we propose low-voltage bipolar-type dc
microgrid, which can supply super high quality power with three-
wire dc distribution line.
Literature Survey..contd
Inverse Watkins-Johnson topology based inverter, IEEE Trans.
Power Electron., vol. 27, no. 3, pp. 10661070, Mar. 2012. by O.
Lopez, F. D. Freijedo, A. G. Yepes, P. Fernandez-Comesaa, J. Malvar,
R. Teodorescu, and J. Doval-Gandoy presents
there is a strong trend in the photovoltaic inverter technology to
use transformerless topologies in order to acquire higher
efficiencies combining with very low ground leakage current. In
this paper, a new topology, based on the H-bridge with a new ac
bypass circuit consisting of a diode rectifier and a switch with
clamping to the dc midpoint, is proposed.
Literature Survey..contd
Highly efficient single-phase transformerless inverters for grid-
connected photovoltaic systems, IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 57,
no. 9, pp. 31183128, Sep. 2010 S. Mishra, R. Adda, and A. Joshi,
A Z-source inverter (ZSI) uses an LC impedance network between
the source and the voltage source inverter (VSI). It has the property
of stepping down or stepping up the input voltage, as a result, the
output can be either higher or lower than the input voltage as per
requirement. This topology also possesses robust electromagnetic
interference noise immunity, which is achieved by allowing shoot
through of the inverter leg switches.
Literature Survey..contd
A wide bandwidth electronic load, IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol.
59, no. 2, pp. 733739, Feb. 2012. by S. Upadhyay, S. Mishra, and A.
Joshi, presents
Electronic load (E-load) is commonly used to test power supplies. In
order to test computer power supplies, the E-load must possess an
ideal controlled current source property which draws a desired load
current even in the case of a very low terminal voltage of the source
under test (SUT). It also needs to have superior dynamic
performance to simulate high-slew-rate load transients.
Micro & Nano grid
1. Micro grids are building blocks of a Smart-grid.
2. Nano grids are building cells of a Micro-grid.
3. They should be efficient, reliable, self-sufficient, and fault tolerant
to contribute to a healthy smart grid

Modules Name
Switched boost inverter
Synchronous reference frame control
Pv system
Simulation Results
Hardware Theory

Modules Description
Z-source inverter (ZSI) uses an L-C impedance network
between the source and the voltage source inverter (VSI). It has the
property of stepping down or stepping up the input voltage, as a
result, the output can be either higher or lower than the input
voltage as per requirement. This topology also possesses robust
Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) noise immunity, which is
achieved by allowing shoot-through of the inverter leg switches.
This impedance network consists of two inductors and two
capacitors, which causes significant increase in the size of the
power converter. Moreover, for stable operation of the converter,
this impedance network has to be perfectly symmetrical which is
difficult to achieve in practice. In this paper, an alternative
implementation of the ZSI is derived. The resulting topology is
called Switched Boost Inverter (SBI). It has half the number of
passive components when compared to ZSI while retaining its
primary operational advantages. This paper explains the steady
state operation and small signal behavior of the switched boost
inverter. This paper proposes an inverter circuit based on Inverse
Watkins-Johnson topology that can achieve similar advantages as
that of a ZSI.
Modules Description
The nanogrid employs power electronic interface circuits to connect the
generators and loads to the nanogrid, and to link the nanogrid to a weak
power system. A step-up converter, or picosource interface, connects the
picosources to the nanogrid. Picosources typically produce a low DC voltage
output while the nanogrid operates at a higher voltage to achieve high
transmission efficiency. Similarly, a step-down converter allows AC and DC
consumer loads to draw power from the nanogrid. The nanogrid employs a
decentralised control strategy to control the power flow in the nanogrid.
The power balance is achieved through independent control of each
picosource interface; no control interconnections are required.
Modules Description

Current regulators for AC inverters are commonly categorized as
hysteresis, linear PI, or deadbeat predictive regulators, with a further sub-
classification into stationary ABC frame and synchronous d-q frame
implementations. Synchronous frame regulators are generally accepted to
have a better performance than stationary frame regulators, as they operate
on DC quantities and hence can eliminate steady-state errors. This paper
establishes a theoretical connection between these two classes of regulators
and proposes a new type of stationary frame regulator, the P+Resonant
regulator, which achieves the same transient and steady-state performance
as a synchronous frame PI regulator. The new regulator is applicable to both
single-phase and three phase inverters.

