WISC4 Presentation

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The document discusses the WISC-IV, which is an intelligence test for children ages 6-16. It measures general intelligence and specific indices like verbal comprehension, perceptual reasoning, working memory, and processing speed.

The WISC-IV is used to yield measures of general intelligence and specific indices including verbal comprehension, perceptual reasoning, working memory and processing speed in children ages 6-16.

The WISC-IV measures verbal comprehension index, perceptual reasoning index, working memory index, and processing speed index. The verbal comprehension index includes subtests like similarities, vocabulary and comprehension.


HT820: Introduction to Psycho-

Educational Assessment
Purpose of the WISC-IV
The Wechsler Intelligence Scale for
children Fourth Edition is the latest
version of the intelligence test for
children ages 6 through 16.
The WISC-IV yields measures of
general intelligence and specific indices
including verbal comprehension,
perceptual reasoning, working memory
and processing speed
Materials Needed
Administration and scoring manual
Technical and interpretive manual
Record form
Stimulus book
Response booklet 1 and 2
Block design blocks
Scoring key for Coding
Scoring key for Symbol Search
Cancellation scoring template
#2 Pencil without eraser
Red pencil without eraser
Directions for Administration
Administer tests in order designated on record form.
Start points are age-specific and
are marked in record form with a
black arrow
The basal consists of two correct items in a row. If
the basal is not reached, reversal items are
administered in reverse sequence until basal is
reached. Full credit is awarded for all items below
basal even if accidentally administered and missed.
The ceiling consists of a specified number of
incorrect items in a row. Award no credit for items
beyond ceiling even if accidentally administered and
answered correctly.
Scripts are presented in examiners manual.
Word Reasoning
Block Design
Picture Concepts
Matrix Reasoning
Picture Completion
Digit Span
Letter-Number Seq.
Symbol Search
Verbal Comprehension Index
Similarities (SI):
The child is presented with two words that
represent common objects or concepts and
describes how they are similar.

Ex. Milk Water
Frown Smile
Space Time
Verbal Comprehension Index
Vocabulary (VC):
For picture items, the child names pictures that
are displayed in the stimulus book. For
verbal items, the child gives definitions for
words that the examiner reads aloud.

Ex. (picture) train
(verbal) umbrella, absorb, garrulous
Verbal Comprehension Index
Comprehension (CO):
The child answers questions based on his or
her understanding of general principles and
social situations.

Ex. Why do people brush their teeth?

Other concepts assessed:
apologize, copyrights, democracy
Verbal Comprehension Index
Information (IN):
The child answers questions that address a
broad range of general knowledge topics.

Ex. How many legs does a dog have?
Who was Confucius?
Where does turpentine come from?
Verbal Comprehension Index
Word Reasoning (WR):
The child identifies the common concept being
described in a series of clues.

Ex. This is used to dry yourself after a bath.
These are protected by skin and bones
And can sometimes be replaced.
Perceptual Reasoning Index
Block Design (BD):
While viewing a constructed model or a picture
in the stimulus book, the child uses red-and-
white blocks to re-create the design within a
specified time limit.

Perceptual Reasoning Index
Picture Concepts (PC):
The child is presented with two or three rows of
pictures and chooses one picture from each
row to form a group with a common

Ex. student
candle table lamp
beach ball
Perceptual Reasoning Index
Matrix Reasoning (MR):
The child looks at an incomplete matrix and
selects the missing portion from five response

Perceptual Reasoning Index
Picture Completion (PCm):
The child views a picture and then points to or
names the important part missing within a
specified time limit.

Ex. pencil without lead tip
pig without nostril
river/bridge without waves on one side

Working Memory Index
Digit Span (DS):
For digit span forward, the child repeats
numbers in the same order as presented
aloud by the examiner. For digit span
backward, the child repeats numbers in the
reverse order of that presented aloud by the

Forward length ranges from 2 to 9.
Backward length ranges from 2 to 8.
Working Memory Index
Letter-Number Sequencing (LN):
The child is read a sequence of numbers and
letters and recalls the numbers in ascending
order and the letters in alphabetical order.

Ex. 5-A-2-B AB25 or 25AB

S-3-K-4-Y-1-G 134GKSY or GLSY134
Working Memory Index
Arithmetic (AR):
The child mentally solves a series of orally
presented arithmetic problems within a
specified time limit.

Ex. (Picture): How many nuts will be left if each
squirrel eats one?
(No picture): If I cut an apple in half, how many
pieces will I have?
Processing Speed Index
Coding (CD):
The child copies symbols that are paired with
simple geometric shapes or numbers. Using
a key, the child draws each symbol in its
corresponding shape or box within a specified
time limit.
Processing Speed Index
Symbol Search (SS):
The child scans a search group and indicates whether
the target symbol(s) matches any of the symbols in
the search group within a specified time limit.


zx bvpfk YES NO
target group search group
Cancellation (CA):
The child scans both a random and a structured
arrangement of pictures and marks target
pictures within a specified time limit.

In this exercise, a page is covered with pictures
of animals and other common objects, either
randomly scattered on the page or arranged
in rows and columns. The child then marks
through - or cancels - the animals as quickly
as possibly.

Processing Speed Index
Directions for Scoring
Calculate chronological age. Do not round up to
nearest month.
Raw scores are totaled on each page of the record
sheet. Copy raw scores into front cover.
Tables in examiners manual allow for conversion
from raw score to scaled score using age-based
norms (Mean 10, SD 3).
Scaled scores for 10 core tests are summed to yield
a composite Full Scale IQ score (Mean 100, SD 15).
Scaled scores contributing to each index are
summed and converted to composite scores using
tables in examiners manual (Mean 100, SD 15).
Inside cover provides analysis of discrepancy among
scores and strength/weakness profile
Validity Report
Using factor analysis, studies show that WISC
subtests correlate more highly with other subtest in
the same index than subtests in different indices.
Full scale IQ scores from the WISC-IV are highly
correlated with IQ scores from other common IQ tests
The examiners manual also presents evidence that
the WISC-IV differentiates children who have been
diagnosed with mild/moderate mental retardation,
ADHD, traumatic brain injury, autism, Aspergers
Syndrome, expressive language disorder, and
Reliability Report
Using the split-half method, internal
reliability for subtests ranged from .79 to

243 children in the norm sample were
tested a second time to evaluate test-
retest reliability. Reliability coefficients
ranged from .76 on picture concepts to
.92 on vocabulary.

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