This document provides an overview of the chapters and topics covered in an environmental science textbook. It discusses the following key points:
- The textbook covers topics like environmental principles, population dynamics, ecological economics, environmental health, food and agriculture, and sustainable land use.
- Chapters address human impacts on the environment like pollution, resource use, climate change, and biodiversity loss.
- The goal is to provide students with scientific tools and perspectives to analyze environmental problems and work towards building a sustainable world.
This document provides an overview of the chapters and topics covered in an environmental science textbook. It discusses the following key points:
- The textbook covers topics like environmental principles, population dynamics, ecological economics, environmental health, food and agriculture, and sustainable land use.
- Chapters address human impacts on the environment like pollution, resource use, climate change, and biodiversity loss.
- The goal is to provide students with scientific tools and perspectives to analyze environmental problems and work towards building a sustainable world.
This document provides an overview of the chapters and topics covered in an environmental science textbook. It discusses the following key points:
- The textbook covers topics like environmental principles, population dynamics, ecological economics, environmental health, food and agriculture, and sustainable land use.
- Chapters address human impacts on the environment like pollution, resource use, climate change, and biodiversity loss.
- The goal is to provide students with scientific tools and perspectives to analyze environmental problems and work towards building a sustainable world.
This document provides an overview of the chapters and topics covered in an environmental science textbook. It discusses the following key points:
- The textbook covers topics like environmental principles, population dynamics, ecological economics, environmental health, food and agriculture, and sustainable land use.
- Chapters address human impacts on the environment like pollution, resource use, climate change, and biodiversity loss.
- The goal is to provide students with scientific tools and perspectives to analyze environmental problems and work towards building a sustainable world.
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A Global Concern, 5th edition
William P. Cunningham University of Minnesota Barbara Woodworth Saigo Saiwood Biology Resources CHAPTER 1
What is Environmental Science?
Environment Environmental Science History of Environmental Science utilitarian conservation altruistic preservation CURRENT CONDITIONS Planet Earth Environmental Dilemmas population food shortages energy pollution A DIVIDED WORLD Rich vs. Poor North vs. South Developed countries vs. undeveloped countries First, Second, Third and Fourth World Countries HUMAN DEVELOPMENT Human Development Index Developmental Discrepancies basic social services education health care agrarian reform employment civil rights sustainable resource use Sustainable Development ENVIRONMENTAL PERSPECTIVES Neo-Malthusian Technological optimists/Promethean environmentalism Cornucopian Fallacy Lessons from the Past CHAPTER 2
Environmental Ethics and Philosophy Universal Ethical Principles Relativists Nihilists Utilitarians Modernism & Postmodernism Values, Rights & Obligations Morals Animal Rights Inherent Value Instrumental Value Worldviews and Ethical Perspectives Domination Stewardship Biocentrism Ecofeminism
Environmental Justice Environmental racism Toxic colonialism Is Nature fragile or resilient? Science as a Way of Knowing Scientific Method Hypotheses Testing Indirect Scientific Evidence Technology and Progress Appropriate Technology
From Atoms to Cells
Atoms ions atomic number Molecules compound Organic Compounds carbon Cells Energy Types and Qualities
Kinetic Energy heat temperature Potential Energy Chemical Energy Conservation of Matter Thermodynamics 1st law 2nd law Energy for Life
Solar Energy
Photosynthesis Chlorophyll cellular respiration
From Species to Ecosystems Population Communities biological community Ecosystems Food Chains Productivity/biomass Food chain/food web Trophic level producers consumers Organisms herbivores carnivores omnivores
Material Cycles and Life Processes Carbon Cycle Nitrogen Cycle Phosphorus Cycle Sulfur Cycle
Critical Factors, Who Lives Where? Temperature Moisture levels Nutrient supply Soil chemistry Water chemistry
Natural Selection
Dieback Overshoot Irruptive or Malthusian growth Growth to a Stable Population Logistic growth Environmental resistance Strategies of Population Growth
Malthusian Strategies Logistic Strategies Factors affecting Population
