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Gauges KSR

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In mass production, instead of measuring actual dimension of each

part, the conformance of the part with tolerance specification, can be

checked by gauges.

Gauges are scaleless inspection tools with rigid design, which are used
to check the dimensions of manufactured parts.

They do not determine the actual size or dimensions of part.

Used to determine whether the inspected part has been made within
the specified limits.

Gauges consist of two sizes corresponding to their maximum and
minimum limits.

Also check the form and relative positions of the surface parts.
For gauging hole limits plug gauges are used.

For gauging shaft limits snap gauges are used.

May be used by unskilled operators.

No calculations, need not require to find the actual dimensions.
Time involved for checking/inspection is considerably reduced
No adjustment is required in their use

Not general purpose instruments. Specially made for some
particular component, which is to be produced in sufficiently large

Give quick results about the conformance or non-conformance of
the part with specified tolerances.
Plain gauges: Used for checking plain, i.e unthreaded holes and shafts.

4 types:

1.According to their type: a)Standard gauges
b) Limit gauges

2.According to purposes: a)Workshop gauge
b)Inspection gauge
c)Reference or master gauge

3.According to the form of the tested surface: a)Plug gauge
b)Snap,Gap or Ring gauge

4.Accoring to their design: a)Single limit and double limit gauges
b)Fixed and adjustable gauges
Classification of Plain Gauge Contd..

1.According to their type :

(a) Standard gauges
made as an exact copy of opposed(mating) part
(b) Limit gauges
made to the limits of the dimensions

2.According to their purposes :

Workshop Gauge: To check dimension after manufacture
Inspection Gauge: To check part before final acceptance
Purchase Inspection Gauge: To check part of other factory
Reference or master gauges: To check the dimension of gauge
3.According to the form of the tested surface

(a) Plug gauges for checking holes.

(b) Snap and ring gauges for checking shafts.

Classification of Plain Gauge Contd..
Snap Ring

(a) Based on the standard and limit

(i) Standard gauge
(ii) Limit gauge

(b) Based on the consistency in manufacturing process and inspection

(i) Working gauge
(ii) Inspection gauge
(iii) Reference gauge

(c) According to the shape or purpose for which each is used

(i) Plug
(ii) Ring
(iii) Snap
(iv) Taper
(v) Thread
(vi) Form
(vii) Feeler
(viii) Air-gauges
Gauges - KEY WORDS

Standard Gauges : These are made to the nominal size of the parts to be tested.

Limit Gauges : These are go and no go gauges.

Plug Gauges : These are used for checking holes of many different shapes and sizes.
Ring Gauges : External diameter of cylindrical object.

Taper Gauges : Taper testing gauges.
Snap Gauges : These are used for checking outside dimension of a part.

Thread Gauges : These are used for pitch diameter of the thread.
Form Gauges : These are used to check the contour of a profile.

Feeler Gauges : For checking the clearance between the mating surfaces.
Air Gauge : To measure inside characteristics of a hole using air.
Standard gauges: If a gauge is made as an exact copy of the mating part
of the component to be checked, it is called as standard gauge.

It has limited applications.

Limit Gauges: Widely used in Industries.

As there are two permissible limits of the dimension of a part, high and
low, two gauges are needed to check each dimension of the part, one
corresponding to the low limit of size and other to the high limit of size of
that dimension.

These are known as GO and NO-GO gauges.

The difference between the sizes of these two gauges is equal to the
tolerance on the workpiece.
Cylindrical Plug Gauges
Taper Plug Gauges
Used to check size of hole and taper accuracy
Made with standard or special tapers
Some have "go" and "no-go" rings scribed
gauge fits into hole between two rings means within required
Taper Plug and Ring Gauges
Thread Plug Gauges
Used for checking internal threads of the "go" and "no-go"
Based on same principle as cylindrical plug gauges
"go" end (longer end)
Should be turned in flush to bottom of hole
"no-go" end
Should just start into hole and become snug before
third thread enters
Plain Ring Gauges
Used to check outside diameter of pieces
Ground and lapped internally to desired size
Size stamped on side of gauge
Outside diameter knurled and "no-go" end identified by annular
groove on knurled surface
Precautions and procedures similar to those outlined for a plug
Thread Ring Gauges
Snap Gauges
One of most common types of comparative measuring
Faster to use than micrometers
Have C-shaped frame with adjustable gauging anvils or rolls set to
"go" and "no-go" limits of the part
Several styles
A correctly machined part will pass the first set of jaws and stop at
the second end of test. In this manner a part may be checked in one
action, unlike the plug gauge that needs to be used twice and flipped to
access the second gauge
Snap Gauges Contd..
A feeler gauge (also known as a thickness gauge) is an
accurately manufactured strip of metal that is used to
determine the gap or clearance between two components.

