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Fundamentals of Fluid Mechanics Chapter 12 Turbines

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Chapter 12 Turbines
Chapter 12 Turbines
Basic Energy Considerations
Basic Energy Considerations
By considering the basic operation of By considering the basic operation of
Windmill (turbine). Windmill (turbine).

Consider the windmill. Rather than the rotor being driven by a Consider the windmill. Rather than the rotor being driven by a
motor, it is rotated in the opposite direction by the wind blowing motor, it is rotated in the opposite direction by the wind blowing
through the rotor. through the rotor.
Idealized flow through a windmill: a! windmill blade geometry" Idealized flow through a windmill: a! windmill blade geometry"
b! absolute velocity, #" relative velocity, $, and blade velocity, % b! absolute velocity, #" relative velocity, $, and blade velocity, %
at the inlet and e&it of the windmill blade section. at the inlet and e&it of the windmill blade section.
Basic Angular Momentum
Basic Angular Momentum
An!uar M"mentum C"nsiderati"ns
An!uar M"mentum C"nsiderati"ns
1#$ 1#$

$or( transferred from a fluid flowing through a turbine $or( transferred from a fluid flowing through a turbine
occurs by interaction between moving rotor blades and the occurs by interaction between moving rotor blades and the
fluid. fluid.

)urbine: )he tor*ue e&erted by the shaft on the rotor is )urbine: )he tor*ue e&erted by the shaft on the rotor is
opposite to the direction of rotation, the energy transfer opposite to the direction of rotation, the energy transfer
is from the fluid to the rotor. is from the fluid to the rotor.
An!uar M"mentum C"nsiderati"ns
An!uar M"mentum C"nsiderati"ns
2#$ 2#$

,ll of the turbomachines involve the rotation of an ,ll of the turbomachines involve the rotation of an
impeller or a rotor about a central a&is, it is appropriate to impeller or a rotor about a central a&is, it is appropriate to
discuss their performance in terms of discuss their performance in terms of torque and angular torque and angular
momentum momentum. .
An!uar M"mentum C"nsiderati"ns
An!uar M"mentum C"nsiderati"ns
%#$ %#$

In a turbomachine a series of particles a continuum! In a turbomachine a series of particles a continuum!

passes through the rotor. passes through the rotor.

.or steady flow, the moment of momentum e*uation .or steady flow, the moment of momentum e*uation
applied to a control volume applied to a control volume

d, n # ! # r ! . r

/um of the e&ternal tor*ues /um of the e&ternal tor*ues

0et rate of flow of moment1of1 0et rate of flow of moment1of1
momentum angular momentum! momentum angular momentum!
through the control volume through the control volume
An!uar M"mentum C"nsiderati"ns
An!uar M"mentum C"nsiderati"ns
&#$ &#$
/haft wor( applied to the contents /haft wor( applied to the contents
of the control volume of the control volume
3 345 : in the same direction as rotation 45 : in the same direction as rotation
3 315 : in the opposite direction as rotation 15 : in the opposite direction as rotation
,pplied to the one1dimensional simplification of flow ,pplied to the one1dimensional simplification of flow
through a turbomachine rotor, the a&ial component through a turbomachine rotor, the a&ial component
! # r m ! # r m )
6 7 6 6 8 7 8 8 shaft

Euler turbomachine equation Euler turbomachine equation
6! 6!
Euler turbomachine equation Euler turbomachine equation : the shaft tor*ue is directly : the shaft tor*ue is directly
proportional to the mass flowrate. )he tor*ue also depends on the proportional to the mass flowrate. )he tor*ue also depends on the
tangential component of the absolute velocity, tangential component of the absolute velocity, # #
7 7
. .
An!uar M"mentum C"nsiderati"ns
An!uar M"mentum C"nsiderati"ns
'#$ '#$
3 3! :! '! :The basic governing equations for ums or The basic governing equations for ums or
turbines !hether the machines are radial"# mi$ed# or a$ial"flo! turbines !hether the machines are radial"# mi$ed# or a$ial"flo!
devices and for comressible and incomressible flo!s. devices and for comressible and incomressible flo!s.
6! 6!

shaft shaft
) $

6 8
m m m

! # % ! # %
6 7 6 8 7 8

! # % m ! # % m $
6 7 6 6 8 7 8 8 shaft

3! 3!
:! :!
'! '!
1#$ 1#$

)urbines are devices that e&tract energy from a flowing )urbines are devices that e&tract energy from a flowing
fluid. fluid.

