Asynchronous Operationand Resynchronization

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TI : Asynchronous Operation
and Resynchronization
knowing about Asynchronous Operation and
Resynchronization and Transition to Asynchronous
knowing about Inuence of the Voltage Regulator to
Possibility of Resynchronization
factors affecting Resynchronization

Asynchronous Operation and Resynchronization
Transition to Asynchronous Operation
Asynchronous Operation
Possibility of Resynchronization
Inuence of the Voltage Regulator
Other Possibilities of Resynchronization
1. Asynchronous Operation and Resynchronization
The synchronizing switch is closed the resulting electromagnetic torque will
attempt to pull the rotor into synchronization with the power system by
either slowing down or accelerating the rotor until eventually the generator
reaches its nal equilibrium position dened by the steady-state rotor angle
s=0 and the rotor speed =s
1. Asynchronous Operation and Resynchronization
the turbine static characteristic Pm() is a straight line of droop which
crosses the axis in Figure 6.29 at point Pm0 and the horizontal speed
deviation axis at point s.
PDav( ) As the average value of synchronous power PE over each
asynchronous rotation is zero.
The intersection between the static turbine characteristic and the damping
power characteristic will dene the generator operating point during
asynchronous operation

1.2 . Transition to Asynchronous Operation
Now assume that a three-phase fault occurs on line L2 and is then cleared
by tripping the faulted line (without auto-reclosing) after a time such that
the acceleration area 1234 shown in Figure 6.30a is larger than the
available deceleration area 456.
The effect of the synchronous power PE is to produce speed deviation
oscillations around the mean value as shown in the lower part of Figure 6.30
1.2. Transition to Asynchronous Operation

1.3. Asynchronous Operation
Assuming that the generator is allowed to settle at the asynchronous
operating point, then typical variations in some of the electrical quantities
are as shown in Figure 6.31.
1.3. Asynchronous Operation
The voltage drop V across the equivalent reactance xd, the stator current
is seen to change as the rotor angle changes, with its maximum value being
when = and its minimum when =0

As the armature current changes
inducing large uctuations in the internal emf Eq , and smaller variations in
E , as shown in Figure 6.31b. As the transient emf E is almost constant,
the synchronous power P E is varies as sin (Figure 6.31c). The average
value of the asynchronous damping power PDav is shown in Figure 6.31c
and can be added to the synchronous power to obtain the resulting air-gap
electrical power
P e=PE+P D
the average speed deviation av is determined by the intersection
between the turbine characteristic Pm( ) and the average asynchronous
damping power characteristic PDav( ). However, due to the sinusoidal
changes in the synchronous power PE, the actual speed deviation will
oscillate around av in the way shown in Figure 6.31d.

1.4. Possibility of Resynchronization
In order to resynchronize with the system, the generator must full the
normal requirements for synchronization, that is its speed deviation and
power angle must be small
1.4.1 Inuence of the Voltage Regulator

1.4.1 Inuence of the Voltage Regulator
By increasing the excitation voltage, the AVR increases the amplitude of the
PE() characteristic and so produces larger changes in the speed deviation.
This increases the chance of the speed deviation reaching a zero value as
shown in Figure 6.33b.
Moreover, as the amplitude of the synchronous power increases, the
available deceleration area in Figure 6.32b increases and the range of rotor
angles which are acceptable for resynchronization also increases
1.4.2 Other Possibilities of Resynchronization
Successful resynchronization depends on the action of the AVR and the
turbine governing system . Turbine governors can be equipped with
supplementary control loops which allow the turbine power tobe quickly
reduced after a fault in order to protect the generator from loss of
synchronism and /or assist in resynchronization . This is referred to as fast
valving. If a generator is not equipped with such a governor, the operating
staff may try to resynchronize the asynchronously rotating generator by
manually reducing the turbine power to reduce the average speed deviation
value. However, in order to avoid large power swings in the system, and
possible damage to the generator, generators are usually tripped after a few
asynchronous rotations.
The intersection between the static turbine characteristic and the damping
power characteristic will dene the generator operating point during
asynchronous operation
reducing the turbine power to reduce the average speed deviation value
The effect of the synchronous power PE is to produce speed deviation
oscillations around the mean value as shown in the lower part of Figure
In order to resynchronize with the system, the generator must full the
normal requirements for synchronization, that is its speed deviation and
power angle must be small
Successful resynchronization depends on the action of the AVR and the
turbine governing system
increase in the amplitude of the synchronous power oscillations and the
speed deviation oscillations as a result of voltage regulation

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