EU Integration and Info Sources

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European integration

Interactive Tests & Preparatory Material for Open Competitions

Important milestones 1.

 1951: Treaty of Paris on European Coal and Steel Community

 1954: French Assembly votes down European Defense Treaty
 1957: Treaty of Rome on EEC and Euratom (force: 1/1/1958)
 1962: EEC Assembly named ‘European Parliament’
 1965: Empty chairs crisis & Merger Treaty
 1970: Start of European Political Co-operation,
forerunner of CFSP
 1973: Accession of UK, IE, DM
 1979: Creation of European Monetary System
& first direct elections to EP
 1981: Accession of EL
 1986: Accession of ES, PT
 1986: Single European Act (force: 1987)
 1992: Treaty of Maastricht (force: 1 March 1993)
 1995: Accession of AT, SV, FI 2
Important milestones 2.

 1997: Treaty of Amsterdam (force: 1 May 1999)

 1999: euro created
 2002: euro coins and notes enter into circulation
 2002: Treaty of Nice (force: 1 February 2003)
 2004: Accession of Eastern Europe and CY, MA
 2004: Constitutional Treaty (approved as a draft text only)
 2007: RO and BG join the EU

The Treaty

 Merger Treaty of 1965 merges EEC, Euratom & Coal and

Steel Treaties into a single document, often referred to as EC
Treaty or Treaty of Rome. ‘Treaty of Rome’ used to describe
both the 1957 treaty and the merged Community treaty

 Single European Act amends EC Treaty

 Treaty of Maastricht amends EC Treaty and creates Treaty on

European Union or EU Treaty. EC/EU Treaty often referred to
as ‘Treaties’

 Treaty of Amsterdam and Nice amends EC/EU Treaty

 Try to remember when they were signed and when they

entered into force! 4
European Commission Presidents

 Jean Monnet, High Authority President (FR) – 1952-1955

 René Mayer, High Authority President (FR) – 1955-1958
 Walter Hallstein (DE) – 1958-1967
 Jean Rey (BE) – 1967-1970
 Franco Malfatti (IT) – 1970-1972
 Sicco Mansholt (NL) – 1972
 Francois-Xavier Ortoli (FR) – 1973-1977
 Roy Jenkins (UK) – 1977-1981
 Gaston Thorn (LU) – 1981-1985
 Jacques Delors (FR) – 1985-1995
 Jacques Santer (LU) – 1995-1999
 Manuel Marin (ES) – acting: March 1999 – September 1999
 Romano Prodi (IT) – 1999-2004
 José Manuel Barroso (PT) – 2004-
European Parliament Presidents

 Paul Henry Spaak – 1952-1954

 Nicole Fontaine – 1999-2002
 Pat Cox – 2002-2004
 Josep Borrell Fontelles – 2004-2007
 Hans-Gert Pöttering – 2007-2009

Founding Fathers

 Jean Monnet – French politician, businessman, diplomat,

lobbyist, father of Coal and Steel Community and EEC
 Robert Schuman – French politician, father of CSC and EEC,
famous for 9 May 1950 declaration of European unity
(Europe day)
 Paul-Henri Spaak – Belgian politican, leader of Messina
Conference on EEC Treaty
 Walter Hallstein – German politician, first President of EC
 Altiero Spinelli – Italian politician, Federalist thinker,
Communist Member of EP, author of EP report on political
union in 1984
 Jacques Delors – French politician, EC President, father of
Single Market, economic & monetary union and political union

Other important people (trivia)

 Vassilios Skouris: President of the European Court of Justice

 Bo Vesterdorf: President of the Court of First Instance

 Jean-Claude Trichet: President of the European Central Bank

 Hubert Weber: President of the European Court of Auditors

 Philippe Maystadt: President of the European Investment


 Nikoforos Diamandouros: the European Ombudsman

 Javier Solana: High Representative for CFSP / Secretary

General of the Council 8
Various other things worth knowing (trivia) 1.

 European Capital of Culture: Patras, EL (in 2006)

Luxembourg, LU and Sibiu, RO (in 2007) Liverpool, UK and
Stavanger, NO (in 2008)
 European Cultural Month: similar, intended for candidate
countries, lasting only a month
 European anthem, flag, official day, motto („Unity in diversity”)
 Seats of the Union and its institutions:
 Brussels: Council, Commission, Parliament and some
temporary and permanent agencies
 Luxembourg: EIB, ECJ, Parliament Secretariat, Council
 Strasbourg: Parliament, Commission meetings
 Agencies!!! (see slides on Institutions)
 Upcoming Presidencies: DE, PT, SI
Various other things worth knowing 2.

 Europe prizes: Sakharov Prize (Parliament, for freedom of

thought, last winner (2005): Alyaksandr Byalyatski), Alexander
Milinkievich (2006)
Charlemagne Prize (City of Aachen, last winner (2006): Jean-
Claude Juncker)
 Official languages: 23 including Irish ‘Treaty language’ and
working language of the ECJ (Irish official language from
1/1/2007) – Luxembourgish/Letzeburgish is not an
official language, neither is Catalan or Basque
 Commissioners, their nationalities and portfolios
 Buzzwords: Lisbon strategy, Hague programme, Tampere
programme, Laeken declaration, Copenhagen criteria,
Petersberg tasks, Gothenburg strategy, Mainstreaming …

Geography, economy, etc.

 Size, location, neighbours and population of Member States

 Capitals
 Population of EU-25, EU-27
 Basic economic parameters of Member States
 Membership of other Treaties, zones, organisations:
Schengen, EEA, eurozone, NATO, …

Good information sources

 The Internet (see links in Other Packs)

 Newspapers: Financial Times European edition, European

Voice, EUobserver, Agence Europe & Europe Information
Service (subsciption only),

 Nicolas Moussis: Access to the European Union

(everybody has a favourite EU book to study from, this one
is ours, great on policies)

 Treaties and Constitution

(no need to learn it but useful to peek into)

 Mock tests:
The Ultimate EU Test Book ( 12

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