WPF Architecture
WPF Architecture
WPF Architecture
• milcore.dll is the core of the WPF rendering system and the foundation
of the MediaIntegration Layer (MIL). Its composition engine
translates visual elements into the triangle and textures that
Direct3D expects. Although milcore.dll is considered a part of
WPF, it's also an essential system component for Windows Vista.
In fact, the Desktop Window Manager (DWM) in Windows Vista uses
milcore.dll to render the desktop.
• The most important fact that you should realize is the Direct3D renders all
the drawing in WPF.
• It doesn't matter whether you have a modest video card or a much more
powerful one, whether you're using basic controls or drawing more complex
content, or whether you're running your application on Windows XP or
Windows Vista.
• Therefore……
Wpf future Promise