This document provides an overview of how to perform various SQL operations like inserting, updating, deleting, and querying data in an Oracle database. It covers topics like using scripts to create tables, inserting data, formatting query output, joining multiple tables, creating nested queries and views. The objectives of each chapter are listed, along with explanations and examples of SQL statements for common data manipulation and retrieval tasks.
This document provides an overview of how to perform various SQL operations like inserting, updating, deleting, and querying data in an Oracle database. It covers topics like using scripts to create tables, inserting data, formatting query output, joining multiple tables, creating nested queries and views. The objectives of each chapter are listed, along with explanations and examples of SQL statements for common data manipulation and retrieval tasks.
This document provides an overview of how to perform various SQL operations like inserting, updating, deleting, and querying data in an Oracle database. It covers topics like using scripts to create tables, inserting data, formatting query output, joining multiple tables, creating nested queries and views. The objectives of each chapter are listed, along with explanations and examples of SQL statements for common data manipulation and retrieval tasks.
This document provides an overview of how to perform various SQL operations like inserting, updating, deleting, and querying data in an Oracle database. It covers topics like using scripts to create tables, inserting data, formatting query output, joining multiple tables, creating nested queries and views. The objectives of each chapter are listed, along with explanations and examples of SQL statements for common data manipulation and retrieval tasks.
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A Guide to Oracle9i 1
Using SQL Queries to Insert,
Update, Delete, and View Data Chapter 3 A Guide to Oracle9i 2 Lesson A Objectives Learn how to run a script to create database tables automatically Learn how to insert data into database tables Learn how to create database transactions and commit data to the database Create search conditions in SQL queries Understand how to update and delete database records, and how to truncate tables Learn how to create and use sequences to generate surrogate key values automatically Learn how to grant and revoke database object privileges A Guide to Oracle9i 3 Using Scripts to Create Database Tables One or more SQL commands saved in a text file Usually have .sql extension To run from SQL*Plus: Start full file path (c:\temp\myfile.sql) @full file path (@c:\temp\myfile.sql) Extension can be omitted if it is .sql A Guide to Oracle9i 4 Inserting Data into Tables INSERT command adds new records Field values should match column order, or be specified in command INSERT INTO faculty (F_ID, F_LAST, F_FIRST, F_MI, LOC_ID) VALUES (1, 'Cox', 'Kim', 'J', 9); A Guide to Oracle9i 5 Format Models Used to format data retrieved from database Can be used to format a date to display time or a number to display as a currency A Guide to Oracle9i 6 Numerical Format Models A Guide to Oracle9i 7 Date Format Models A Guide to Oracle9i 8 Date Format Models A Guide to Oracle9i 9 Inserting Date and Interval Values Use to_date function to convert a character string to a date Specify date string and matching format model TO_DATE('08/24/2004', 'MM/DD/YYYY') TO_DATE('10:00 AM', 'HH:MI AM') Use functions to convert character strings to intervals TO_YMINTERVAL('4-9') inserts a positive interval of 4 years, 9 months TO_DSINTERVAL('0 01:15:00') inserts a positive interval of 4 days, 1 hour, 15 minutes, 0 seconds A Guide to Oracle9i 10 Inserting LOBs Before inserting LOB must insert a LOB locator
LOB locator: a structure that contains information that identifies the LOB data type and points to the alternate memory location
Write a program or use a utility to add LOB data to database
Use EMPTY_BLOB() function to insert a LOB locator A Guide to Oracle9i 11 Creating Transactions and Committing New Data Transaction: series of action queries that represent a logical unit of work
User can commit (save) changes
User can roll back (discard) changes
Pending transaction: a transaction waiting to be committed or rolled back
Oracle DBMS locks records associated with pending transactions
