This document provides guidelines and important dates for a programming project in C++ for engineers. It includes:
- Project presentation is scheduled for December 13th and will be assessed out of 20 total marks.
- Guidelines for the project report format which should include a cover page, table of contents, introduction, explanations with pseudocode and flowcharts, conclusion and references.
- Examples of array terminology and operations in C++ like defining and accessing array elements, initializing arrays, and processing array contents.
This document provides guidelines and important dates for a programming project in C++ for engineers. It includes:
- Project presentation is scheduled for December 13th and will be assessed out of 20 total marks.
- Guidelines for the project report format which should include a cover page, table of contents, introduction, explanations with pseudocode and flowcharts, conclusion and references.
- Examples of array terminology and operations in C++ like defining and accessing array elements, initializing arrays, and processing array contents.
This document provides guidelines and important dates for a programming project in C++ for engineers. It includes:
- Project presentation is scheduled for December 13th and will be assessed out of 20 total marks.
- Guidelines for the project report format which should include a cover page, table of contents, introduction, explanations with pseudocode and flowcharts, conclusion and references.
- Examples of array terminology and operations in C++ like defining and accessing array elements, initializing arrays, and processing array contents.
This document provides guidelines and important dates for a programming project in C++ for engineers. It includes:
- Project presentation is scheduled for December 13th and will be assessed out of 20 total marks.
- Guidelines for the project report format which should include a cover page, table of contents, introduction, explanations with pseudocode and flowcharts, conclusion and references.
- Examples of array terminology and operations in C++ like defining and accessing array elements, initializing arrays, and processing array contents.
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SMJP 1043 Programming
(C++) for Engineers
Dr. A.K.M. Muzahidul Islam (Dr. Sheikh) Department of Electronic Systems Engineering (ESE) April 21, 2014 Important Notes
Presentation : December 13 Project Assessment : Total Marks 20 Report : 10 Presentation : 5 Knowledge (Q & A) : 5 Project : May 21 or May 28 Test 2 : May . (3 Ques) 1- Function and 1- Array 1-Loop Lab Test 2 : May (3 Ques) Function, Array, Loop
Project Writing Guideline Cover page Project Title Course Name Students Names and IDs Table of Contents Introduction Project Background Project Explanations Write Pseudo code, draw Flow chart You can use Figures, Tables, etc., if required. Conclusion References Appendix Results/Outputs
Title of the Project Students Information
December 2013 4
Contents: 1.Introduction - Project Background 2.Project Explanations - Pseudo code - Draw Flow chart - Explanation of the codes (by class, function, etc.) (You can use Figures, Tables, etc.) 3. Conclusion References - List of bibliography Appendix - Results/Outputs
Arrays Hold Multiple Values Array: An array allows to store and work with multiple values of the same data type Values are stored in adjacent memory locations 8-5 Declaring variables so far Can hold only one value at a time int val = 5; // enough memory (4B) for 1 int
8-6 5 A 56.981 Array Storage in Memory Works like a variable to store a group of values Declared using [] operator int tests[5]; // [arrays size declarator] tests : name of the array, read as tests sub 5 5 : the number of elements or values tests can hold The definition int tests[5]; // size is 5 allocates the following memory 8-7 Element 0 Element 1 Element 2 Element 3 Element 4 Array Terminology const int ISIZE = 5; int tests[ISIZE]; Or int tests[5]; // [arrays size declarator]
8-8 Accessing Array Elements An array has only one name, the elements may be accessed and used as individual variables Each array element has a subscript, used to access the element. Subscripts start at 0
8-9 subscripts 0 1 2 3 4 Accessing Array Elements Array elements can be used as regular variables accessed by array name and subscript
tests[0] = 79; // tests[0]-array elements cout << tests[0]; cin >> tests[1]; tests[4] = tests[0] + tests[1]; cout << tests; // illegal due to // missing subscript 8-10 0 1 2 3 4 tests Inputting and Displaying Array Contents cout and cin can be used to display values from and store values into an array const int ISIZE = 5; int tests[ISIZE]; // Define array with 5 cout << "Enter first test score "; cin >> tests[0];// NOT cin >> tests cout << tests[0];// NOT cout << tests 8-11 Array Subscripts Array subscript can be integer constant, integer variable, or integer expression Examples: Subscript is cin >> tests[3]; int constant cout << tests[i]; int variable cout << tests[i+j]; int expression