A feeler gauge can be used to check the following:
Piston ring gap
Piston ring side clearance
Connecting rod side clearance
Radius Gauge
A radius gauge is a tool used to measure the radius of an object.

Thread Pitch gauges or screw pitch gauges
Metric, ACME, Whitworth
Go gauges check the Maximum Metal Limit(MML) and
NO-GO gauges check the Minimum Metal Limit(LML).
HOLE: MML is LL of hole and hence GO gauge for LL and NO-GO for HL

SHAFT: MML is HL and hence GO gauge for HL of size and NO-GO for LL of size.
Part is good , if GO gauge passes through and NO-GO gauge fails to pass.

If both fail to pass, it indicates that hole is under size or shaft is over size.

If both gauges pass, it means that hole is over size or the shaft is under size.
Limit Plug Gauges: For checking holes.

GO Size of LL of hole
NO-GO Size of HL of hole

Plug gauges are marked with the following on their handles for their

1.Nominal size
2.Class of tolerance
3.Go on Go side
4.No-Go on No-go side
5.The actual value of the tolerance
6.Manufacturers trade mark
7. A red colour band near the Not-Go end to distinguish from Go end.
Snap, Gap or Ring gauges: For checking the shafts

GOSize corresponding to HL of the shaft
NO-GOSize corresponds to LL of shaft

Adjustable type gap gauges , gauging anvils are adjustable endwise in the
horse- shoe frame. Thus a small change within about 0.002 mm can be
made in the size range.

Fixed gauges are less expensive initially, but they do not permit
adjustment to compensate for wear.

Adjustable gauges are expensive but they permit adjustment to
compensate for wear and can also be used over a small range of different

Materials: Good quality high carbon steel. Heat treatment will give
hardness and stability. Relatively inexpensive, can be readily machined and
brought to a high degree of accuracy and surface finish.
1.Go gauges should be designed to check the Maximum Metal Limit, while
the NO-GO gauges should be designed to check the Minimum Metal Limit

Snap gauges to check shafts:

GO snap gauge corresponds to HL of shaft, NO-GO snap gauge corresponds
to LL of shaft.

Plug gauges to check holes:

Size of GO plug gauge should correspond to the LL of hole , while that of
NO-GO plug gauge corresponds to the HL of hole.

In 1905, William Taylor explained the two processes of checking the component.
His concepts, known as Taylor's principles, are used in the design of smooth limit
2.GO gauges should check all the related dimensions (roundness, size,
location etc) simultaneously, where as NO-GO gauge should check only
one element of the dimension at a time.

According to this rule, GO plug gauge should have a full circular section
and be full length of the hole it has to check. This ensures that any lack of
straightness, or roundness of the hole will prevent the entry of full length
GO plug gauge.

If this condition is not fulfilled, the inspection of the part with the gauge
may give wrong results.
Gauge tolerance(Manufacturing tolerance)

In practice, gauges cannot be manufactured to exact sizes. The closer the
limits are held, the more expensive the gauge is. Some allowance must be
provided to gauge maker for manufacturing gauges. This is known as gauge
makers tolerance or Gauge tolerance.

Logically, the gauge tolerance should be kept as small as possible, this will
increase the cost of manufacturing gauges. There is no universally accepted
policy for the amount of gauge tolerance.

Limit gauges are usually provided with a gauge tolerance of 10% of work

Tolerance on inspection gauges is 5% of work tolerance.

Tolerance on reference or master gauges:10% of gauge tolerance.
Disposition(allocation) of Gauge tolerance
After the magnitude of gauge tolerance is determined, it must be
positioned relative to the work limits so that it does not cause the gauge to
accept defective work.

The gauge tolerance zone lies entirely within the work tolerance zone. Due
to this, the work tolerance zone becomes small by the sum of the gauge
Wear allowance

The measuring surfaces of GO gauges rub constantly against the surfaces of
the work pieces during checking. This results in wearing of the measuring
surfaces of gauges.

