KPJ Wellness & Lifestyle is a consultant appointed by KPJ Healthcare Berhad to set up and market their wellness program in Malaysia. The wellness program offers comprehensive health screenings at participating KPJ hospitals. The screening includes over 100 medical tests covering areas such as blood sugar, kidney function, lipid profile, liver function, bone and joint health, inflammation, urinalysis, and more. The screening is available through individual and couple packages ranging from 5 to 10 years in duration. The target markets include seniors, expatriates, individuals/couples aged 30-65, and corporates. The confirmation slip provides details of a subscriber's screening appointment at KPJ Seremban Specialist Hospital
KPJ Wellness & Lifestyle is a consultant appointed by KPJ Healthcare Berhad to set up and market their wellness program in Malaysia. The wellness program offers comprehensive health screenings at participating KPJ hospitals. The screening includes over 100 medical tests covering areas such as blood sugar, kidney function, lipid profile, liver function, bone and joint health, inflammation, urinalysis, and more. The screening is available through individual and couple packages ranging from 5 to 10 years in duration. The target markets include seniors, expatriates, individuals/couples aged 30-65, and corporates. The confirmation slip provides details of a subscriber's screening appointment at KPJ Seremban Specialist Hospital
KPJ Wellness & Lifestyle is a consultant appointed by KPJ Healthcare Berhad to set up and market their wellness program in Malaysia. The wellness program offers comprehensive health screenings at participating KPJ hospitals. The screening includes over 100 medical tests covering areas such as blood sugar, kidney function, lipid profile, liver function, bone and joint health, inflammation, urinalysis, and more. The screening is available through individual and couple packages ranging from 5 to 10 years in duration. The target markets include seniors, expatriates, individuals/couples aged 30-65, and corporates. The confirmation slip provides details of a subscriber's screening appointment at KPJ Seremban Specialist Hospital
KPJ Wellness & Lifestyle is a consultant appointed by KPJ Healthcare Berhad to set up and market their wellness program in Malaysia. The wellness program offers comprehensive health screenings at participating KPJ hospitals. The screening includes over 100 medical tests covering areas such as blood sugar, kidney function, lipid profile, liver function, bone and joint health, inflammation, urinalysis, and more. The screening is available through individual and couple packages ranging from 5 to 10 years in duration. The target markets include seniors, expatriates, individuals/couples aged 30-65, and corporates. The confirmation slip provides details of a subscriber's screening appointment at KPJ Seremban Specialist Hospital
