Introduction To Ab Initio: Prepared By: Ashok Chanda
Introduction To Ab Initio: Prepared By: Ashok Chanda
Introduction To Ab Initio: Prepared By: Ashok Chanda
Introduction to
Ab Initio
Prepared By : Ashok Chanda
Accenture Ab Initio Training 2
Ab initio Session 4
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Join Basic Definition
Join performs inner, outer, and semi-joins
with multiple flows of data records.
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Join reads data from two or more input
ports, combines records with matching
keys according to the transform you
specify, and sends the transformed
records to the output port. Additional
ports allow you to collect rejected and
unused records. There can be as many as
20 input ports.
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Alphabetical List of Join
count maintain-order
dedupn max-core
driving max-memory
join-type override- keyn
key ramp
limit record- requiredn
logging reject-threshold
log_input selectn
log_intermediate sorted-input
log_output transform
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Parameter Descriptions for
count : (integer, required)
An integer n from 2 to 20 specifying the total number of inputs (in
ports) to Join. This in turn determines the number of the following
ports and parameters:
unused ports
reject ports
error ports
record-required parameters
dedup parameters
select parameters
override-key parameters Default is 2.
Each in port (always 2 or more) has a number n appended. There
can be as many as 20 in ports altogether. Each outn, unusedn,
rejectn, and errorn port corresponds to an inn port.
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Parameter Descriptions for
sorted-input : (choice, required)
When set to In memory: Input need not be
sorted, Join accepts unsorted input, and
permits the use of the maintain-order
When set to Inputs must be sorted, Join
requires sorted input, and the maintain-order
parameter is not available.
Default is Inputs must be sorted.
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Parameter Descriptions for
key : (key specifier, required)
Name(s) of the field(s) in the input
records that must have matching values
for Join to call the transform function.
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Parameter Descriptions for
transform : (filename or string, required)
Either the name of the file containing the transform
function, or a transform string. In the file specified in the
transform parameter or in the transform string, create
a transform function that has the following
The transform function takes the number of input arguments
specified in the count parameter.
The first argument is a data record with the record format of the
in0 port. The second argument is a data record with the record
format of the in1 port, and so on.
The transform function has an explicit or implicit rule that
assigns a value to every field in the output record.
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Parameter Descriptions for
join-type : (choice, required)
Choose from the following:
Inner join sets the record-requiredn parameters for all
ports to True. Inner join is the default. The GDE does not
display the record-requiredn parameters because they all have
the same value.
Outer join sets the record-requiredn parameters for all
ports to False. The GDE does not display the record-
requiredn parameters because they all have the same value.
Explicit allows you to set the record-requiredn parameter
for each port individually. If you set the dedupn parameter to
True on the driving input, set the join-type parameter to
Inner join. (The driving input is the largest input, as specified
by the driving parameter.)
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Parameter Descriptions for
dedupn : (boolean, required)
Set the dedupn parameter to True to remove duplicates from the
corresponding inn port before joining. This allows you to choose
only one record from a group with matching key values as the
argument to the transform function. Default is False, which does
not remove duplicates.
If you remove duplicates on this input port before joining it to the
driving input, set the record-requiredn parameter to True on all
other ports. (The driving input is the largest input, as specified by
the driving parameter.)
There is one dedupn parameter associated with each inn port.
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Parameter Descriptions for
selectn : (expression, optional)
Filter for records before join function. One
per inn port; n represents the number of
an in port.
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Parameter Descriptions for
override-keyn : (key specifier, optional)
Alternative name(s) for the key field(s) for a particular inn port.
Supported for Co>Operating System Version:
2.1 and higher with the sorted-input parameter set to In memory:
Input need not be sorted
2.2.2 and higher with the sorted-input parameter set to Inputs must
be sorted There is one override-keyn parameter per inn port. The n
corresponds to the number of an in port.
To use key field(s) other than the key field(s) specified in the key
parameter for a particular inn port, specify the key field(s) you
want to use in the corresponding override-keyn parameter.
Default is 0.0.
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Parameter Descriptions for
max-memory : (integer, required)
Maximum memory usage in bytes before Join
writes temporary files to disk. Only available
when the sorted-input parameter is set to
Inputs must be sorted.
The default value is 8388608 bytes (8
megabytes). Start by using this default, and
then adjust to higher or lower values as
necessary if you encounter performance
difficulties. It is very unlikely you will ever need
to change the value of this parameter.
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Parameter Descriptions for
driving : (integer, required)
Number of the port to which you connect the driving
input. The driving input is the largest input. All other
inputs are read into memory.
The driving parameter is only available when the
sorted-input parameter is set to In memory: Input
need not be sorted. For example, suppose the largest
input to be joined is on the in1 port. Specify a port
number of 1 as the value of the driving parameter. The
Join component reads all other inputs to the join, for
example, in0, and in2, into memory.
Default is 0, which specifies that the driving input is on
port in0.
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Parameter Descriptions for
maintain-order : (boolean, required)
Set to True to ensure that records remain in the original
order of the driving input. (The driving input is the
largest input, as specified by the driving parameter.)