Other users cannot view or modify locked records A Guide to Oracle9i 12 Commit and Roll Back in SQL*Plus Transactions begin automatically with first command Type COMMIT to commit changes Type ROLLBACK to roll back changes A Guide to Oracle9i 13 Savepoints A bookmark that designates the beginning of an individual section of a transaction Changes are rolled back to savepoint A Guide to Oracle9i 14 Creating Search Conditions in SQL Queries An expression that seeks to match specific table records Used in SELECT, UPDATE and DELETE statements WHERE fieldname comparison_operator search_expression WHERE S_ID = 1 A Guide to Oracle9i 15 Comparison Operators A Guide to Oracle9i 16 Defining Search Expressions Character strings Must be enclosed in single quotes Case sensitive Dates Use to_date function with date string and format model Intervals Use to_yminterval and to_dsinterval with interval string format model A Guide to Oracle9i 17 Creating Complex Search Conditions Combines multiple search conditions using the AND,OR, and NOT logical operators. AND both conditions must be true OR one or both condition must be true NOT opposite of actual value Use () to group logical operators A Guide to Oracle9i 18 Updating and Deleting Existing Table Records UPDATE: Updates field values in one or more records in a table Only one table may be updated at a time UPDATE tablename SET field1= new_value1, field2 = new_value2, ... WHERE search condition; DELETE: Removes specific records from a database table If search condition is omitted, entire table data is removed DELETE FROM tablename WHERE search condition; A Guide to Oracle9i 19 Updating and Deleting Existing Table Records TRUNCATE Removes all of the table data without saving any rollback information Must disable foreign key constraints before truncating table TRUNCATE TABLE tablename; A Guide to Oracle9i 20 Sequences Sequential lists of numbers to create unique surrogate key values To use a sequence: SELECT sequence_name.NEXTVAL FROM DUAL; INSERT INTO location LOC_ID) VALUES(loc_id_sequence.NEXTVAL); A Guide to Oracle9i 21 Database Object Privileges Privileges must be granted so that other users can access objects in user schema GRANT privilege1, privilege2,ON object_name TO user1,user2,...; REVOKE privilege1, privilege2,... ON object_name FROM user1, user2, ...; To grant or revoke privileges for everyone use PUBLIC as user A Guide to Oracle9i 22 Lesson B Objectives Learn how to write SQL queries to retrieve data from a single database table Create SQL queries that perform calculations on retrieved data Use SQL group functions to summarize retrieved data A Guide to Oracle9i 23 Retrieving Data from a Single Database Table SELECT fieldname1, fieldname2, ... FROM ownername.tablename WHERE search_condition; To select: All rows omit where clause All fields, use *: SELECT * FROM Only unique field values: SELECT DISTINCT fieldname Search condition: Use comparison and logical operators IS NULL/IS NOT NULL to match/exclude NULL values IN/NOT IN to match set values LIKE with wildcards % and _ to match character strings A Guide to Oracle9i 24 Sorting Query Output Use ORDER BY sort_key_field(s) Default order is ascending, use DESC to sort descending A Guide to Oracle9i 25 Using Calculations in SQL Queries Calculations are performed by DBMS, result only sent to client Can use arithmetic operators (+, -, *, /) Place calculation in select clause: SELECT price * quantity FROM Calculations can be performed on NUMBER, DATE and INTERVAL fields only Single-row functions: built in Oracle functions to perform calculations and manipulate retrieved data values A Guide to Oracle9i 26 Oracle9i SQL Group Functions Group functions: perform an operation on a group of queried rows and returns a single result A Guide to Oracle9i 27 Group By Use to group output by the field with duplicate values and apply group functions to the grouped data A Guide to Oracle9i 28 Having Use to place a search condition on results of group function calculations Like WHERE for group functions HAVING group_function comparison_operator value HAVING SUM(capacity) >= 100 A Guide to Oracle9i 29 Formatting Output in SQL*Plus To change default column headings: Specify alternate column headings: SELECT fieldname1 "heading1_text", fieldname2 "heading2_text", ... Use an alias for column headings: SELECT fieldname1 AS alias_name1... To change SQL*Plus line and page size settings Select Options/Environment on menu bar Modify linesize and pagesize to desired values A Guide to Oracle9i 30 Formatting Numbers and Dates Use to_char function with format models TO_CHAR(field_name, 'format_model') SELECT inv_id, TO_CHAR(inv_price, '$99,999.99') FROM inventory WHERE item_id = 1; A Guide to Oracle9i 