8-12 (Program Continues) Exercise-1 Here are the contents of the hours array, with the values entered by the user in the example output: Inputting and Displaying All Array Elements To access each element of an array Use a loop Let the loop control variable be the array subscript A different array element will be referenced each time through the loop for (i = 0; i < 5; i++){ cout << tests[i] << endl; } 8-15 (Program Continues) Exercise-2 Display the inputs using for loop. Getting Array Data from a File const int ISIZE = 5, sales[ISIZE]; ifstream dataFile;"sales.dat"); if (!dataFile){ cout << "Error opening data file\n"; } else{ // Input daily sales for (int day = 0; day < ISIZE; day++){ dataFile >> sales[day]; } dataFile.close(); } 8-18 Default Initialization Global array all elements initialized to 0 by default
Local array all elements uninitialized by default No Bounds Checking There are no checks in C++ that an array subscript is in range An invalid array subscript can cause program to overwrite other memory Example: const int ISIZE = 3; int i = 4; int num[ISIZE]; num[i] = 25; 8-20 num [0] [1] [2] 25 Off-By-One Errors An off-by-one error happens when you use array subscripts that are off by one. This can happen when you start subscripts at 1 rather than 0: // This code has an off-by-one error. const int SIZE = 100; int numbers[SIZE]; for (int count = 1; count <= SIZE; count++){ numbers[count] = 0; } Off-By-One Errors Dont confuse the ordinal number of an array element (first, second, third) with its subscript (0, 1, 2) 8-22 Array Initialization Can be initialized during program execution with assignment statements tests[0] = 79; tests[1] = 82; // etc. Can be initialized at array definition with an initialization list const int ISIZE = 5; int tests[ISIZE] = {79,82,91,77,84}; 8-23 Example Start at element 0 or 1? int tests[ISIZE+1] = {0,79,82,91,77,84};
tests [1] = 79 tests [2] = 82 ---- ---- ----
COMMENTS: NOT PREFERABLE 8-25 Partial Array Initialization If array is initialized at definition with fewer values than the size declarator of the array, remaining elements will be set to 0 or NULL int tests[ISIZE] = {79, 82};
Initial values used in order; cannot skip over elements to initialize noncontiguous range 8-26 79 82 0 0 0 Implicit Array Sizing Can determine array size by the size of the initialization list short quizzes[]={12,17,15,11};
Must use either array size declarator or initialization list when array is defined 8-27 12 17 15 11 Exercise-3 Write a program that defines array of 5 elements. Find max of the elements. Find min of the elements. Processing Array Contents Array elements can be treated as ordinary variables of the same type as the array used in arithmetic operations, in relational expressions, etc. Example: if (principalAmt[3] >= 10000){ interest = principalAmt[3] * intRate1; } else{ interest = principalAmt[3] * intRate2; } 8-29 Processing Array Contents Comparison with working with variables : // principalAmt is a integer type variable if (principalAmt >= 10000){ interest = principalAmt * intRate1; }else{ interest = principalAmt * intRate2; } // principalAmt is an integer type ARRAY if (principalAmt[3] >= 10000){ interest = principalAmt[3] * intRate1; }else{ interest = principalAmt[3] * intRate2; } 8-30 Using Increment and Decrement Operators with Array Elements
When using ++ and -- operators, dont confuse the element with the subscript tests[i]++; // adds 1 to tests[i] tests[i++]; // increments i, but has // no effect on tests 8-31 Copying One Array to Another Arrays: tests and tests2 Cannot copy with an assignment statement: tests2 = tests; //wont work Must instead use a loop to copy element-by- element: for (int indx=0; indx < ISIZE; indx++){ tests2[indx] = tests[indx]; } 8-32 Are Two Arrays Equal? Like copying, cannot compare in a single expression: if (tests2 == tests) Use a while loop with a boolean variable: bool areEqual=true; int indx=0; while (areEqual && indx < ISIZE){ if(tests[indx] != tests2[indx]{ areEqual = false; break; } indx++; } 8-33 Example: Finding size of array #include<iostream> using namespace std; int main() { int a[]={1,2,3,4,5,6}; int size; //total size of array/size of array data type size=sizeof (a)/sizeof(int); cout<<size; return 0; } Largest Array Element Use a loop to examine each element and find the largest element (i.e., one with the largest value) int largest = tests[0]; for (int tnum = 1; tnum < ISIZE; tnum++){ if (tests[tnum] > largest){ largest = tests[tnum]; } } cout << "Highest score is " << largest; A similar algorithm exists to find the smallest element 8-35 Exercise: Write a program that sums all the elements of arrays with size 10. Once summed, compute their average.
