Metamaterial Inspired Antenna
Metamaterial Inspired Antenna
Metamaterial Inspired Antenna
Antenna Miniaturization
technique for MIMO
Antenna System
MIMO Systems
Antenna Miniaturization
Metamaterial Inspired Techniques
CSRR + Patch results
Further Work
MIMO Systems
In wireless communication, MIMO (multiple-input-multiple-output)
system has multiple antenna at both receiver and transmitter end
to improve communication
MIMO systems are important part of all modern wireless
communication standards e.g. 4G, IEEE 802.11n etc.
Progress in MIMO systems has promoted research in diverse fields
e.g. channel modeling, information theory and coding, signal
processing, antenna design etc.
Mobile experts have predicts the use of MIMO technology in 500
million PCs, tablets, and smartphones by 2016. *
MIMO Systems
MIMO antenna system are required for devices using MIMO
The size limitation of devices require that MIMO antenna
system should be small, thus antenna miniaturization
techniques are required.
Closely placed multiple antenna elements also have significant
coupling resulting in a degradation of MIMO system
MIMO antenna therefore requires;
Miniaturized antenna elements
High isolation between closely spaced elements
Antenna Miniaturization
Some of the fundamental work on electrically small antenna
(ESA) was done by Wheeler(1947), Chu(1948), Harrington
(1960) and Collin (1964)
Wheeler noted that while other electronic components in
wireless communication devices were getting smaller and
digital, antenna retained its property of being immune to
miniaturization and digitization
Initial work evaluated ESA using circuit models and provided a
fundamental lower limit of Q that can be achieved for ESA
Antenna Miniaturization
Different techniques exists in literature
Material use
Reactive loading
Antenna geometry & Shaping
Use of EBG structures
Use of Metamaterial for miniaturization
Optimization methods
Metamaterial Techniques
Classified as
Metamaterial Based Antenna
Antenna made of ideal homogenized metamaterials
Metamaterial Inspired Antenna
Antenna obtained by applying the metamaterial concepts
Metamaterial Inspired
Use of SRR
Use of CSRR
CSRR Loaded Patch Antenna
Used for miniaturization
76% miniaturization achieved in 2.4 GHz band
85% miniaturization achieved in 750 MHz band
Things to do
Equivalent circuit modeling for better insight into the design
and comparison with the fundamental limits of Q
Characteristic mode analysis (CMA) of the antenna to optimize
design and to come up with some design methodology
CMA and circuit model to look for possible multiband
Clear comparison with other miniaturization techniques,
metamaterial antennas