Unit 5
Unit 5
Unit 5
According to ISO the quality systems are the
organizational structures, responsibilities, procedures,
processes and resources for implementing quality
What is ISO?
1946-Geneva, Switzerland
Association of National Standards Bodies of more than
150 Countries.
ISO is a specialized agency for standardization
Objective is co ordination and unification of
international standards.
The Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) is the national
standards body of India represented by ISO.
Classification of ISO 9000
ISO 9001- Q.A Model for
design/development/production /installation and
servicing.(IS 14001)
ISO 9002- Q.A model for production and
installation. (IS 14002)
ISO 9003- Q.A model for final inspection and
testing. (IS 14003)
ISO 9004- Guidance for Quality management
system standards for continuous improvement.
(IS 14004)
Elements/Clauses of ISO 9000/
Quality system requirements
1. Management responsibility
2. Quality systems
3. Contract review
4. Design control
5. Document control
6. Purchasing
7. Purchaser supplied product
8. Product identification and traceability
9. Process control
10. Inspection and testing
11. Inspection, measuring and test equipment's
12. Inspection and test status
13. Control of non conforming products
14. Corrective and preventive actions
15. Handling , storage, packaging, preservation
and delivery
16. Control of quality records
17. Internal quality audit
18. Training
19. Servicing
20. Statistical techniques
Implementation of Quality
1. Top Management Commitment
2. Appoint the Management Representative
3. Awareness
4. Appoint an Implementation Team
5. Training
6. Time Schedule
7. Select Element Owners
8. Review the Present System
9. Write the Documents
10. Install the New System
11. Internal Audit
12. Management Review
13. Pre-assessment
14. Registration
15. Award of ISO 9000 Certificate.
Documents to be Prepared
1. Quality Policy Manual
2. Quality System Procedures (QSPs)
3. Work Instructions (WIs)
4. Records/Formats/Forms
Benefits of Documentation
Regularizes the method of performing the day
to day activities.
Provides formats for standardizing practices.
Provides reference for assessing degree of
enforcement in practice.
It facilitates trouble shooting for tracking back
on the processes.
Demonstrates the ISO quality system
Quality Auditing
A quality system audit is defined as a
systematic and independent examination to
determine whether quality activities and related
results comply with planned arrangements,
whether these arrangements are implemented
effectively and whether these are suitable to
achieve objectives .
i. First Party Audit
ii. Second Party Audit
iii. Third Party Audit
Objectives of Quality Audits
Determine that actual performance conforms to
the documented QMS.
Indicate corrective action activities in response
to deficiencies.
Follow up on noncompliance items from
previous audits.
Provide continued improvement in the system
through feedback management.
Cause the auditee to think about the process,
thereby encouraging possible improvements.
Stage 1 : Audit Planning
i. Schedules
ii. Personnel
iii. Notification
iv. Checklist
Stage 2 : Audit Performance
i. Opening Meeting
ii. Audit Process
iii. Audit Deficiencies
Stage 3 : Audit Reporting
Stage 4 : Audit Follow-up
TQM Culture
Scientific Knowledge
TQM is a culture; inherent in this culture is a
total commitment to quality and an attitude
expressed by everybodys involvement in the
process of continuous improvement of products
and services through the use of innovative
scientific methods.
Leadership is lifting of mans visions to higher
sights, the raising of mans performance to a
higher standard, the building of mans personality
beyond its normal limitations.
- Peter Drucker
Characteristics or Behaviors of Quality Leaders
1. The Customers first
2. Value people
3. Build Supplier Partnership
4. Empower people
5. Demonstrate involvement/commitment
6. Strive for excellence
7. Explain and deploy policy
8. Improve communication
9. Promote teamwork
10. Benchmark continuously
11. Establish system
12. Encourage collaboration.
Employee Involvement
An effective TQM effort requires the total
involvement from every person at all levels in
the organization.