)he geometry of turbines is such that the fluid e&erts a )he geometry of turbines is such that the fluid e&erts a
tor*ue on the rotor in the direction of its rotation. tor*ue on the rotor in the direction of its rotation.

)he shaft power generated is available to derive generators )he shaft power generated is available to derive generators
or other devices. or other devices.

)he two basic types of hydraulic turbines are )he two basic types of hydraulic turbines are
and reaction turbines.
and reaction turbines.
2#$ 2#$

.or hydraulic impulse .or hydraulic impulse

turbines, the pressure drop turbines, the pressure drop
across the rotor is zero" all of across the rotor is zero" all of
the pressure drop across the the pressure drop across the
turbine stages occurs in the turbine stages occurs in the
nozzle row. nozzle row.

)he ;elton wheel is a )he ;elton wheel is a

classical e&ample of an classical e&ample of an
impulse turbines. impulse turbines.
%#$ %#$

<iagram shows a reaction <iagram shows a reaction

turbine. turbine.
&#$ &#$

.or impulse turbines .or impulse turbines

)he total head of the incoming fluid is converted into a )he total head of the incoming fluid is converted into a
large velocity head at the e&it of the supply nozzle. large velocity head at the e&it of the supply nozzle.

Both the pressure drop across the buc(et blade! and the Both the pressure drop across the buc(et blade! and the
change in relative speed of the fluid across the buc(et change in relative speed of the fluid across the buc(et
are negligible. are negligible.

)he space surrounding the rotor is not completely filled )he space surrounding the rotor is not completely filled
with fluid. with fluid.

)he individual =ets of fluid stri(ing the buc(ets that )he individual =ets of fluid stri(ing the buc(ets that
generates the tor*ue. generates the tor*ue.
'#$ '#$

.or reaction turbines .or reaction turbines

)here is both a pressure drop and a fluid relative speed )here is both a pressure drop and a fluid relative speed
change across the rotor. change across the rotor.

>uide vanes act as nozzle to accelerate the flow and >uide vanes act as nozzle to accelerate the flow and
turn it in the appropriate direction as the fluid enters the turn it in the appropriate direction as the fluid enters the
rotor. rotor.

;art of the pressure drop occurs across the guide vanes ;art of the pressure drop occurs across the guide vanes
and part occurs across the rotor, and part occurs across the rotor,
$#$ $#$


&mulse turbines' (igh"head# lo! flo!rate

&mulse turbines' (igh"head# lo! flo!rate

)eaction turbines' *o!"head# high"flo!rate

)eaction turbines' *o!"head# high"flo!rate
Impuse Turbines
Impuse Turbines
1#$ 1#$

)he easiest type of impulse turbines )he easiest type of impulse turbines
design is the ;elton wheel. design is the ;elton wheel.

?ester ;elton 8269@89A2!, an ?ester ;elton 8269@89A2!, an

,merican mining engineer during ,merican mining engineer during
the California gold1mining days, is the California gold1mining days, is
responsible for many of still1used responsible for many of still1used
features of this type of turbine. features of this type of turbine.
Impuse Turbines
Impuse Turbines
2#$ 2#$

, high1speed =et of water stri(es the ;elton wheel buc(ets , high1speed =et of water stri(es the ;elton wheel buc(ets
and is deflected. and is deflected.

)he water enters and leaves the control volume )he water enters and leaves the control volume
surrounding the wheel as free =et. surrounding the wheel as free =et.

, person riding on the buc(et would note that the speed of , person riding on the buc(et would note that the speed of
the water doest not change as it slides across the buc(ets. the water doest not change as it slides across the buc(ets.
)hat is, the magnitude of the relative velocity does not )hat is, the magnitude of the relative velocity does not
change, but its direction does. change, but its direction does.
Impuse Turbines
Impuse Turbines
%#$ %#$

Ideally, the fluid enters and leaves the control volume with Ideally, the fluid enters and leaves the control volume with
no radial component of velocity. no radial component of velocity.

)he buc(ets would ideally )he buc(ets would ideally

turn the relative velocity turn the relative velocity
through a 82A through a 82AB turn, but B turn, but
physical constraints dictate physical constraints dictate
that that C C, the angle of the e&it , the angle of the e&it
edge of the blade, is less edge of the blade, is less
than 82A B than 82A B
Impuse Turbines
Impuse Turbines
&#$ &#$
.low as viewed by an observer .low as viewed by an observer
riding on the ;elton wheel D riding on the ;elton wheel D
relative velocities relative velocities
Inlet and e&it velocity triangles for a Inlet and e&it velocity triangles for a
;elton wheel turbine. ;elton wheel turbine.
% $ # #
8 8 8