31 Lesson C Objectives Learn how to create SQL queries that join multiple tables Learn how to create nested SQL queries Understand how to combine query results using set operators Create and use database views A Guide to Oracle9i 32 Joining Multiple Tables Join: combine data from multiple database tables using foreign key references SELECT field1, field2, ... FROM table1, table2 WHERE table1.joinfield = table2.joinfield AND search_condition(s); If tables share field names, must prefix field in select with table name (table1.field1, table2.field1) Join condition: part of where clause indicating how tables are related (table1.foreign_key = table2.primary key) Search conditions can be added to join condition using AND operator A Guide to Oracle9i 33 Inner Join Join two tables based on values in one table being equal to values in another table Also known as equality join, equijoin or natural join Returns results only if records exist in both tables A Guide to Oracle9i 34 Joining Via Linking Table A Guide to Oracle9i 35 Using a Query Design Diagram Helpful for creating complicated queries Can use a formula to derive actual query from diagram A Guide to Oracle9i 36 Outer Join Returns all rows in one table and matching rows in joined table
Null values are inserted for fields in outer table that are not found A Guide to Oracle9i 37 Self-Join A query that joins a table to itself
Used when a table has a foreign key relationship to itself (usually parent-child relationship)
Must create a table alias and structure the query as if you are joining the table to a copy of itself
FROM table1 alias1, ...
Use alias, not table name for select and where clauses A Guide to Oracle9i 38 Self-Join Example A Guide to Oracle9i 39 Creating Nested Queries Used to select results based on the result of a query Consists of a main query and one or more subqueries. Main query: first query that appears in the SELECT command Subquery retrieves values that the main querys search condition must match A Guide to Oracle9i 40 Creating Nested Queries Nested queries can return single or multiple values To match single values use = operator To match multiple values use IN operator
Subqueries can be nested to more than one level (nested subqueries)
Nested subqueries are slower than joins and should be used sparingly A Guide to Oracle9i 41 Nested Subquery Example A Guide to Oracle9i 42 Using Set Operators To Combine Query Results Use to select data from multiple tables not connected with foreign key relationships A Guide to Oracle9i 43 Set Operators query1 OPERATOR query2; (where operator is UNION, UNION ALL, INTERSECT, or MINUS)
Both queries must have same number of select fields and same data types in same order
UNION suppresses duplicate values
UNION ALL includes duplicate values
INTERSECT takes only matching fields
MINUS takes only fields in query1 not query2 A Guide to Oracle9i 44 Creating and Using Database Views Similar to storing the result of a query in the database
Based on a source query that: can specify a subset of a single tables fields or records can join multiple tables
Can be used to enforce security (user has access to view but not underlying table) A Guide to Oracle9i 45 Creating and Using Database Views Views can be updateable if: SELECT clause contains only fieldnames, no functions or calculations cannot contain the ORDER BY, DISTINCT, or GROUP BY clauses, group functions, or set operators search condition cannot contain a nested query
Views are used like tables for selecting, inserting, updating and deleting data (only updatable views can be modified) A Guide to Oracle9i 46 Creating and Deleting Views CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW view_name AS source_query; DROP VIEW viewname; A Guide to Oracle9i 47 Summary Use INSERT commands to add data NUMBER, DATE and INTERVAL data types can be converted to and from character strings using format models Database changes are made within a transaction that can be committed or rolled back Use search conditions to specify records to update, delete or select Arithmetic, logical, grouping, and built-in Oracle functions can be used to specify search conditions and manipulate data Query output can be formatted by modifying SELECT clause A Guide to Oracle9i 48 Summary Results from more than one table related through foreign key relationships can be combined in a join Results from more than one unrelated table can be combined using set operators Queries can be saved by creating a view Views can be used like tables to select, insert, update and delete data