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Group: Shafie b Sajidon (2!"#"$ %uha&ad Naa'reen b (b %anaf (22)"*)$ Su&i+a,i b, -u.ain (22)"*"$ /0(N1 %(N(GE%ENT /P%%)) LE2T30E0 : N(S(031IN /IN (/3 /(K(0 24N2EPT /(SIS 4F /0(N1ING 24N2EPT /(SIS 4F /0(N1ING KPJ Wellness & Lifestyle Prevention is better than cure 5 Main killers in Malaysia Heart Disease Cancer Stroke Diabetes Hypertension KPJ Wellness & Lifestyle INT04132TI4N INT04132TI4N We55ne.. & Life.,+5e Sdn /hd i. appoin,ed b+ Ku&pu5an Peruba,an (Johor$ Sdn /hd a. a 2on.u5,an, ,o .e, up ,he KPJ We55ne.. & Life.,+5e. Pro6ra&&e and a7,. a. a So5e & E875u.i9e %ar:e,in6 (6en, ,o pro&o,e and &ar:e, ,he KPJ We55ne.. & Life.,+5e. Pro6ra&&e in %a5a+.ia; P(0TI2IP(TING -4SPIT(LS P(0TI2IP(TING -4SPIT(LS KPJ WELLNESS IN %(L(YSI( KPJ WELLNESS IN %(L(YSI( KPJ Wellness & Lifestyle PdS- P6S- IS- K7S- KS- JS- SS- (PS- 1S- S6S- Current branches PS- K3S- TS- S%2K K /0(N1 24N2EPT /0(N1 24N2EPT KPJ Wellness & Lifestyle Provide loyalty among patients & immediate families (increase hospitals patronage) Enrich the Screening programme at the KPJ roup !ospitals and add more value to the customers Support the e"isting KPJ !ospitals # enerate additional income $tili%e e"isting infrastructure & technology &ithin KPJ !ospitals T(0GET %(0KET T(0GET %(0KET KPJ Wellness & Lifestyle '()E ' *()KE ' Senior Citi%ens + ,- years old E"patriates .ndividuals / Couples + 0- years old Corporate P04132T /0(N1S P04132T /0(N1S KPJ Wellness & Lifestyle 1ellness & 2ifestyle Pac3age 'itanium .ndividual (110 tests) 'itanium Couple (110 tests) Platinum .ndividual (118 tests) Platinum Couple (118 tests) 5 years RM5,500 RM9,000 RM8,000 RM15,000 10 years RM10,000 RM18,000 RM13,000 RM24,000 18 years RM14,000 RM23,000 RM16,000 RM30,000 Reneal fee RM588 RM1,1!6 RM688 RM1,3!6 S3/S20IPTI4N 2(01 S3/S20IPTI4N 2(01 KPJ Wellness & Lifestyle /0(N1 ST0(TEGY /0(N1 ST0(TEGY KPJ Wellness & Lifestyle "n#itati$ns %y &ele'ar(etin) Re)istrati$n Pr$*ess +ealt, Presentati$n %y Wellness Re-resentati#es &$.r $f +$s-ital / 0a*ilities $ffere1 %y t,e ,$s-ital 2al.e 311e1 4enefits 5-$n t,e *$'-leti$n $f t,e ,ealt, -resentati$n, t,e -r$s-e*ts6 ill re*ei#e 50 %asi* ,ealt, 7*reenin) &ests P042ESS 4N 24%PLI%ENT(0Y TEST P042ESS 4N 24%PLI%ENT(0Y TEST KPJ Wellness & Lifestyle Pr$s-e*t $r s.%s*ri%ers ill al(8in t$ La%9 7.%s*ri%ers $r -r$s-e*ts ill -resent t,e *$'-li'entary #$.*,er $n t,e 1ay $f t,e ,ealt, s*reenin) -r$*ess9 La% ill $-en e-is$1e an1 -r$*ee1 t$ 1$ t,e 50 %l$$1 test an1 5rine 0e'e9 &$ %ill t,e in#$i*e t$ KPJ Wellness (+:) an1 atta*, t,e ;2 t$)et,er9 M< ill re#ie t,e test $n*e its rea1y9 -E(LT- S20EENING 0ESE0<(TI4N -E(LT- S20EENING 0ESE0<(TI4N KPJ Wellness & Lifestyle KPJ Wellness & Lifestyle KUMPULAN PERUBATAN (JOHOR) SDN BHD(Company No. 1709!"A) c/o SEREMBAN SPECIALIST HOSPITAL LOT 6219, 6220, Jalan Toman 1, Kemaan S!"a#e, $0200 Se#em%an, Ne&e#' Sem%'lan Tel( 06 $6$ )2$2 *a+( 06 $6$ )21) Ema'l( ,-./ellne001,-.2eal324com4m
#mpo()an) No)*+,- 1. This Confirmation Slip is non transferable and must be presented at the KPJ Ho.p*)a/ 0,//n,.. C,n)(, upon arrival. 2. Any cancellation or change of appointment must be made through KPJ 0,//n,.. 1 L*&,.)y/, at 06-6 !22. This must be done minimum seven "# days prior to the appointment date. $. An e%ception to the appointment cancellation shall be made &o( /a2*,. &ho are menstruating on the day of the 'ealth Screening appointment. (or this) please contact *+, -ellness . /ifestyle Customer 0elations 1%ecutive. 2. (ailure to turn up for a confirmed appointment &ould result in your entitlement for the year being forfeited. 3. This Confirmation Slip is valid for the purpose of H,a/)3 S+(,,n*n4 on/y a) )3, KPJ Ho.p*)a/ 0,//n,.. C,n)(, and 2o,. no) *n+/52, any 2*a4no.)*+ o( )(,a)m,n) a) )3, KPJ 6(o5p o& Ho.p*)a/.. 6. (or details on the 'ealth Screening preparation) please refer to KPJ 0,//n,.. 1 L*&,.)y/, P(o4(amm, R5/,. 1 R,45/a)*on..
