117 - DWP Difficult Solid Fuel Burning 191207 - RDB&YJB
117 - DWP Difficult Solid Fuel Burning 191207 - RDB&YJB
117 - DWP Difficult Solid Fuel Burning 191207 - RDB&YJB
Difficult solid fuel burning
Dec 2007
DWP specifics : Kick Off and days objectives
Review of prerequisites for difficult fuel burning
Review of the light audit information before meeting. Specific issues
SO3/alk already> 1.0 : combustion mastery will be a must
K1450 : 31 : very difficult to burn raw meal : addressed see action plan
Kiln coach to be appointed and trained (Yang Qi, Gong Cheng Wan) : OK see action plan
Review of combustion related previous recommendations (QW2006, New burner
prerequisite Nov 2006, and Cooler audit Nov 2006, debottlenecking May 2007)
Burner : OK implemented in 2007
Analyser existing and working : OK but check calibration CO and NOx new portable analyser
TA damper issue + false air : not discussed
Scanner : OK but need calibration
Cooler optimization to increase flame temperature (cooler EP Fan fresh damper opening,
piezometer?): piezometric to be connected by October 2008, part of debottlenecking budget
Meal curtain : OK in October
Refractory failure below 2
tyre and refractory support during shutdown: has improved in 2007
10 rules and 7 SOP implementation planning + feed back on Kiln Coach Meeting OK planning
for 10 rules implementation + kiln coach in March 2008
De-bottlenecking cooler : see action plan and slides
kW on big fans for follow up of efficiencies : not discussed but process engineer to calculate for
cooler EP fan
Water : not discussed
Weaknesses and Strengths
Strong team from DJY, NAN,
Chinefarge and Sunfa
Precalciner size and Lafarge
WHR related / cooler
KFUI >20. New quarry was opened
in Jan 2007. Should improve but
2008 may not be good.
K1450 is very low : Alumina
content of the limestone
Cement quality + impact on
grindability with SO3/alk>>1.0
No kiln coach and control room
operators with lack of training
1 is bad 5 is OK
Raw Mix Uniformity is
a pre-requisite for
burning optimization
worst condition in CQ area. High KFUI
(>20), low K1450 (31) and high SO3/alk
Solid Fuel
preparation and
Fluctuation on main burner
Flame optimization
Lafarge burner, analyzers reliable,
good oil firing system
Preca oversized, kiln feed fluctuation
and ID fan control to be improved. No
meal curtain (Difficult to install)
Kiln operation
No kiln coach, lack of CCR certified
and 3 stoppages in 2007 for process
mastery but good staff
improvement in 2007, lack of
assessment of mechanical condition
high O2, fire in 2005
Previous audits
De-bottlenecking 2007, QW and cooler
in 2006
To Do List : High Sulfur Coal : Main actions
Raw mix optimization : improve burnability (K1450), KFUI with
product quality constraints
ATC mission in January 2008, improvement by April 2008
Coal feeding system to main burner
New bin close to main burner, OS and project by October 2008 (#2KSD)
Appoint kiln coach
Kiln coach to participate to March kiln coach network meeting
Implementation of the 10 rules (by April2008) and 7 SOPs
O2 and ventilation fluctuation
Fluctuation due to kiln feed or ID fan? Four steps action :
1. Stop dedusting of belt feeding and check impact
2. ID Fan outlet pressure control (before #1KSD),
3. Kiln feeding improvement with belt weigh-feeder (#1KSD in 2008),
4. ID fan if step 2 not successful (#2KSD 2008).
Meal Curtain
Already in Capex, scheduled by October 2008 (#2KSD)
Identify the optimum economic considering grindability of clinker
and quality concerns
To do list planning
Actions DWP What KPI Nov-07 Dec-07 Jan-08 Feb-08 Mar-08 Apr-08 May-08 Jun-08
% S in Coal 1.60% end of january 2.00% 2.30%
Assess build up risk send sample to ATC
plot the kiln load on the
control SO3/alk shift sample in hot meal follow up of SO3/alk
increase K1450
see how to remove
sandstone. Fly ash? Other
source near QJP to be
define clear objective and
clear action plan
KFUI =22
roll out action plan with
ATC team
No kilncoach
appoint kiln coach + train
in school plant +
participation to the net
work meeting in March
Implementation of 7 SOP SOP implemented
Implementation of 10
rules in automatic mode
gas handling/
pyroprocessing for
managers/ school plant
training completed and
outcomes of training
process and performance managers
purchase analyser
gas handling training
O2 false air weekly follow
clean the fine coal bin
include small bin near main
Analyser accuracy
increase frequency of
calibration at least kiln
back end
confidence level by
after kiln shut down
make sure about the causes
: kiln feed, ID fan,
1. stop dedusting and check
impact on O2
before stoppage
2. control loop ID fan
outlet pressure
before stoppage
3. install belt weighfeeder during stoppage
4. If not succesfull, ID
fan contro second stopage
are causes fully solved?
