The document provides an overview of the petroleum refining process. It explains that crude oil is separated into fractions and then undergoes chemical reactions and further separations to be converted into high value products like gasoline, diesel, and jet fuel. It discusses the various units involved like distillation columns and reactors, as well as the roles of petrochemical engineers in ensuring refineries operate efficiently and minimize pollution.
The document provides an overview of the petroleum refining process. It explains that crude oil is separated into fractions and then undergoes chemical reactions and further separations to be converted into high value products like gasoline, diesel, and jet fuel. It discusses the various units involved like distillation columns and reactors, as well as the roles of petrochemical engineers in ensuring refineries operate efficiently and minimize pollution.
The document provides an overview of the petroleum refining process. It explains that crude oil is separated into fractions and then undergoes chemical reactions and further separations to be converted into high value products like gasoline, diesel, and jet fuel. It discusses the various units involved like distillation columns and reactors, as well as the roles of petrochemical engineers in ensuring refineries operate efficiently and minimize pollution.
The document provides an overview of the petroleum refining process. It explains that crude oil is separated into fractions and then undergoes chemical reactions and further separations to be converted into high value products like gasoline, diesel, and jet fuel. It discusses the various units involved like distillation columns and reactors, as well as the roles of petrochemical engineers in ensuring refineries operate efficiently and minimize pollution.
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Overview of Petroleum Refining
Dept. of Petroleum Engineering &
Petrochemical Engineering
Presented by Prof. K. V. Rao Programme Director Petroleum Courses JNTUK III Year, I Sem., B. Tech. Petrochemical Engineering Petroleum Refinery Engineering University College of Engineering (A) Kakinada Agenda
Introduction What is the Purpose of an Oil Refinery? What Goes In/Out of the Refinery How Do You Get from Crude Oil to Products? Separations Chemical Reactions cont... Agenda - Cont. How Do You Get from Crude Oil to Products? Separations Chemical Reactions Major Equipment Minimizing Pollution What do The Petrochemical/Chemical Engineers Do? Overview THE PURPOSE OF AN OIL REFINERY IS TO TRANSFORM RELATIVELY LOW VALUE CRUDE OIL INTO HIGH VALUE PRODUCTS AS EFFICIENTLY, PROFITABLY AND ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY WAY AS POSSIBLE Overview - Cont. The price and quality of crudes is constantly changing. The price and specifications of the products is constantly changing. Government regulations add additional constraints. There is not much differential between the price of crude and products. HOW DO I KEEP IN BUSINESS? How Do I Keep In Business ? I need to design and revamp the plant utilizing the latest technology to be more efficient I need to make the plant more flexible and responsive I need to operate (control) the plant in the most efficient manner possible I need to keep the equipment running all the time I NEED PETROCHEMICAL/CHEMICAL ENGINEERS! OK, But...
WHAT GOES ON IN AN OIL REFINERY? Very Simplified Petroleum and Petrochemical Flowchart Oil Well Crude Oil Separations C o n v e r s i o n s S e p a r a t i o n s a n d P u r i f i c a t i o n s Natural Gas Propane & Butane Naphtha (C 5 - C 10 ) Gas Stove Fuel Gasoline Jet Fuel Fuel R X Ethylene Polyethylene (Glad Bags) R X R X Polymers (7 UP Bottles) (Barbeque Grills) R X R X Organic Chemicals More Polymers (Aspirin, Hair Spray) (Football Helmet, Astro Turf, Nylon) Home Heating Oil, Lubricating Oil, Wax Diesel Fuels Kerosene & Gas Oils (C 10 +) Coke (Carbon Material Similar to Coal) Steel Making Asphalt Roads Pot Holes Purifications remove sulfur and heavy metals R X = Chemical Reactions Graphite Fibers (Tennis Racquets) THE REFI NERY Methane Ethane What Is Crude Oil? Crude Oil is a liquid mixture of thousands of organic chemicals found underground. It is the result of organic matter decaying over thousands of years; hence the name fossil fuel Crude oil is found all over the world and varies tremendously