Write a program that implements linear search algorithm x= 15 12 17 15 11 Arrays as Function Arguments To define a function that has an array parameter, use empty [] to indicate the array argument To pass an array to a function, just use the array name // Function prototype void showScores(int []); // Function header void showScores(int tests[]) // Function call showScores(tests); 8-37 Passing an Array Element Passing a single array element to a function is no different than passing a regular variable of that data type Function does not need to know that the value it receives is coming from an array displayValue(score[i]); // call void displayValue(int item){// header cout << item << endl; } 8-38 Passing an Entire Array Use the array name, without any brackets, as the argument Can also pass the array size so the function knows how many elements to process showScores(tests, 5); //call void showScores(int[], int); //prototype void showScores(int A[],int size) //header 8-39 Exercise: Write a program that tests a boolean function to determine whether the given array is nondecreasing. True
False 12 17 15 11 11 12 15 17 Using typedef with a Passed Array Can use typedef to simplify function prototype and heading // Make intArray an integer array // of unspecified size typedef int intArray[]; // Function prototype void showScores(intArray, int); // Function header void showScores(intArray tests, int size)
8-41 Partially-Filled Arrays The exact amount of data (and, therefore, array size) may not be known when a program is written. Programmer makes best estimate for maximum amount of data, sizes arrays accordingly. A sentinel value can be used to indicate end-of- data. Programmer must also keep track of how many array elements are actually used 8-42 C-Strings and string Objects Can be processed using array name Entire string at once, or One element at a time by using a subscript string city; cout << "Enter city name: "; cin >> city; 8-43 'S' 'a' 'l' 'e' 'm' city[0] city[1] city[2] city[3] city[4] 8.6 Using Parallel Arrays Parallel arrays: two or more arrays that contain related data Subscript is used to relate arrays elements at same subscript are related The arrays do not have to hold data of the same type 8-44 Parallel Array Example const int ISIZE = 5; string name[ISIZE]; // student name float average[ISIZE]; // course average char grade[ISIZE]; // course grade 8-45 0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4 name average grade Parallel Array Processing const int ISIZE = 5; string name[ISIZE]; // student name float average[ISIZE]; // course average char grade[ISIZE]; // course grade ... for (int i = 0; i < ISIZE; i++) cout << " Student: " << name[i] << " Average: " << average[i] << " Grade: " << grade[i] << endl; 8-46 8.7 The typedef Statement Creates an alias for a simple or structured data type Format: typedef existingType newName; Example: typedef unsigned int Uint; Uint tests[ISIZE]; // array of // unsigned ints 8-47 Uses of typedef Used to make code more readable Can be used to create alias for array of a particular type // Define yearArray as a data type // that is an array of 12 ints typedef int yearArray[MONTHS]; // Create two of these arrays yearArray highTemps, lowTemps; 8-48 Modifying Arrays in Functions Array parameters in functions are similar to reference variables Changes made to array in a function are made to the actual array in the calling function Must be careful that an array is not inadvertently changed by a function