Natality, Fecundity, and Fertility Immigration Mortality and survivorship Age Structure Emigration Education Factors Affecting Birth and Fertility Rates
Education/affluence Importance of children to family labor force Urbanization Cost - raising and educating children Education & Employment opportunity - women Infant mortality rate Average marriage age Availability - pension Birth control Religious beliefs, tradition and culture Factors Affecting Death Rate
Nutrition Fewer infant deaths and increased longevity Health and technology
Teen Pregnancy in the USA Migration Immigration Population Age Structure
Ways of classifying Pre-reproductive age Reproductive age Post-reproductive age Solutions Influencing Population
Controlling Migration Reducing Birth Rates Economic development Family planning Economic rewards Empowering women Population Control Studies India China Population Distribution
Urbanization and Growth The future is urban Hyper-urbanization - LDCs The United States and other MDCs Spatial patterns of development CHAPTER 7
Population Growth
Birth Rates Over-population Technology and Ingenuity Limits to Population Growth
Malthusian checks Karl Marx Neo-Malthusian Technology solutions? Can More people be Beneficial? Human Demography
Fertility Birthrate Zero population growth Mortality and death rates Population growth rates Life span and life expectancy dependency ratio Emigration and Immigration Population Growth: Opposition Pronatalist/Social Pressures Birth Reduction Pressures Education Birth control Economics Demographic Transition
Improved living conditions Development and Population Optimistic View Pessimistic View Social Justice View Ecojustice View Infant Mortality Womens Rights Family Planning & Fertility Control
Birth Control Celibacy Mechanical barriers Surgery Chemicals Implantation of physical controls Abortion CHAPTER 8
Classical Economics
Diminished Returns Demand Supply Market Equilibrium Marginal Costs Price Elasticity Neoclassical Economics Karl Marx E. F. Schumacher Ecological Economics steady-state economy Resources, Capital and Reserves
Energy Needs undernourishment over-nourishment Nutritional Needs proteins carbohydrates lipids and oils minerals vitamins World Food Resoureces
Major Crops wheat rice corn potatoes Meat and Milk Croplands Increasing Food Production
Green Revolution Technology Genetic Engineering Increased Farm Output New Food Sources Blue Revolution Aqua-culture Agricultural Economics
Food Supplies Food Subsidies Agricultural Aid International Food Trade Cash Crops World Hunger Famines Food Shortages
What is soil? Soil, a renewable resource Soil composition humus Soil organisms Soil profiles top soil sub-soil parent material bedrock
Use and Abuse of Soil
Land Resources
Land Degradation Erosion
Types of erosion sheet erosion rill erosion gully erosion streambank erosion Erosion in the United States Erosion in other countries Agricultural Resources
Water Fertilizer Climate Energy Crop Diversity Soil Conservation
Disease control Crop protection Increased crop production Pesticide Problems
Effects on Nontarget Species Pesticide Resistance/Pest resurgence Creation of New Pests Persistence and Mobility in the Environment Human Health Problems Alternative Pesticide Uses Crop rotation Biological controls predatory insects pathogens Herbivorous insects Genetic and bioengineering
Reducing Pesticide Exposure
Regulation EPA USDA Personal Safety CHAPTER 13
Biodiversity and Species Concept
What is Biodiversity? What are species? Number of species Benefits of Biodiversity
Food Drugs Medicine Ecological Benefits Aesthetic and Cultural Benefits Threats to Biodiversity Extinction Natural Causes Mass Extinction Human-Caused Reductions in Biodiversity Habitat Destruction Hunting and Fishing Commercial products and Live Specimens Predator and Pest Control Exotic Species Introductions Disease Pollution Genetic Assimilation Biodiversity Protection Hunting and Fishing Laws Endangered Species Act Recovery Plans Private Land and Critical Habitat Minimum Viable Populations Habitat Protection International Wildlife Treaties Zoos Botanical Gardens Captive Breeding Programs
World Land Use
Forest, 30% Range and pasture, 26% Cropland, 1% Other, 33 tundra desert wetlands urban areas World Forests
Forest Distribution Closed canopy Open canopy Woodland Forest Products
Industrial Timber Fuelwood Tropical Forests
Diminishing Forests Swidden Agriculture Logging and Land Invasions Forest Protection Reforestation Debt-for-Nature Swaps Temperate Forests
Ancient forest/old growth forests Wilderness Protection Wildlife Protection Harvesting old growth forests clear-cutting strip-cutting selective-cutting Fire Management
Range Management Overgrazing and Land Degradation desertification Forage Conversion Harvesting Wild Animals Rangelands in the U.S.
