Reubs High School: Statistics Project
Reubs High School: Statistics Project
Reubs High School: Statistics Project
Statistics project
Topic:- Measures of dispersion
Made by:-Aanchal lodha Roll no :-21 Guided by:-Chacko
A modern student of statistics is mainly interested in the study of variability and uncertainty. In this section we shall discuss variability and its measures and uncertainty will be discussed in probability. We live in a changing world. Changes are taking place in every sphere of life. A man of statistics does not show much interest in those things which are constant. The total area of the earth may not be very important to a research minded person but the area under different crops, area covered by forests, area covered by residential and commercial buildings are figures of great importance because these figures keep on changing form time to time and from place to place.
The defination should be clear. It should be easy to compute. It should be leat affected by sampling fluctuations. All observations of the data should be used in its calculation. It should be amenable to further algebraic manipulations.
3. 4.
In any statistical series, the difference between the largest and the smallest values is called as the range. Thus Range (R) = L S where, L=largest value of the series S=Smallest value of the series
The relative measure of the range. It is used in the comparative study of the dispersion co-efficient of Range = L-S/L+S
110, 117, 129, 197, 190, 100, 100, 178, 255, 790. Solution: R = L - S = 790 - 100 = 690 790-
In the defination of range and Q.D. as meaures of dispersion the use of diffrences of observations of the data from the mean is not considered. These diffrences are called mean deviation
By far the most commonly used measures of dispersion in the social sciences are variance and standard deviation. Variance is the average squared difference of scores from the mean score of a distribution. Standard deviation is the square root of the variance. The standard deviation is simply the square root of the variance. In some sense, taking the square root of the variance "undoes" the squaring of the differences that we did when we calculated the variance. Variance and standard deviation of a population are designated by and , respectively. Variance and standard deviation of a sample are designated by s2 and s, respectively.
It is the average of the modulus of the deviations of the observations in a series taken form mean or median. Methods for Calculation of Mean Deviation: Case I: For Ungrouped Data. In this case the mean deviation is given by the formula Mean Deviation = M.D. = |x - A|/n = |d|/n, Where d stands for the deviation from the mean or median and |d| is always positive whether d itself is positive or negative and n is the total number of items.
Case II: For Grouped data. Let x1, x2, x3, , xn occur with frequencies f1, f2, f3, ,fn respectively and let f = n and M can be either Mean or Median, then the mean deviation is given by the formula. Mean Deviation = f|x-M|/f = f|d|/n Where d = |x M| and f = n. Coefficient of Mean Deviation = Mean Deviation / Median
or = Mean Deviation / Mean (In case the deviations are taken from mean)
The quartile deviation is a slightly better measure of absolute dispersion than the range. But it ignores the observation on the tails.
Quartile deviation = Q3 - Q1 / 2
Coefficient of Quartile Deviation = Q3 - Q1 / Q3 Q1