:2! :2! % cos $ #

6 6

:9! :9!
$ith $ $ith $
8 8
E$ E$
6 6
:2!4:9! :2!4:9!
! cos 8 ! # % # #
8 8 6

'A! 'A!
Impuse Turbines
Impuse Turbines
'#$ '#$
! cos 8 ! # % % m
) $
shaft shaft

'A!46!4:! 'A!46!4:!
! cos 8 ! # % r m )
8 m shaft

'8! '8!
)ypical theoretical and e&perimental power )ypical theoretical and e&perimental power
and tor*ue for a ;elton wheel turbine as a and tor*ue for a ;elton wheel turbine as a
function of buc(et speed. function of buc(et speed.
Impuse Turbines
Impuse Turbines
$#$ $#$

.rom above results: .rom above results:

)he power is a function of )he power is a function of C C. , typical value of . , typical value of C CE8+'B E8+'B
results in a relatively small reduction in power since 81 results in a relatively small reduction in power since 81
cos8+'BE8.9++. cos8+'BE8.9++.

,lthough tor*ue is ma&imum when the wheel is ,lthough tor*ue is ma&imum when the wheel is
stopped %EA!, there is no power under this condition D stopped %EA!, there is no power under this condition D
to e&tract power one needs force and motion. to e&tract power one needs force and motion.

)he power output is a ma&imum when %E#F6. )he power output is a ma&imum when %E#F6.

)he ma&imum speed occurs when ) )he ma&imum speed occurs when )
shaft shaft
'6! '6!
Example 12.6 Pelton Wheel Turbine
Example 12.6 Pelton Wheel Turbine

$ater to drive a ;elton wheel is supplied through a pipe from a la(e $ater to drive a ;elton wheel is supplied through a pipe from a la(e
as indicated in .ig. G86.+a. <etermine the nozzle diameter, < as indicated in .ig. G86.+a. <etermine the nozzle diameter, <
8 8
, that , that
will give the ma&imum power output. Include the head loss due to will give the ma&imum power output. Include the head loss due to
friction in the pipe, but neglect minor losses. ,lso determine this friction in the pipe, but neglect minor losses. ,lso determine this
ma&imum power and the angular velocity of the rotor at this ma&imum power and the angular velocity of the rotor at this
condition. condition.
E(ampe 12)$
E(ampe 12)$
1#% 1#%
)he nozzle e&it speed, # )he nozzle e&it speed, #
8 8
, can be obtained by applying the , can be obtained by applying the
energy e*uation between a point on the la(e surface where energy e*uation between a point on the la(e surface where
# #
Ep Ep
EA! and the nozzle outlet where z EA! and the nozzle outlet where z
8 8
Ep Ep
8 8
EA! to give EA! to give
'8! '8!
g 6
f h h
g 6
? ?

! cos 8 ! # % H% $
8 shaft

< 8'6 8
' . 883
g 6
f 8 z




: F # < H

E(ampe 12)$
E(ampe 12)$
2#% 2#%
)he ma&imum power occurs when %E# )he ma&imum power occurs when %E#
8 8
F6 F6

< 8'6 8
' . 883
< 8'6 8
%< 363

6 F 3 :
! < 8'6 8
< 8A A: . 8

)he ma&imum power possible occurs when )he ma&imum power possible occurs when
A d< F $ d
8 shaft

+ +
, ,
-../01ft -../01ft
hp A . '9 s F lb ft 8A 6' . 3
! < 8'6 8
< 8A A: . 8
6 F 3 :


E(ampe 12)$
E(ampe 12)$
%#% %#%
)he rotor speed at the ma&imum power condition can be )he rotor speed at the ma&imum power condition can be
obtained from obtained from
rpm 69'
R 6
R %
8 8

Example 12.7 Maximum Power Output for a
Example 12.7 Maximum Power Output for a
Pelton Wheel Turbine
Pelton Wheel Turbine

$ater flows through the ;elton wheel turbine shown in .ig. 86.6:. $ater flows through the ;elton wheel turbine shown in .ig. 86.6:.
.or simplicity we assume that the water is turned 82A .or simplicity we assume that the water is turned 82AB by the blade. B by the blade.
/how, based on the energy e*uation, that the ma&imum power /how, based on the energy e*uation, that the ma&imum power
output occurs when the absolute velocity of the fluid e&iting the output occurs when the absolute velocity of the fluid e&iting the
turbine is zero. turbine is zero.
E(ampe 12)*
E(ampe 12)*
1#2 1#2
.or this impulse turbine with .or this impulse turbine with
C CE 82AB , the velocity E 82AB , the velocity
triangles simplify into the triangles simplify into the
diagram types shown in .ig. diagram types shown in .ig.
G86.-. )hree possibilities are G86.-. )hree possibilities are
indicated: indicated:
a! )he e&it absolute velocity, a! )he e&it absolute velocity,
# #
6 6
, is directed bac( toward , is directed bac( toward
the nozzle. the nozzle.
'8! '8! ! %# % H 6 ! cos 8 ! # % H% $
8 shaft

