The document describes several software development life cycle (SDLC) models including waterfall, V-shaped, rapid application development (RAD), incremental, spiral, personal software process (PSP), team software process (TSP), and unified process. Each model is defined and its strengths and weaknesses are outlined. The waterfall model progresses sequentially from requirements to design to implementation while the V-shaped and spiral models incorporate iterations and risk analysis. RAD emphasizes rapid prototyping while incremental and unified process use iterative development. PSP and TSP focus on personal and team processes.
The document describes several software development life cycle (SDLC) models including waterfall, V-shaped, rapid application development (RAD), incremental, spiral, personal software process (PSP), team software process (TSP), and unified process. Each model is defined and its strengths and weaknesses are outlined. The waterfall model progresses sequentially from requirements to design to implementation while the V-shaped and spiral models incorporate iterations and risk analysis. RAD emphasizes rapid prototyping while incremental and unified process use iterative development. PSP and TSP focus on personal and team processes.
The document describes several software development life cycle (SDLC) models including waterfall, V-shaped, rapid application development (RAD), incremental, spiral, personal software process (PSP), team software process (TSP), and unified process. Each model is defined and its strengths and weaknesses are outlined. The waterfall model progresses sequentially from requirements to design to implementation while the V-shaped and spiral models incorporate iterations and risk analysis. RAD emphasizes rapid prototyping while incremental and unified process use iterative development. PSP and TSP focus on personal and team processes.
The document describes several software development life cycle (SDLC) models including waterfall, V-shaped, rapid application development (RAD), incremental, spiral, personal software process (PSP), team software process (TSP), and unified process. Each model is defined and its strengths and weaknesses are outlined. The waterfall model progresses sequentially from requirements to design to implementation while the V-shaped and spiral models incorporate iterations and risk analysis. RAD emphasizes rapid prototyping while incremental and unified process use iterative development. PSP and TSP focus on personal and team processes.
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PROCESSES SDLC MODEL A framework that describes the activities performed at each stage of a software development project.
WATERFALL MODEL Requirements defines needed information, function, behavior, performance and interfaces. Design data structures, software architecture, interface representations, algorithmic details. Implementation source code, database, user documentation, testing. WATERFALL STRENGTHS Easy to understand, easy to use Provides structure to inexperienced staff Milestones are well understood Sets requirements stability Good for management control (plan, staff, track) Works well when quality is more important than cost or schedule
WATERFALL DEFICIENCIES All requirements must be known upfront Deliverables created for each phase are considered frozen inhibits flexibility Can give a false impression of progress Does not reflect problem-solving nature of software development iterations of phases Integration is one big bang at the end Little opportunity for customer to preview the system (until it may be too late)
V-SHAPED SDLC MODEL A variant of the Waterfall that emphasizes the verification and validation of the product. Testing of the product is planned in parallel with a corresponding phase of development
Project and Requirements Planning allocate resources
Product Requirements and Specification Analysis complete specification of the software system
Architecture or High-Level Design defines how software functions fulfill the design
Detailed Design develop algorithms for each architectural component
Production, operation and maintenance provide for enhancement and corrections System and acceptance testing check the entire software system in its environment
Integration and Testing check that modules interconnect correctly
Unit testing check that each module acts as expected
Coding transform algorithms into software
V-SHAPED STEPS V-SHAPED STRENGTHS Emphasize planning for verification and validation of the product in early stages of product development Each deliverable must be testable Project management can track progress by milestones Easy to use V-SHAPED WEAKNESSES Does not easily handle concurrent events Does not handle iterations or phases Does not easily handle dynamic changes in requirements Does not contain risk analysis activities RAPID APPLICATION MODEL (RAD) Requirements planning phase (a workshop utilizing structured discussion of business problems) User description phase automated tools capture information from users Construction phase productivity tools, such as code generators, screen generators, etc. inside a time-box. (Do until done) Cutover phase -- installation of the system, user acceptance testing and user training RAD STRENGTHS Reduced cycle time and improved productivity with fewer people means lower costs Time-box approach mitigates cost and schedule risk Customer involved throughout the complete cycle minimizes risk of not achieving customer satisfaction and business needs Focus moves from documentation to code (WYSIWYG). Uses modeling concepts to capture information about business, data, and processes.
RAD WEAKNESSES Accelerated development process must give quick responses to the user Risk of never achieving closure Hard to use with legacy systems Requires a system that can be modularized Developers and customers must be committed to rapid- fire activities in an abbreviated time frame.
INCREMENTAL SDLC MODEL Construct a partial implementation of a total system Then slowly add increased functionality The incremental model prioritizes requirements of the system and then implements them in groups. Each subsequent release of the system adds function to the previous release, until all designed functionality has been implemented.