R,m*n2,(.- The 'ealth Screening appointment starts at !.70am "your punctuality is appreciated#. At the -ellness Centre) you &ill be attended to on a &*(.)"+om,"&*(.)".,(8,2 9a.*.. *indly inform staff at the -ellness Centre during registration if you are p(,4nan)) .5.p,+),2 )o 9, p(,4nan)) feeling 2*.+om&o() or if you have recently undergone any .5(4,(*,.. 4ou are re5uired to &a.) from food and beverages ",:+,p) p/a*n ;a),() for at least ! 3o5(. before the 'ealth Screening appointment Avoid bringing e%pensive valuables during the 'ealth Screening. 1%ercise shoes and attire are re5uired if you are scheduled to undergo the Stress 1C6 "Treadmill# Test) &hich is sub7ect to the doctors8 recommendation upon certifying you as fit. (or further clarification) contact *+, -ellness . /ifestyle +rogramme Customer 0elations 1%ecutive.
Appo*n)m,n) Da), 9 2!-06-200! S)a)5. 9 Subscriber ;0 <on Subscriber P(o4(amm, Typ, 9 +latinum +rogramme No o& En)*)/,m,n). 9 1 st out of 10 1ntitlements R,ma(=. 9 This subscriber is first time for the chec= up) please proceed the Treadmill test accordingly.
KPJ Wellness & Lifestyle KUMPULAN PERUBATAN (JOHOR) SDN BHD(Company No. 1709!"A) c/o SEREMBAN SPECIALIST HOSPITAL LOT 6219, 6220, Jalan Toman 1, Kemaan S!"a#e, $0200 Se#em%an, Ne&e#' Sem%'lan Tel( 06 $6$ )2$2 *a+( 06 $6$ )21) Ema'l( ,-./ellne001,-.2eal324com4m
#mpo()an) No)*+,- 1. This Confirmation Slip is non transferable and must be presented at the KPJ Ho.p*)a/ 0,//n,.. C,n)(, upon arrival. 2. Any cancellation or change of appointment must be made through KPJ 0,//n,.. 1 L*&,.)y/, at 06-6 !22. This must be done minimum seven "# days prior to the appointment date. $. An e%ception to the appointment cancellation shall be made &o( /a2*,. &ho are menstruating on the day of the 'ealth Screening appointment. (or this) please contact *+, -ellness . /ifestyle Customer 0elations 1%ecutive. 2. (ailure to turn up for a confirmed appointment &ould result in your entitlement for the year being forfeited. 3. This Confirmation Slip is valid for the purpose of H,a/)3 S+(,,n*n4 on/y a) )3, KPJ Ho.p*)a/ 0,//n,.. C,n)(, and 2o,. no) *n+/52, any 2*a4no.)*+ o( )(,a)m,n) a) )3, KPJ 6(o5p o& Ho.p*)a/.. 6. (or details on the 'ealth Screening preparation) please refer to KPJ 0,//n,.. 1 L*&,.)y/, P(o4(amm, R5/,. 1 R,45/a)*on..
R,m*n2,(.- The 'ealth Screening appointment starts at !.70am "your punctuality is appreciated#. At the -ellness Centre) you &ill be attended to on a &*(.)"+om,"&*(.)".,(8,2 9a.*.. *indly inform staff at the -ellness Centre during registration if you are p(,4nan)) .5.p,+),2 )o 9, p(,4nan)) feeling 2*.+om&o() or if you have recently undergone any .5(4,(*,.. 4ou are re5uired to &a.) from food and beverages ",:+,p) p/a*n ;a),() for at least ! 3o5(. before the 'ealth Screening appointment Avoid bringing e%pensive valuables during the 'ealth Screening. 1%ercise shoes and attire are re5uired if you are scheduled to undergo the Stress 1C6 "Treadmill# Test) &hich is sub7ect to the doctors8 recommendation upon certifying you as fit. (or further clarification) contact *+, -ellness . /ifestyle +rogramme Customer 0elations 1%ecutive.
Appo*n)m,n) Da), 9 2!-06-200! S)a)5. 9 Subscriber ;0 <on Subscriber P(o4(amm, Typ, 9 +latinum +rogramme No o& En)*)/,m,n). 9 1 st out of 10 1ntitlements R,ma(=. 9 This subscriber is first time for the chec= up) please proceed the Treadmill test accordingly.
