Business Communication - Business Presentations

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IMT-N-I- BC1-2013

Business Communication I
Session 3
July 12
, 2013

Chapter 16 & 17, Business Communication Today,
Thill, Bovee & Chatterjee, Pearson Ed.
Learning Objectives
Business Presentations
Good Presentations?
Coping with Stage fright
Control on Content
Visual Aids
Speech Delivery

Good Presentations
Contents match the audience
Level of complexity/ details fit the audience profile
Language matches the audience
Simple language, concrete ideas/ graphic structure
Lesser time consumed, better it is
Smooth sequence
Well structured & logically arranged sequence
Signs of preparation & Mastery
Relevant data, Illustrations, graphics, a/v- collected & used
Preparedness = Mastery
Lively speech
Passionate voice, modulations, gestures, eye contact
Conviction of the presenter indicative in convincing voice
Coping with Stage fright
Glossophobia- Fear of Public Speaking

Coping Strategies
Mirror Talking
Imaginary Audience
Real Audience & Feedback
Reading sessions- Variations as in Drama
Preparing well- thrice of required
Planning a Presentation
Who your audience are?
Assess the audience profile
Who are you to them?
Why are you making this presentation?
Image building, prospecting, advocating, educating
Why are they here? Key deliverables
Where are you going to present?
Logistical preparations- acquainted places better
At what time of the day?
Prepare well, Prepare details
Must- Ought- May be [MOM]
Deliverable Content


Ought to

May be
Content Delivery
Visual aids
Full written speech/ with full prompts
Major points carried- with mental notes
Cue cards
OHP transparencies
Slide show- PPTs

Slides in slide shows: should support & compliment presenter
Should not leave presenter as operator
Should not be verbose / cluttered
Should must have perfect formatting
Golden Rule- 6X6X6 or 7X7X7 at max
Speech Delivery
Loud enough to be audible
Modulation used; as story telling session
Passion & conviction to be believed

Postures & Gestures
Make use of space provided
Natural movements utilize space & are indication of comfort
Excessive use of any gesture & posture needs to be avoided

Eye movements
Its natural & comforting to look in the eyes of audience
Provides feedback & confidence to speaker
Evenly spreading eye contact increases interest at both sides
Single section/ person stared at- avoidable

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