Input Output HW
Input Output HW
Input Output HW
Components of a Computer
Input and output devices
Allows the user to interact
Input devices accept data
Keyboard, mouse
Output devices deliver data
Monitor, printer, speaker
Some devices are input and output
Touch screens
The Keyboard
The most common input device
How keyboard works
Keyboard controller detects a key press
Controller sends a code to the CPU
Code represents the key pressed
Controller notifies the operating system
Operating system responds
Controller repeats the letter if held
Alternatives to the "regular" keyboard
Types of keys in a keyboard
Alphanumeric keys
Modifier keys
Numeric keypad
Function keys
Cursor movement keys
Special purpose keys
Wireless keyboard
Foldable keyboard
Multimedia keyboard
Gaming keyboard
Gaming keyboards offer extra function keys which
can be programmed with keystroke macros
Virtual keyboard
A projection keyboard is a virtual keyboard that
can be projected and touched on any surface
The keyboard watches finger movements and
translates them into keystrokes in the device
Touch screen
The Mouse
All modern computers have a variant
Allows users to select objects
Pointer moved by the mouse
Mechanical mouse
Rubber ball determines direction and speed
The ball often requires cleaning
Optical mouse
Light shown onto mouse pad
Reflection determines speed and direction
Requires little maintenance
Variants of the Mouse
Upside down mouse
Hand rests on the ball
User moves the ball
Uses little desk space
Variants of the Mouse
Track pads
Stationary pointing
Small plastic
Finger moves across
the pad
Pointer moves with
the pointer
Popular on laptops
Variants of the Mouse
Track point
Little joystick on the keyboard
Move pointer by moving the joystick
Devices for the Hand
Pen based input
Tablet PCs, PDA
Pen used to
write data
Pen used as
a pointer
On screen keyboard
Optical Input Devices
Allows the computer to see input
Bar code readers
Converts bar codes to numbers
UPC code
Computer finds number
in a database
Works by reflecting light
Amount of reflected light
indicates number
Optical Input Devices
Image scanners
Converts printed media into electronic
Reflects light off of the image
Sensors read the intensity
Filters determine color depths
Optical input devices
Optical character recognition (OCR)
Converts scanned text into editable text
Each letter is scanned
Letters are compared to known letters
Best match is entered into document
Rarely 100% accurate
Audiovisual Input Devices
Used to record speech
Speech recognition
Understands human speech
Allows dictation or control of computer
Matches spoken sound to known phonemes
Enters best match into document
Audiovisual Input Devices
Musical Instrument Digital Interface
Connects musical instruments to computer
Digital recording or playback of music
Musicians can produce professional results
Audiovisual Input Devices
Digital cameras
Captures images electronically
No film is needed
Image is stored as a JPG file
Memory cards store the images
Used in a variety of professions
Web cam
There are mainly 2 types of monitors:
CRT (Cathode Ray Tube)
Flat panel display
Grayscale Monitors
Color Monitors
Output devices
Sound systems
All monitors can be categorized by the
way they display color
Monochrome Monitors
Single color (green, amber, white) against contrasting
background (usually black)
Usually for text displays
Grayscale Monitors
Varying intensities of gray against white background .
Color Monitors
Displays color from 16 colors to 16 million colors ,
sometimes called RGB monitors because they accept
three separate signals -- red, green, and blue.
Impact Printers
Dot matrix printers
Non Impact Printers
Flat Panel Monitors
Flat panel monitors
Light weight monitors
LCD (Liquid Crystal Display)
It creates images with a special kind of
liquid crystal that is transparent but
becomes opaque when charged with
Eg. Used in digital watches, handheld
Features of a monitor
Monitor size
Determines how well you can see images
Objects on screen appear bigger when size increases
Monitors are measured diagonally- lower left to upper
15,17,19,21,24 inches etc. are available
Number of pixels on screen, expressed as a matrix
Eg. 640 800 (rows and columns)
17 inch monitor has following settings: 640 480, 800
600, 1024 768, 1152 864, 1280 1024
21 or 24 inches has got resolution of :1600 1200,
1920 1200 also
Commonly Used Printers
Ink-jet printers
Non-impact printer
Inexpensive home printer
Color output common using CMYK
Cyan, magenta, yellow, black
Sprays ink onto paper
Speed measured in pages per minute
Quality expressed as dots per inch
Commonly Used Printers
Dot matrix printers
Impact printer
Used to print to multi-sheet pages
Print head strikes inked ribbon
Line printers
Band printers
Speed measured in characters per second
Dot Matrix Print Head
Dots Per Inch
Commonly Used Printers
Laser printer
Non-impact printer
Produces high quality documents
Color or black and white
Print process
Laser draws text on page
Toner sticks to text
Toner melted to page
Speed measured in pages per minute
Quality expressed as dots per inch
Large high quality blueprints
Older models draw with pens
Operational costs are low
Output is very slow
To display slides, animations video etc
It uses LCD technology to display
Requires room to be dark (else images
are blurry)
DLP (Digital Light Processing)
Produces brighter, crisper images
Room can have normal lighting conditions
Sound is air pressure varying over time
Multimedia PC
Future Computer
Future Computer
Future Computer