P/a)*n5m P(o4(amm, Syp3*/*. S+(,,n*n4 > #n&,+)*o5. D*.,a., 1. B@0/ A 0+0 T+'A if B@0/ is positive H,pa)*)*. S+(,,n*n4 'bs Ag 'bs Ab T: Antibody ?g6 'ep C "'CBAb# H#? An)*9o2*,. '?B Antibodies R59,//a #46 An)*9o2y 0ubella ?g6 Antibody H.Py/o(* An)*9o2y '.+ylori Antibody A()3(*)*. S+(,,n*n4 0A (actor $,((*)*n (erritin T5mo( Ma(=,( Alpha-(eto +rotein Carcino-1mbryonic Antigen "C1A# +rostate Specific Antigen "Cale D 20 yrs# CA 1E.E CA 123 "(emale# CA 13.$ "(emale# 'uman 6ro&th 'ormone "'6'# A ?6(1 :eta 'C6 A92om*na/ U/)(a.o5n2 /iver 6allbadder Spleen *idney +ancreas Aorta +elvis 0om,n E:am*na)*on +ap Smear Commogram "(or -omen aged D 20 yrs ;0 >ltrasound :reast "(or -omen aged F 20 yrs# :reast 1%amination #ma4*n4 E:am*na)*on 1C6 :one @ensitometry Chest G-ray Treadmill A Stress Test Audiometry &ith 1<T P5/mona(y L5n4 $5n+)*on T,.) (BC (1B1 (1B1 A (BC S)oo/ &o( O++5/) B/oo2 Stool for ;ccult :lood P3y.*+a/ E:am*na)*on :ody Cass ?nde% :ody (a% Ceasurement :ody -eight . 'eight :lood +ressure . +ulse 'ealth Huestionnaires Bision Test :ody Temperature :ody (at Analysis -aist Ceasurement 'ip Ceasurement -aist . 'ip 0atio 1ar) <ose and Throat Color :lindness Test ?deal -eight Cardiovascular System Cusculos=etetal System Central <ervous System
TYPE 4F -E(LT- S20EENING = PL(TIN3% TYPE 4F -E(LT- S20EENING = PL(TIN3% KPJ Wellness & Lifestyle KPJ Wellness & Lifestyle KPJ Wellness & Lifestyle KPJ Wellness & Lifestyle TYPE 4F -E(LT- S20EENING = TIT(NI3% TYPE 4F -E(LT- S20EENING = TIT(NI3% KPJ Wellness & Lifestyle KPJ Wellness & Lifestyle KPJ Wellness & Lifestyle KPJ Wellness & Lifestyle <(L3E (11E1 /ENEFITS <(L3E (11E1 /ENEFITS KPJ Wellness & Lifestyle 2u.,o&er. 7ou5d a..i6n or ,ran.fer ,he pro6ra&&e if ,he are unab5e ,o ,a:e 7er,ain ,e.,.> i;e .,re.. ,e.,? i, 7ou5d be a..i6ned ,o ,heir .pou.e? 7hi5dren? paren, or re5a,i9e.; The KPJ WELLNESS i. 7o&&i,,ed ,o i&pro9e ,he .:i55. and 7o&pe,en7ie. of i,. &ana6e&en,? &edi7a5 7on.u5,an,. and e&p5o+ee. ,hrou6h 9ariou. ,rainin6 pro6ra&&e.? .e&inar.? @or:.hop. and Aua5i,+ ini,ia,i9e.; PE4PLE (N1 F(2ILITIES PE4PLE (N1 F(2ILITIES ; Sa5e. and &ar:e,in6; 2; (d9er,i.e&en, & Pro&o,ion; ); 2ard 2en,re; "; 2u.,o&er Ser9i7e 0ES4302ES : TE(% 0ES4302ES : TE(% ; Genera,e &ore .a5e. re9enue ,o KPJ G043P; 0% 2*%ILI4NS 2; *B In7rea.e ou,pa,ien, 6ro@,h; 0ES4302ES : FIN(N2I(L I%PLI2(TI4NS 0ES4302ES : FIN(N2I(L I%PLI2(TI4NS 24N2L3SI4N 24N2L3SI4N (ffordabi5i,+ and 6ood repu,a,ion of KPJ Group in %edi7a5 Ser9i7e. in %a5a+.ia & abroad i. ,he be., .e55in6 ,oo5. a. produ7, brandin6; The 9a5ue added .er9i7e. offer b+ KPJ We55ne.. & Life.+,5e Sdn /hd i. ,he be., op,ion for ,he pa,ien,. @i,h pea7efu5 &ind.; T-(NK Y43 T-(NK Y43