E(ampe 12)*
E(ampe 12)*
2#2 2#2
b! )he absolute velocity at the e&it is zero, or b! )he absolute velocity at the e&it is zero, or
c! )he e&iting stream flows in the direction of the incoming stream. c! )he e&iting stream flows in the direction of the incoming stream.
)he ma&imum power occurs when %E# )he ma&imum power occurs when %E#
8 8
F6. F6.
If viscous effects are negligible, when $ If viscous effects are negligible, when $
8 8
E$ E$
6 6
and we have %E$ and we have %E$
6 6
, ,
which gives which gives
# #
6 6
Consider the energy e*uation for flow across the rotor we have Consider the energy e*uation for flow across the rotor we have
? ) 6
6 6
8 8
g 6
# #
h h z
g 6
# p
g 6
# p

+ + + +

+ +

# #
6 6
Se+"nd T,pe "- Impuse Turbines
Se+"nd T,pe "- Impuse Turbines
1#% 1#%
, multinozzle, non1;elton wheel impulse turbine , multinozzle, non1;elton wheel impulse turbine
commonly used with air as the wor(ing fluid. commonly used with air as the wor(ing fluid.
Se+"nd T,pe "- Impuse Turbines
Se+"nd T,pe "- Impuse Turbines
2#% 2#%

, circumferential series of fluid =ets , circumferential series of fluid =ets

stri(es the rotating blades which, as stri(es the rotating blades which, as
with the ;elton wheel, alter both the with the ;elton wheel, alter both the
direction and magnitude of the direction and magnitude of the
absolute velocity. absolute velocity.

)he inlet and e&it pressure are e*ual. )he inlet and e&it pressure are e*ual.

)he magnitude of the relative )he magnitude of the relative

velocity is unchanged as the fluid velocity is unchanged as the fluid
slides across the blades. slides across the blades.
Se+"nd T,pe "- Impuse Turbines
Se+"nd T,pe "- Impuse Turbines
%#% %#%

In order for the absolute velocity of the fluid to be In order for the absolute velocity of the fluid to be
changed as indicated during its passage across the blade, changed as indicated during its passage across the blade,
the blade must push on the fluid in the direction opposite the blade must push on the fluid in the direction opposite
of the blade motion. of the blade motion.

)he fluid pushes on the blade in the direction f the )he fluid pushes on the blade in the direction f the
blades motion D the fluid does wor( on the blade. blades motion D the fluid does wor( on the blade.
Example 12. !on"Pelton Wheel #mpulse
Example 12. !on"Pelton Wheel #mpulse
1$2 1$2

,n air turbine used to drive the high1speed drill used by your dentist ,n air turbine used to drive the high1speed drill used by your dentist
is shown in .ig. G86.2a. ,ir e&iting from the upstream nozzle holes is shown in .ig. G86.2a. ,ir e&iting from the upstream nozzle holes
force the turbine blades to move in the direction shown. Gstimate force the turbine blades to move in the direction shown. Gstimate
the shaft energy per unit mass of air flowing through the turbine the shaft energy per unit mass of air flowing through the turbine
under the following conditions. )he turbine rotor speed is 3AA,AAA under the following conditions. )he turbine rotor speed is 3AA,AAA
rpm, the tangential component of velocity out of the nozzle is twice rpm, the tangential component of velocity out of the nozzle is twice
the blade speed, and the tangential component of the absolute the blade speed, and the tangential component of the absolute
velocity out of the rotor is zero. velocity out of the rotor is zero.
Example 12. !on"Pelton Wheel #mpulse
Example 12. !on"Pelton Wheel #mpulse
2$2 2$2
E(ampe 12).
E(ampe 12).
'! '!
lbm F lb ft 9+:A ... shaft
6 8
6 6 8 8 shaft
s F ft 39: ... r %
A # % 6 #
# % # % w

.or simplicity we analyze this problem using an arithmetic mean radius .or simplicity we analyze this problem using an arithmetic mean radius
! r r r
i o
/ea+ti"n Turbines
/ea+ti"n Turbines
1#2 1#2

Best suited for higher flowrate and lower head situations Best suited for higher flowrate and lower head situations
such as are often encountered in hydroelectric power such as are often encountered in hydroelectric power
plants associated with a dammed river. plants associated with a dammed river.