Modules Description
The word photovoltaic combines two terms photo means light
and voltaic means voltage. A photovoltaic system in this discussion
uses photovoltaic cells to directly convert sunlight into electricity.
Photovoltaic power generation employs solar panels composed of a
number of solar cells containing a photovoltaic material. Solar
photovoltaic is a sustainable energy source where 100 countries are
utilizing it. Solar photovoltaics is now, after hydro and wind power,
the third most important renewable energy source in terms of
globally installed capacity. Installations may be ground-mounted or
built into the roof or walls of a building. (either building-integrated
photovoltaics or simply rooftop)

Modules Description
SPWM technique is based on classical SPWM technique with carriers
and reference sine waveform. Only difference between them is, in digital
SPWM a sine table consisting of values of sine waveform sampled at
certain frequency is used. As result reference wave form in digital SPWM
represents a sample and hold wave form of sine wave form.
Output stays high as long as the command is greater than the
carrier. Pulse-width modulation (PWM), as it applies to motor control, is
a way of delivering energy through a succession of pulses rather than a
continuously varying (analog) signal. By increasing or decreasing pulse
width, the controller regulates energy flow to the motor shaft. The
motors own inductance acts like a filter, storing energy during the on
cycle while releasing it at a rate corresponding to the input or reference
signal. In other words, energy flows into the load not so much the
switching frequency, but at the reference frequency.

Modules Description
Total harmonic distortion (THD) is a complex and often confusing concept to
grasp. However, when broken down into the basic definitions of harmonics
and distortion, it becomes much easier to understand. Now imagine that
this load is going to take on one of two basic types: linear or nonlinear. The
type of load is going to affect the power quality of the system. This is due to
the current draw of each type of load. Linear loads draw current that is
sinusoidal in nature so they generally do not distort the waveform. Most
household appliances are categorized as linear loads. Non-linear loads,
however, can draw current that is not perfectly sinusoidal. Since the current
waveform deviates from a sine wave, voltage waveform distortions are
Given Input and Expected Output
= 24V DC from Solar panel
Vo1 = 48Vac_rms, Vo2=130Vdc
Vo=200V DC & 230V AC
Module Diagram

1. A Nanogrid may not be directly connected to a grid.
2. It should stably operate in clusters (in a Microgrid)
3. It should be able to operated in an islanded mode
4. Nanogrid should be operationally independent to make the
Smart-grid reliable and fault tolerant.
5. Reduce the number of converters in Nanogrid.

Screen shots: Simulation Results : Simulation Design
Screen shots: Simulation Results : output voltage level
Screen shots: Simulation Results : Switching pulse
Closed loop
SBI is a single-stage power converter.
Decreases size and cost of overall system.
SBI can be either higher or lower than the available source
SBI exhibits better electromagnetic interference (EMI) noise
Eliminates the complex dead-time compensation
Boost + inversion process can be carried out in single
Continuous current waveform

Grid-tie inverters
Stand-alone Inverters

Future Enhancement
The simulation design of a presented Switched boost
inverter concept is to be performed using MATLAB-

J. Schonberger, R. Duke, and S. D. Round, DC-bus signalling: A
distributed control strategy for a hybrid renewable nanogrid, IEEE
Trans.Ind. Electron., vol. 53, no. 5, pp. 14531460, Oct. 2006.

H. Kakigano, Y. Miura, and T. Ise, Low-voltage bipolar-type DC
microgrid for super high quality distribution, IEEE Trans. Power
Electron.,vol. 25, no. 12, pp. 30663075, Dec. 2010.

S. Mishra, R. Adda, and A. Joshi, Inverse Watkins-Johnson
topology based inverter, IEEE Trans. Power Electron., vol. 27, no.
3, pp. 10661070, Mar. 2012.

S. Upadhyay, S. Mishra, and A. Joshi, A wide bandwidth electronic
load, IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 59, no. 2, pp. 733739, Feb.

R. Adda, S. Mishra, and A. Joshi, A PWM control strategy for
switched boost inverter, in Proc. 3rd IEEE Energy Convers. Congr.
Expo., Phoenix, AZ, 2011, pp. 42084211.

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