in its density, aromatics, sulfur, and metals content Major Refinery Products LPG (Propane/Butane) GASOLINE (hundreds of blends) KEROSENE JET FUELS DIESEL FUELS HEATING OILS GREASES ASPHALTS COKE (not the kind you drink ) Gasoline Specifications Gasoline must meet many criteria which change with the time of year and geographic location. Some critical specifications are: Vapor Pressure Octane Aromatics / Benzene Content Sulfur Content Gasolines are always a blend of a number of streams in the refinery Other Specifications Other refinery products must meet other specifications such as: Cetane number Density Pour Point Flash Point Viscosity So, How Do You Make Good Stuff Out Of That Gooey Crude? So, How Do You Make Good Stuff Out Of That Gooey Crude? So, How Do You Make Good Stuff Out Of That Gooey Crude? REACTIONS & SEPARATIONS So, How Do You Make Good Stuff Out Of That Gooey Crude? Separate crude into fractions Convert low octane components to higher octane components Convert the very heavy stuff to heavy oils Convert heavy oils to gasoline,diesel,jet fuel Remove sulfur/nitrogen through reaction Blend intermediate streams together to meet product specifications SEPARATIONS SEPARATIONS - CRUDE FRACTIONATION HUGE DISTILLATION COLUMNS ATMOSPHERIC DISTILLATION VACUUM DISTILLATION TYPICAL SIZE: 150,000 BARRELS/DAY 750 DEGREES F OTHER SEPARATIONS FLASH DISTILLATION ABSORPTION ADSORPTION SETTLING (WATER/OIL) REACTIONS REACTIONS Almost all the reactions in the refinery use special catalysts that increase the rate and selectivity of the reaction. This improves efficiency and reduces unwanted byproducts. Reactions to Make Higher Octane ISOMERIZATION C-C-C-C-C-C --> C C nC6 C-C-C-C iC6 REFORMING C-C-C-C-C-C-C --> C nC7 C C-CH3 C C toluene C
Reactions To Make Higher Octane ALKYLATION
C C C=C-C + C-C-C --> C-C-C-C-C C propylene isobutane isoheptane (2,2,dmp) Reactions To Convert Heavy Oils HYDROCRACKING H 2 + heavy oil --> gasoline + diesel 550 F 300 F 450 F use boiling point to describe oils CAT CRACKING heavy oil --> gasoline + propylene, butane, other light ends 550 F 300 F
Reactions To Convert Resid Resid is the bottom of the barrel - the material that is left in the bottom of the crude/vacuum distillation towers
COKING resid + heat --> coke + heavy oil > 900 F solid 550 F Reactions To Remove Sulfur HYDRODESULFURIZATION 2 R-SH + H 2 --> 2 R + 2 H 2 S mercaptan hydrocarbon
SULFUR RECOVERY convert H 2 S to elemental sulfur: 2 H 2 S + 2 O 2 --> SO 2 + S + 2 H 2 O 2 H 2 S + SO 2 --> 3S + 2 H 2 O
MAJOR REFINERY EQUIPMENT Vessels-Reactors, Separators, Storage Tanks Pumps & Compressors Furnaces Heat Exchangers Instruments (measure flow, temperature, pressure, composition) Control Systems MINIMIZING POLLUTION Operate Furnaces Efficiently Waste Material Goes To The Flare Stack Avoid Spills & Accidental Releases Special Treatment of Sewer Water Lots of Paper Work! WHAT HAPPENS TO THE BAD STUFF IN THE CRUDE? Sulfur converted to elemental sulfur in high sulfur fuel oil in coke Heavy Metals (nickel, vanadium) in high sulfur fuel oil and coke Nitrogen (organic nitrogen) most is converted to ammonia and neutralized in high sulfur fuel oil and coke WHAT ROLE DO ENGINEERS PLAY IN THE REFINERY? What Role Do Petrochemical Engineers Play? Operations Engineer Maintenance Engineer Control Systems Engineer Design Engineer Health/Safety/Environmental Engineer Planning / Scheduling Engineer Reliability Engineer Plant Manager Other Ways Petrochemical Engineers Support The Refining Industry Research & Development Engineers Technical Sales Engineers Engineering & Construction Engineers Governmental Regulators University Professors Other Engineering Disciplines In The Refinery Mechanical Engineers - design & maintenance of compressors, vessels Electrical Engineers - electrical, instrumentation, controls Computer Scientists - main plant control & information systems Summary Refineries are very complicated chemical processing plants that use reactions and separations to convert crude oil into gasoline and other valuable products Petrochemical/Chemical engineers play an important role in keeping these plants running safely and efficiently
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research Volume 27 Issue 11 1988 [Doi 10.1021%2Fie00083a023] Hufton, Jeffrey R.; Bravo, Jose L.; Fair, James R. -- Scale-up of Laboratory Data for Distillation Columns Containing Cor