Bureau of Land Management State of the Range feral animals Grazing Fees Land Ownership
Who owns what?
Land Reform
Indigenous Lands CHAPTER 15
Parks and Nature Preserves
Origins and History Natural Landscaping
North American Parks Existing Systems U.S. National Park System Park Problems Over crowding Roads Commercialism Pollution Wildlife New Directions New Parks World Parks and Preserves
Biosphere Reserves Protecting Natural Heritage Size and Design of Nature Preserves recreation areas historic areas conservation areas pristine research areas Conservation and Economic Development Indigenous Communities Wilderness Areas
Wildlife Refuges Refuge Management International Wildlife Preserves poaching Wetlands, Floodplains, & Coastal Regions
Wetland Values Wetland Destruction Floods and Flood Control Floodplains Beaches, barrier Islands, and Estuaries CHAPTER 16
Earth, A Dynamic Sphere Earths Layers Crust Mantle Outer Core Inner Core Tectonic Processes Tectonic Plates Magma Shifting Continents
Rock Types & How They Formed
Igneous Rock Weathering Sedimentation Sedimentary Rock Biogenic Sedimentation Metamorphic Rock Mineralogy
Metals Nonmetal Minerals Strategic Minerals Environmental Effects of Resource Extraction
Mining tunneling water leakage strip mining Processing water pollution chemical emissions Conserving Mineral Resources
Recycling Aluminum & Platinum Steel & Iron
Substituting New Materials for Old Ones Geologic Hazards
Temperature Changes Impact on Plants and Animals Rising Sea Levels impacting Coastlines Melting Ice Packs Possible Increase of Disease Cutting Emissions
United Nations Earth Summit Kyoto Protocol Developed Nations Developing Nations CHAPTER 18
Natural Sources of Air Pollution
Volcanoes Emissions from vegetation Human-Caused Air Pollution Primary pollutants Secondary pollutants Fugitive emissions Conventional or Criteria Pollutants
Emissions & emissions standards Unconventional or noncriteria pollutants Aesthetic degradation Indoor air Pollution smoke Climate, Topography, & Atmospheric Processes
Inversions Dust Domes and Heat Islands Long Range Transport Stratospheric Ozone chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) Effects of Air Pollution
Human Health bronchitis emphysema Plant Pathology Acid Deposition pH and atmospheric acidity aquatic effects forest damage buildings and monuments visibility reduction Air Pollution Control
Moving Pollution to Remote Areas Particulate Removal filters Sulfur Removal fuel switching and fuel cleaning limestone injection/fluidized bed combustion flue gas desulfurization sulfur recovery processes Nitrogen Oxide Control Hydrocarbon Controls Clean Air Legislation
Clean Air Act of 1963 Amendments of 1970 Amendments of 1990 Acid rain Urban smog Toxic air pollutants Ozone protection Marketing pollution rights Toxic organic compounds EPA CHAPTER 19
Water Resources
Hydrologic Cycle Evaporation/Sublimation Saturation Point Relative humidity Condensation Dew Point Rainfall & Topography Rain Shadow Desert Belts Balancing the Water Budget Major Water Compartments
Oceans Glaciers, Ice, & Snow Ground Water infiltration water table aquifers Rivers and Streams Lakes and Ponds Wetlands The Atmosphere Water Availability and Use
Water Supplies Drought Cycles Types of Water Use Withdrawal Consumption Degradation Quantities of Water Use Use by Sector Freshwater Shortages
A Scarce Resource Depleting Groundwater subsidence sinkholes Increasing Water Supplies
Seeding Clouds &Towing Icebergs Desalination Dams, Reservoirs, Canals, & Aqueducts Environmental Costs Evaporation, Leakage, and Siltation Loss of Free-Flowing Rivers
Point Sources Non-point Sources Atmospheric Deposition Types and Effects of Water Pollution
Infectious Agents Oxygen-Demanding Wastes Plant Nutrients & Cultural Eutrophication Toxic Inorganic Materials Heavy Metals Nonmetallic Salts Acids and Bases Organic Chemicals Sediments Thermal Pollution
Water Quality Today
Surface Water in the U.S. & Canada Surface Water in other Countries Groundwater and Drinking Water Supplies Ocean Pollution Water Pollution Control