Some of the important aspects of employee
involvement are:
1. Employee Motivation
2. Employee empowerment
3. Recognition and reward schemes
4. Teams and teamwork and
5. Performance appraisal
Motivation means a process of stimulating
people to accomplish desired goals.
- Scott.
Motivation is the process of attempting to
influence others to do your will through the
possibility of reward.
- Edwin B. Flippo
1. Improves involvement.
2. Improves job satisfaction thus reduces
3. Enhances efficiency and productivity.
4. Promotes interpersonal cooperation.
Theories of Motivation
Maslows Hierarchy of needs Theory
I. Physiological needs
II. Safety needs
III. Social needs
IV. Esteem needs
V. Self Actualization needs
Herzbergs Two Factor Theory
I. Motivation Factors
II. Hygiene Factors
The verb empower means to give the means, ability or
An operation definition of empowerment: Empowerment is
an environment in which people have the ability, the
confidence, and the commitment to take the responsibility
and ownership to improve the process and initiate the
necessary steps to satisfy customer requirements within
well-defined boundaries in order to achieve organizational
values and goals.
Conditions Necessary to Create
Empowered Environment
Everyone must understand the need for
The system needs to change to the new
The organization must enable its employees
via providing information, education and
Characteristics of Empowered
They feel responsible for their own task.
They are given a free hand in their work.
They balance their own goals with those of the
They are well trained, equipped, creative and
customer oriented.
They are critical, have self-esteem, and are
They monitor and improve their work
They find new goals and change challenges.
Recognition and Reward
Recognition is a process whereby management shows
acknowledgement of an employees outstanding
Reward is a tangible one, such as increased salaries,
commissions, cash bonus, gain sharing, etc., to promote
desirable behavior.
Why should One Recognize the Employees
Improve employees morale.
Show the companys appreciation for better performance.
Create satisfied workplace.
Create highly motivated workplace,
Reinforce behavioral patterns.
Stimulate creative efforts.
Types of Rewards
1. Intrinsic Rewards : These are related to
feelings of accomplishment or self-worth.
Non-monetary forms of recognition.
Regular expressions.
360Degree Performance appraisals.
Formal suggestion system.
Developmental based performance appraisals.
Quality based promotions.
Extrinsic Rewards
These are related to pay or compensation issues.
Profit Sharing
Gain Sharing
Employment Security
Compensation time
Individual based Performance systems
Quality based performance appraisals.
Introduction to Software
Computer Application, integrated within careful
quality-engineering planning can be very useful
tool in dealing with the basic demands of quality
information flow.
Hardware availability for quality control:
Mainframe Computers Certain forms of quality
data can be run.
Minicomputers Product testing
Micro computers Integrated with inspection
devices to provide control-limit evaluation.
Software availability for Quality Control:
Programming Languages
Specific Application Software Packages
Areas of Computer Application in TQC Programs:
1. Complaint reporting
2. Inventories reporting
3. Customer traceability Information
4. Incoming-material quality reporting
5. Inspection and test data reporting
6. Quality Planning
Computer-Aided Inspection
Rapid acceptance of computer-aided design (CAD),
computer-aided engineering (CAE), and computer-
aided manufacturing (CAM) provides the database
and information structure for the introduction of
computer-aided inspection and computer-aided
Cost savings are also expected to accelerate the
development of inspection with major gains in
manufacturing automation.
Reduction of defect levels to the parts-per-million
range requires computer-aided technology.
Computer-aided inspection will couple a transducer
to a computer.
Computer-Aided Quality
Those products and parts where there has been
engineering computer-aided design (CAD) and computer-aided
manufacturing (CAM), the same engineering data base may be
utilized to provide computer-aided quality (CAQ).
Benefits of CAQ Approach:
1. To provide a common database for the storage and extraction
of technical data.
2. To provide an effective control of data and minimize
3. To provide consistency of interpretation of data and
consistency of output.
4. To minimize recurring manufacturing and quality programming
and provide backup operating programs.
5. To provide error checking, improved cost assignment and
responsibility management.
6. To minimize print development and control problems.