SCE 201 (Marine Science)
SCE 201 (Marine Science)
SCE 201 (Marine Science)
1.physical oceanography,
2.chemical oceanography,
3.marine geology, and
4.marine biology.
Physical Oceanography
(Marine Physics)
deals with the properties of seawater
(temperature, density, pressure, and so on),
its movement (waves, currents, and tides),
and the interactions between the ocean
waters and the atmosphere.
Chemical Oceanography
(Marine Chemistry)
h a s to d o w ith th e co m p o sitio n o f se a w a te r
a n d th e b io g e o ch e m ica lcycle s th a t a ffe ct it
Geological Oceanography
(Marine Geology)
focuses on the structure, features, and
evolution of the ocean basins.
B io lo g ica lO ce a n o g ra p h y
( Marine B io lo g y )
In the hydrologic cycle, water is transferred between the land surface, the ocean, and the atmosphere. The numbers on
the arrows indicate relative water fluxes.
The present-day surface hydrologic cycle. The numbers in parentheses refer to volumes of water in millions of cubic
kilometres, and the fluxes adjacent to the arrows are in millions of cubic kilometres of water per year.
hydrosphere : General nature of the cycle
(Encyclopædia Britannica)
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"Earth: Earth’s environmental spheres." Online Art. Encyclopædia Britannica Online. 19 Aug. 2009 <>.
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Earth: Earth’s environmental spheres. [Art]. Retrieved August 19, 2009, from Encyclopædia Britannica Online:
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"inland water ecosystem." Encyclopædia Britannica. 2009. Encyclopædia Britannica Online School Edition.
19 Aug. 2009 <>.
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inland water ecosystem. ( 2009). In Encyclopædia Britannica. Retrieved August 19, 2009, from
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