INCREMENTAL MODEL STRENGTHS Develop high-risk or major functions first Each release delivers an operational product Customer can respond to each build Uses divide and conquer breakdown of tasks Lowers initial delivery cost Initial product delivery is faster Customers get important functionality early Risk of changing requirements is reduced
INCREMENTAL MODEL WEAKNESSES Requires good planning and design Requires early definition of a complete and fully functional system to allow for the definition of increments Well-defined module interfaces are required (some will be developed long before others) Total cost of the complete system is not lower
SPIRAL SDLC MODEL Adds risk analysis, and 4gl RAD prototyping to the waterfall model Each cycle involves the same sequence of steps as the waterfall process model
Objectives: functionality, performance, hardware/software interface, critical success factors, etc. Alternatives: build, reuse, buy, sub-contract, etc. Constraints: cost, schedule, interface, etc.
SPIRAL QUADRANT EVALUATE ALTERNATIVES, IDENTIFY AND RESOLVE RISKS Study alternatives relative to objectives and constraints Identify risks (lack of experience, new technology, tight schedules, poor process, etc. Resolve risks (evaluate if money could be lost by continuing system development SPIRAL QUADRANT DEVELOP NEXT-LEVEL PRODUCT Typical activites: Create a design Review design Develop code Inspect code Test product
SPIRAL QUADRANT PLAN NEXT PHASE Typical activities Develop project plan Develop configuration management plan Develop a test plan Develop an installation plan SPIRAL MODEL STRENGTHS Provides early indication of insurmountable risks, without much cost Users see the system early because of rapid prototyping tools Critical high-risk functions are developed first The design does not have to be perfect Users can be closely tied to all lifecycle steps Early and frequent feedback from users Cumulative costs assessed frequently SPIRAL MODEL WEAKNESSES Time spent for evaluating risks too large for small or low-risk projects Time spent planning, resetting objectives, doing risk analysis and prototyping may be excessive The model is complex Risk assessment expertise is required Spiral may continue indefinitely Developers must be reassigned during non-development phase activities May be hard to define objective, verifiable milestones that indicate readiness to proceed through the next iteration PERSONAL SOFTWARE PROCESS (PSP) The personal software process (psp) is a structured set of process descriptions, measurements and methods that can help engineers improve their personal performance. The goal of the personal software process is to discipline software process. PERSONAL SOFTWARE PROCESS (PSP) Planning. This activity isolates requirements and develops both size and resource estimates. In addition, a defect estimate (the number of defects projected for the work) is made. All metrics are recorded on worksheets or templates. Finally, development tasks are identified and a project schedule is created. High-level design. External specifications for each component to be constructed are developed and a component design is created. Prototypes are built when uncertainty exists. All issues are recorded and tracked. High-level design review. Formal verification methods (Chapter 21) are applied to uncover errors in the design. Metrics are maintained for all important tasks and work results. Development. The component level design is refined and reviewed. Code is generated, reviewed, compiled, and tested. Metrics are maintained for all important tasks and work results. Postmortem. Using the measures and metrics collected (this is a substantial amount of data that should be analyzed statistically), the effectiveness of the process is determined. Measures and metrics should provide guidance for modifying the process to improve its effectiveness. TEAM SOFTWARE PROCESS (TSP) Build self-directed teams that plan and track their work, establish goals, and own their processes and plans. These can be pure software teams or integrated product teams (IPT) of three to about 20 engineers. Show managers how to coach and motivate their teams and how to help them sustain peak performance. Accelerate software process improvement by making CMM Level 5 behavior normal and expected. The Capability Maturity Model (CMM), a measure of the effectiveness of a software process, is discussed in Chapter 30. Provide improvement guidance to high-maturity organizations. Facilitate university teaching of industrial -grade team skills. UNIFIED PROCESS MODELS Unified Processa use-case driven, architecture-centric, iterative and incremental software process closely aligned with the Unified Modeling Language (UML) THE UNIFIED PROCESS (UP) soft ware increment Release Incept ion Elaborat ion const ruct ion t ransit ion product ion inception elaboration UP PHASES Incept ion Elaborat ion Const ruct ion Transit ion Product ion UP Phases Workflows Requirements Analysis Design Implementation Test Iterations #1 #2 #n-1 #n Support UP WORK PRODUCTS Incept ion phase Elaborat ion phase Const ruct ion phase Transit ion phase Vision document Init ial use-case model Init ial project glossary Init ial business case Init ial risk assessment . Project plan, phases and it erat ions. Business model, if necessary. One or more prot ot ypes I nc e pt i o n Use-case model Supplement ary requirement s including non-f unct ional Analysis model Sof t ware archit ect ure Descript ion. Execut able archit ect ural prot ot ype. Preliminary design model Revised risk list Project plan including it erat ion plan adapt ed workf lows milest ones t echnical work product s Preliminary user manual Design model Sof t