Mr. A, a 34-year-old man, was in a motorcycle accident and suffered a bruise on his posterior lip region. During the primary survey, his airway was clear and breathing was normal. In the secondary survey, examination found a vulnus eksoriasi and pain on his right forehead. The diagnosis was contusion and laceration wound. The treatment plan included wound cleaning, observation, analgesics, and antibiotics but no hospitalization.
Mr. A, a 34-year-old man, was in a motorcycle accident and suffered a bruise on his posterior lip region. During the primary survey, his airway was clear and breathing was normal. In the secondary survey, examination found a vulnus eksoriasi and pain on his right forehead. The diagnosis was contusion and laceration wound. The treatment plan included wound cleaning, observation, analgesics, and antibiotics but no hospitalization.
Mr. A, a 34-year-old man, was in a motorcycle accident and suffered a bruise on his posterior lip region. During the primary survey, his airway was clear and breathing was normal. In the secondary survey, examination found a vulnus eksoriasi and pain on his right forehead. The diagnosis was contusion and laceration wound. The treatment plan included wound cleaning, observation, analgesics, and antibiotics but no hospitalization.
Mr. A, a 34-year-old man, was in a motorcycle accident and suffered a bruise on his posterior lip region. During the primary survey, his airway was clear and breathing was normal. In the secondary survey, examination found a vulnus eksoriasi and pain on his right forehead. The diagnosis was contusion and laceration wound. The treatment plan included wound cleaning, observation, analgesics, and antibiotics but no hospitalization.
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Mr A ( 34 YO)
Mekanisme of the trauma :motorcycle crash
Injury of target organ : regio labialis posterior Symptoms and signs : pain on the bruise Transport : by car
PRIMARY SURVEY Airway : clear ( no snoring, no gargling, no stridor) conclusion : clear.
Breathing : Inspeksi : bruise -, chest wall movement symmetrical, RR 20x/min, hematom Palpasi : crepitation pain (-) Perkusi : sonor right = left Auskultasi : basic breath sound vesikuler
HISTORY OF ILNESS 30 minute before enter to hospital patient have an motorcycle accident. when patients are riding motorcycles fast and heavy rain, and the patient's motor slip hit car in front. patient could not avoid the sudden stop. patients eventually fell and bloody lip patients because a tear. no head injury, no collision chest, no fainting, no amnesia, no vomiting, no nausea. PRIMARY SURVEY C : warm extremities, Pulse = 82 x/mnt , BP: 120/80mmHg, Temp= 36 0 C, capillary refill <2 Conclusion : no sign of shock
PRIMARY SURVEY Disability GCS 15 (E4M6V5) pupil isochoric 3 mm/3 mm, centered, direct light reflex/indirect light reflex +/+
Exposure no life-threatening injury
Secondary Survey Chief complaint : pain on the bruise Additional complaint : weakness
Thorax : Insp : movement of chest wall symmetrical Pal : vocal fremitus right = left Per : sonor right = left Aus : vesiculer, rhonki -/-, wheezing - /-
Abdomen : Ins : flat, bruise (-), mass (-) Aus : bowel sound (+) 4times/minute Pal : tenderness (-) Per : tympani, percussion pain (-) Ekstremitas : warm extremities, cap. refill < 2, edema (-) DIAGNOSIS
Medication Analgetic Antibiotic 3. Mr H ( 21 YO) Mekanisme of the trauma : accident a suicide attempt Injury of target organ : Regio antebrachii sinistra Symptoms and signs : pain on the bruise Transport : by motorcycle
HISTORY 1 hour before to hospital, the patient had an accident a suicide attempt for arguing with his girlfriend, patients slashing his left hand with a razor blade to cause open sores and bleeding. before the patient was taken to the clinic, but only wound bandaged it. eventually the patient to the hospital uki. PRIMARY SURVEY Airway : clear ( no snoring, no gargling, no stridor) conclusion : clear. Breathing : Inspeksi : bruise -, chest wall movement symmetrical, RR 24x/min, hematom Palpasi : crepitation Perkusi : sonor right = left Auskultasi : basic breath sound vesikuler
Thorax : Insp : movement of chest wall symmetrical Pal : vocal fremitus right = left Per : sonor right = left Aus : vesiculer, rhonki -/-, wheezing - /-
Abdomen : Ins : flat, bruise (-), mass (-) Aus : bowel sound (+) 4 times/minute Pal : tenderness (-) Per : tympani, percussion pain (-) Ekstremitas : warm extremities, cap. refill < 2, edema (-) DIAGNOSIS