The Go gauge thus looses its initial size. The size of the GO plug gauge is
reduced due to wear and that of the ring or snap gauge is increased.

Hence a wear allowance is provided to the gauges in the direction
opposite to that of the wear.
GO Plug gauge: wear allowance is added

GO ring or snap gauge: wear allowance is subtracted.

NO-GO gauges: Wear allowance is not provided as they are not subjected
to much wear as GO gauges.

Wear allowance
Wear allowance= 5% of work tolerance, Or 10 to 20% of gauge

This allowance is applied to GO gauge diameter before gauge
tolerance(first one discussed) is applied.

Allocation of gauge tolerance & wear allowance for Plug gauges
Allocation of gauge tolerance & wear allowance for Snap gauges
Work shop
Workshop gauges Inspection gauges
1. These are used by the operator
during manufacture of parts
1.These are used by inspectors for
final inspection of the
manufactured parts
2. These gauges usually have limits
within those of the components
being inspected
2.These gauges are made to slightly
larger tolerances than the workshop
gauges. This is to ensure that the
work which passes the workshop
gauges will be accepted by the
inspection gauges.
3. The tolerance on the workshop gauge
is arranged to fall inside the work
3.The tolerance on inspection
gauges is arranged to fall outside
the work tolerance
Problem 1: If the size of hole to be checked is 500.02 mm. Design the plug
gauge .
Gauge tolerance or manufacturing tolerance = 10% of work tolerance = 0.004 mm
Dimensions of GO plug gauge = 49.98
Dimensions of NO-GO plug gauge = 50.02
Considering Wear allowance =5% of work tolerance =5% of 0.004 = 0.002 mm
Nominal size of GO plug gauge = 49.98 + 0.002 = 49.982 mm
Therefore dimension of GO plug gauge after considering wear allowance=
High limit of hole=50.02 mm
Low limit of hole=49.98 mm
Work tolerance =0.02 = 0.04 mm
Problem 2: Design the workshop, inspection and general type of GO and NOT-Go gauge for
Checking the assembly 30H7f8. Given 30 mm falls in the dia. Step 18 & 30. Fundamental
deviation for f shaft = -5.5 D
.Also determine i)Type of fit ii)allowance for above fit
iii)equivalent fit in shaft basis system. Consider wear allowance as 10% of gauge tolerance.

D=23.2 mm
i=1.3075 microns
16i=21 microns=0.021 mm
Limits: 30 +0.000,+0.021 =30.000 & 30.021 mm
25i=33 microns = 0.033 mm
FD=-5.5 D
= -20 microns = 0.02 mm

Limits: 30 -0.020,-0.053 = 29.980 & 29.947 mm

Gauge tolerance for Hole gauging=10% of hole tolerance
= 0.1 X 0.021 = 0.0021 mm
Wear allowance on hole gauging= 10% of gauge tolerance
= 0.1 x 0.0021= 0.00021 mm
Gauge tolerance for shaft gauging= 10% of shaft tolerance
= 0.1 x 0.033=0.0033 mm
Wear allowance on shaft = 10% of gauge tolerance = 0.1 x 0.0033 = 0.00033 mm
HL of hole
LL of hole
HL of shaft
LL of shaft
Gauge for Hole(Plug gauge) Shaft(Ring gauge)
Type of gauge Go gauge No-Go gauge Go gauge No-Go gauge
Workshop 30+0.00231
30 + 0.0201
30 - 0.01033
- 0.01363
30 - 0.0397
- 0.0430
Inspection 30 + 0.0000
- 0.00210
30 + 0.0231
- 0.0210
30 - 0.0067
- 0.0100
30 - 0.0463
- 0.0430
General 30 + 0.00231
+ 0.00021
30 + 0.0231
+ 0.0210
30 - 0.01033
- 0.0136
30 - 0.0463
- 0.0430
clearance fit

Max. clearance= HL of hole LL of shaft = 30.021 29.947 = 0.014 mm
Min. clearance = LL of hole HL of shaft = 30- 29.98 = 0.02 mm

Allowance =Min. clearance between mating members= 0.02 mm
Equivalent fit in shaft basis system= 30 F8h7

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