YJB to check RCA
#10 rule during winter
Try increase production as
bottleneck not well
the plant has to report on
the trial what is the
bottleneck in winter
piezometric ring to be
water injection. ATC gives
during stoppage
dedusting of clinker
cooler exhaust fan : remove
one blade
during stoppage
measure fan efficiency and
try justify new fan with kW
Cooler crusher : get
plugged easely + high
find better quality hammer
no plug and life for one
full campaign
check mechanical condition during stoppage
Kiln refractory
Cooler optimization
2 clinker ball
formation + 1 big
coating in 2007
false air + gas analyser
weekly checking
no CO peak and amps
transport variation less
than 0.5amps (vs 4amps
range of variation of O2
stdev<0.2 vs. >0.4
currently based on 1 min
average for 1 hour
having all causes
addressed through action
plan + no new occurrence
SAT fluctuation lower than
50C in 1h and k to be
improved from previous
audit (1.1)
no refractory failure in
2008 and 2009
process basic follow up
see separate action plan
Main burner fuel
O2 fluctuation in all
the line
See link in
DWP high sulfur
coal 2007 2008
embedded on #2
To do List : not related to high sulfur coal
Clinker cooler crusher
3 pluggings in 2007
Hammer quality to be improved
Design to be checked
Burner lining
Apply lafarge best practice that was distributed
Plant tour 2 : High Sulfur Coal
Meal Curtain :
should go down
in front of the
beam : check
the slope
Cooling fans : capacity,
position to be improved
Plant tour 1 : Cooler De-bottlenecking
2. Cooler Exhaust fan: check
opening + remove blade
3. Fresh air damper :
1.5m/s : improve seal
1. False air to Cooler
exhaust fan install
separate de-dusting +
measurement point
DWP debottlenecking mission May 2007
No. Action Priorit
1 Reduce O
content in coal mill workshop as soon as possible from 15% to 11% max
Inspection of the entire coal mill system for false air chasing (sealing systems, expansion
joints, coal screw sealing).
2 Cooler improvement from k=1.07 to k=1.3:
a) Install cooler fan flow indication for all fans (piezometers) with indication in CCR.
b) Significant operation improvement to be carried out on the cooler as well as some
further investigation (maximum acceptable clinker temperature 110~120C).
c) Proper water spray system in the cooler should be considered (short term).
d) Cooler exit clinker temperature measurement to be implemented and displayed in
3 Repair tertiary air damper and make it usable. 1
4 Coal firing capacity for precalciner and main burner not accurate:
need inspection and calibration
5 Further investigation of raw mill and coal mill workshop operating conditions. 2
6 Plant modifications and improvement
g) Implement electrical speed controller for the cooler EP fan , preheater waste gas fan,
raw vertical exhaust gas fan , and at the same time open 100% damper (electrical
power saving)
h) Adjust the grate cooler air blowing distribution to improve cooler operation (linked to
piezometers installation)
i) Inspection of sealing and conditions of precalciner fine coal bin (high CO detected).
j) put a fix ratio between grate#1 speed and grate#2 speed (1.1~1.2)
7 Instrumentation weaknesses:
a) Make available the GCT water flow rate indication in CCR.
b) Implement PID loop system especially the calciner firing, kiln hood pressure, cooler
under grate.
9 Carry out a clinker weigh check to confirm the reported production rate 1
8 Reduce inleakage especially at kiln back end from 24% to <15% of PH outlet: 1
K 1450 DWP = 31 : very bad
The first sets of actions that the plant needs to implement in order to improve the raw mix burnability are described hereafter:
Recommendations Priority
K1450 raw
is poor
The quart content is very high [the highest among all the Chinese
plants]. The plant to reduce the Quartz content in the raw mix/kiln
feed to the acceptable level. First step shall aim below 5 and then
progressively to reduce to below 2. The plant shall identify the source
[type of material] that contains high quartz content. Action shall be
taken to minimize the usage of this material by optimizing the raw
mix design.
To reduce the 90 micron residue in the raw mix to be below 12 %
To improve the alumina ratio [IM] and liquid phase [LP] level. A
review of the current raw mix design is necessary for the plant to
arrive to acceptable range for IM and LP.
The plant to send a new sample to ARL China for verifying the
effectiveness of the above actions.