Source Reduction Non-point Sources and Land Management Agriculture Urban runoff Construction sites Land disposal Human Waste Disposal Natural Processes Municipal Sewage Treatment Primary treatment Secondary treatment Tertiary treatment Low-Cost Waste Treatment effluent sewerage Water Legislation
Clean Water Act Clean Water Act Reauthorization Other Important Water Legislation Safe Drinking Water Act Superfund Great lakes Water Quality Agreement CHAPTER 21
A Brief History Current Energy Sources Fossil fuels Nuclear power Hydroelectric Solar Per Capita Consumption Energy Use
Coal Resources and Reserves Mining Air Pollution Oil
Oil Resources and Reserves Oil Imports and Domestic Supplies Oil Shales and Tar Sands Natural Gas
Natural Gas Resources and Reserves Unconventional Gas Sources Methane hydrate Nuclear Power
Nuclear Reactors: How They Work? Types of Reactors Alternative Reactor Designs Breeder Reactors Radioactive Waste Management
Ocean Dumping Land Disposal high-level waste repository monitored, retrievable storage Decommissioning Old Nuclear Plants Changing Fortunes of Nuclear Power
Changing Public Opinion Nuclear Fusion Magnetic confinement Inertial confinement CHAPTER 22
Utilization Efficiencies Energy Conversion Efficiencies net energy yield Negawatt programs Co-generation Tapping Solar Energy
A Vast Resource Passive Solar Heat Active Solar Heat Eutectic Chemicals High-Temperature Solar Energy
Solar Cookers Promoting Renewable Energy Photovaltaic Solar Energy Photovoltaic Cells Storing Electrical Energy Energy from Biomass
Burning Biomass Fuelwood crisis in LDCs Dung and Methane as Fuels Alcohol from Biomass gasohol Crop Residues, Energy Crops and Peat Energy from the Earths Forces
Hydropower Dams and Hydro Generators Wind Energy Wind Farms Geothermal Energy Tidal and Wave Energy Tidal Stations Ocean Thermal Electric Conversion CHAPTER 23
Open Dumps Ocean Dumpings Landfills Export Waste Incineration and Resource Recovery Types of incinerators refuse-derived fuel mass burn Incinerator Cost and Safety Reducing the Waste Stream
Recycling Composting Energy from Waste Reuse Producing Less Waste Photodegradable plastics Biodegradable plastics Hazardous and Toxic Wastes
Hazardous Waste Disposal Superfund Hazardous Waste Management Produce Less Waste Convert to Less Hazardous Substances Physical treatments Chemical treatments Bioremediation Store Permanently Retrievable Storage Secure Landfills CHAPTER 24
What is a city? Rural area Urban area Village City Megacity Core region World Urbanization Causes of Urban Growth
Immigration Push Factors Immigration Pull Factors Government Policies Urban Problems
The Developing World Traffic and Congestion Air Pollution Sewer Systems and Water Pollution Housing Slums Shantytowns Squatter Towns
The Developed World Urban Problems Urban Renewal Noise Transportation and City Growth
History Garden Cities and New Towns Cities of the Future technopolis Urban Redesign Design for Open space conservation Urban Redesign Limit size Development areas Shopping malls into city centers Convenience for shopping and services Job location Exercise areas Diverse housing Superblocks Self-sustainable food and waste centers Public participation CHAPTER 25
Shopping for Green Products precycling Non toxic products recyclable products natural products Environmentally friendly products Blue Angels and Green Seals Limits of Green Consumerism Paying Attention to Whats Important Collective Actions
Student Environmental Groups Mainline Environmental Organizations Broadening the Environmental Agenda Deep or Shallow Environmentalism Radical Environmental Groups Anti-environmental Backlash
Global Issues
Public Opinions and Environmental Protection Post materialist values Sustainable Development International Nongovernmental Organizations
Green Government and Politics
Green Politics Green Parties Green Plans National Legislation Courts Executive Branch Environmental Impact Statements International Environmental Treaties and Conventions