)he wor(ing fluid completely fills the passageways )he wor(ing fluid completely fills the passageways
through which it flows. through which it flows.

)he angular momentum, pressure, and the velocity of the )he angular momentum, pressure, and the velocity of the
fluid decrease as it flows through the turbine rotor D the fluid decrease as it flows through the turbine rotor D the
turbine rotor e&tracts energy from the fluid. turbine rotor e&tracts energy from the fluid.
/ea+ti"n Turbines
/ea+ti"n Turbines
2#2 2#2

)he variety of configurations: radial1flow, mi&ed flow, )he variety of configurations: radial1flow, mi&ed flow,
and a&ial1flow. and a&ial1flow.
a a! )ypical radial1flow ! )ypical radial1flow
.rancis turbine. .rancis turbine. b b! typical ! typical
a&ial1flow Iaplan turbine. a&ial1flow Iaplan turbine.
Dimensi"ness 0arameters -"r Turbines
Dimensi"ness 0arameters -"r Turbines
1#2 1#2

,s with pumps, incompressible flow turbine performance ,s with pumps, incompressible flow turbine performance
is often specified in terms of appropriate dimensionless is often specified in terms of appropriate dimensionless
parameters parameters
6 6

Jead rise coefficient Jead rise coefficient

' 3

;ower coefficient ;ower coefficient
)he flow coefficient )he flow coefficient

Dimensi"ness 0arameters -"r Turbines
Dimensi"ness 0arameters -"r Turbines
2#2 2#2

Kn the other head, turbine efficiency is the inverse of Kn the other head, turbine efficiency is the inverse of
pump efficiency pump efficiency

Simiarit, La1s -"r Turbines
Simiarit, La1s -"r Turbines

.or geometrically similar turbines and for negligible .or geometrically similar turbines and for negligible
Reynolds number and surface roughness difference Reynolds number and surface roughness difference
effects, the relationship between the dimensionless effects, the relationship between the dimensionless
parameters are given parameters are given
! C ! C C ! C C
H 3 H 6 p H 8 J

0"1er Spe+i-i+ Speed
0"1er Spe+i-i+ Speed
1#2 1#2

)he design engineer has a variety of turbine types )he design engineer has a variety of turbine types
available for any given application. available for any given application.

It is necessary to determine which type of turbine would It is necessary to determine which type of turbine would
best fit the =ob before detailed design wor( is attempted. best fit the =ob before detailed design wor( is attempted.

,s with pump, the use of a specific speed parameter can ,s with pump, the use of a specific speed parameter can
help provide this information help provide this information
: F '
! gh
F $
L 0

'3! '3!
: F '
!M ft h N
! bhp $ ! rpm
L 0

0"1er Spe+i-i+ Speed
0"1er Spe+i-i+ Speed
2#2 2#2

;rovide a guide for ;rovide a guide for

turbine1type selection. turbine1type selection.

)he actual turbine )he actual turbine

efficiency for a given efficiency for a given
turbine depends very turbine depends very
strongly on the detailed strongly on the detailed
design of the turbine. design of the turbine.
)ypical turbine cross sections and ma&imum
efficiencies as a function of specific speed.
Example 12.% &se of 'pecific 'pee( to
Example 12.% &se of 'pecific 'pee( to
'elect Turbine T)pe
'elect Turbine T)pe

, hydraulic turbine is to operate at an angular velocity of + revFs, a , hydraulic turbine is to operate at an angular velocity of + revFs, a
flowrate of 8A ft flowrate of 8A ft
3 3
Fs A.6236 m3Fs!, and a head of 6A ft +.8 m!. $hat Fs A.6236 m3Fs!, and a head of 6A ft +.8 m!. $hat
type of turbine should be selectedO G&plain. type of turbine should be selectedO G&plain.
E(ampe 12)2
E(ampe 12)2
.ig. 86.36! .ig. 86.36!
rpm 3+A s F rev +
hp 3 . 68
hp s F lb ft ''A
! 9: . A ft 6A
! s F ft 8A ! ft F lb : . +6 Hz $
3 3


3 . 39
! h
L 0
: F '

A mi$ed"flo! 2rancis turbine !ould robably A mi$ed"flo! 2rancis turbine !ould robably
give the highest efficiency and an assumed give the highest efficiency and an assumed
efficiency of ..13 is aroriate. efficiency of ..13 is aroriate.
Assumed efficiency Assumed efficiency P 9:

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