ware component s Int egrat ed sof t ware increment Test plan and procedure Test cases Support document at ion user manuals inst allat ion manuals descript ion of current increment Delivered sof t ware increment Bet a t est report s General user f eedback WHAT IS AGILITY? Effective (rapid and adaptive) response to change Effective communication among all stakeholders Drawing the customer onto the team Organizing a team so that it is in control of the work performed Yielding Rapid, incremental delivery of software AGILITY AND THE COST OF CHANGE AN AGILE PROCESS Is driven by customer descriptions of what is required (scenarios) Recognizes that plans are short-lived Develops software iteratively with a heavy emphasis on construction activities Delivers multiple software increments Adapts as changes occur AGILITY PRINCIPLES - I 1. Our highest priority is to satisfy the customer through early and continuous delivery of valuable software. 2. Welcome changing requirements, even late in development. Agile processes harness change for the customer's competitive advantage. 3. Deliver working software frequently, from a couple of weeks to a couple of months, with a preference to the shorter timescale. 4. Business people and developers must work together daily throughout the project. 5. Build projects around motivated individuals. Give them the environment and support they need, and trust them to get the job done. 6. The most efficient and effective method of conveying information to and within a development team is facetoface conversation. AGILITY PRINCIPLES - II 7. Working software is the primary measure of progress. 8. Agile processes promote sustainable development. The sponsors, developers, and users should be able to maintain a constant pace indefinitely. 9. Continuous attention to technical excellence and good design enhances agility. 10. Simplicity the art of maximizing the amount of work not done is essential. 11. The best architectures, requirements, and designs emerge from selforganizing teams. 12. At regular intervals, the team reflects on how to become more effective, then tunes and adjusts its behavior accordingly.
HUMAN FACTORS The process molds to the needs of the people and team, not the other way around Key traits must exist among the people on an agile team and the team itself: Competence. Common focus. Collaboration. Decision-making ability. Fuzzy problem-solving ability. Mutual trust and respect. Self-organization. EXTREME PROGRAMMING (XP) The most widely used agile process, originally proposed by Kent Beck XP Planning Begins with the creation of user stories Agile team assesses each story and assigns a cost Stories are grouped to for a deliverable increment A commitment is made on delivery date After the first increment project velocity is used to help define subsequent delivery dates for other increments EXTREME PROGRAMMING (XP) 37 XP Design Follows the KIS principle Encourage the use of CRC cards (see Chapter 8) For difficult design problems, suggests the creation of spike solutionsa design prototype Encourages refactoringan iterative refinement of the internal program design XP Coding Recommends the construction of a unit test for a store before coding commences Encourages pair programming XP Testing All unit tests are executed daily Acceptance tests are defined by the customer and excuted to assess customer visible functionality
ADAPTIVE SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT Originally proposed by Jim Highsmith ASD distinguishing features Mission-driven planning Component-based focus Uses time-boxing (See Chapter 24) Explicit consideration of risks Emphasizes collaboration for requirements gathering Emphasizes learning throughout the process DYNAMIC SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT METHOD Promoted by the DSDM Consortium ( DSDMdistinguishing features Similar in most respects to XP and/or ASD Nine guiding principles Active user involvement is imperative. DSDM teams must be empowered to make decisions. The focus is on frequent delivery of products. Fitness for business purpose is the essential criterion for acceptance of deliverables. Iterative and incremental development is necessary to converge on an accurate business solution. All changes during development are reversible. Requirements are baselined at a high level Testing is integrated throughout the life-cycle. SCRUM Originally proposed by Schwaber and Beedle Scrumdistinguishing features Development work is partitioned into packets Testing and documentation are on-going as the product is constructed Work occurs in sprints and is derived from a backlog of existing requirements Meetings are very short and sometimes conducted without chairs demos are delivered to the customer with the time-box allocated CRYSTAL Proposed by Cockburn and Highsmith Crystaldistinguishing features Actually a family of process models that allow maneuverability based on problem characteristics Face-to-face communication is emphasized Suggests the use of reflection workshops to review the work habits of the team FEATURE DRIVEN DEVELOPMENT Originally proposed by Peter Coad et al FDDdistinguishing features Emphasis is on defining features a feature is a client-valued function that can be implemented in two weeks or less. Uses a feature template <action> the <result> <by | for | of | to> a(n) <object> A features list is created and plan by feature is conducted Design and construction merge in FDD AGILE MODELING Originally proposed by Scott Ambler Suggests a set of agile modeling principles Model with a purpose Use multiple models Travel light Content is more important than representation Know the models and the tools you use to create them Adapt locally