Default is False.
Only available when the sorted-input parameter is set
to In memory: Input need not be sorted. If the
sorted-input parameter is set to Inputs must be
sorted, and all inputs are sorted on the fields given in
the key parameter, then the output maintains the sort
order on that key without the use of this parameter.
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Parameter Descriptions for
maintain-order : (boolean, required)
If any inputs, other than the driving input, are too large
to fit within the memory limit specified by max-core,
and you set maintain-order to
False Join stores some of its intermediate results in
temporary files on disk. This alters the order of records
in the driving input.
True Join stops execution of the graph. Even if you
leave maintain-order set to False, Join groups
together all output records for a given driving input
record. If the driving input is grouped by key value, you
can still use components downstream that require
records grouped by key value.
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Parameter Descriptions for
max-core : (integer, required)
Maximum memory usage in bytes. Only available
when the sorted-input parameter is set to In
memory: Input need not be sorted. The
default value is 67108864 bytes (64
If the total size of the intermediate results Join
holds in memory exceeds the number of bytes
specified in the max-core parameter, Join
writes temporary files to disk
Accenture Ab Initio Training 19
Runtime Behavior of Join
The Join component:
Reads data records from multiple inn ports.
Applies the expression in any defined selectn parameter
to the records on the corresponding inn port.
If the expression evaluates to 0 for a record, Join does not
process the record, and it does not appear on any output port.
If the expression produces NULL for a particular record, Join
writes a descriptive error message and stops graph execution.
If the expression evaluates to anything other than 0 or NULL for
a particular record, Join processes the record.
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Runtime Behavior of Join
If you do not supply an expression for a selectn parameter, Join processes
all the records on the corresponding inn port.
Operates on the records that have matching key values using a multi-input
transform function.
Writes the result to the out port. If you connect a flow to an unusedn
port, Join writes to the unusedn port, from the corresponding inn port,
any of the selected records that it does not pass through the transform
function. In other words, Join writes the following records to unusedn
For an inner join all unmatched records
For an outer join no records, since Join passes all records through the
transform function
For an explicit join records for which the transform is not called
For an input port with the dedupn parameter set to True records with
duplicate key values
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Runtime Behavior of Join
Thus, the set of records that Join passes
through the transform function is mutually
exclusive with the set of records that come out
the unusedn port, and the two sets are also
collectively exhaustive. The result is that all
selected records are accounted for exactly once.
If the transform function returns NULL, Join
Each input record to the corresponding rejectn
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Join Types
Inner Join (Equi-Join)
Full Outer Join (Cartesian Product)
Explicit Join (Left or Right Outer Join
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Join Types : Inner & Outer
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Join Types : Explicit
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Joining of Data
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Input data sorted before Join
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The Join Component
Join performs a join of inputs. By default, the inputs to
join must be sorted and an inner join is computed.
Note: The following slides and the on-line example
assume the join-type parameter is set to Outer, and
thus compute an outer join.
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Building the Output Record
decimal(4) id;
string(6) name;
string(8) city;
decimal(3) amount;
decimal(4) id;
date(YYMMDD) dt;
decimal(9.2) cost;
decimal(4) id;
string(8) city;
decimal(3) amount;
Accenture Ab Initio Training 29
decimal(4) id;
string(8) city;
decimal(3) amount;
What if the in1 record is missing?
decimal(4) id;
string(6) name;
string(8) city;
decimal(3) amount;
decimal(4) id;
date(YYMMDD) dt; ???
decimal(9.2) cost;
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Ports of Join Component
Log Port
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C1 Name1
C2 Name2
C3 Name3
Tran Id Cust Id Tran Amt
T1 C2 34
T2 C1 45
T3 C1 67
T4 C2 23
T5 C4 33
Cust Id Cust Name Tran Amt
Fields in Output of Join
How many records will be generated at the output of Join
Join Type : Scenario
Accenture Ab Initio Training 32
Cust Id Cust Name
C1 Name1
C2 Name2
C3 Name3
Tran Id Cust Id Tran Amt
T1 C2 34
T2 C1 45
T3 C1 67
T4 C2 23
T5 33
Cust Id Cust Name Tran Amt
Fields in Output of Join
How many records will be generated at the output of Join
Join Type : Scenario
Accenture Ab Initio Training 33
Cust Id Cust Name
C1 Name1
C2 Name2
Tran Id Cust Id Tran Amt
T1 C2 34
T2 C1 45
T3 C1 67
T4 C2 23
T5 C4 33
Cust Id Cust Name Tran Amt
Fields in Output of Join
How many records will be generated at the output of Join
Join Type : Scenario
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Minimize operations on large
When joining a very small dataset to a
very large dataset, it may be more
efficient to broadcast the small dataset
or use it as a lookup file rather than
repartition and re-sort the large
Accenture Ab Initio Training 35
Minimize sorted join component and if
possible replace them by in-memory
join/hash join.
If the two inputs are huge then use sorted
join, otherwise use hash join with proper
driving port
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Thank You
End of Session 4