Feasibility OF Training in HCL: By: Yamini Kataria
Feasibility OF Training in HCL: By: Yamini Kataria
Feasibility OF Training in HCL: By: Yamini Kataria
The Institute will strive hard to train human beings to become dynamic, committed & selfmotivated Total Quality Professionals of very high intrinsic value, technically sound, emotionally balanced, spiritually high, socially sensitive having responsibility, accountability & self-esteem in partnership with parents, corporate, academics & government to meet the rapidly changing multidimensional and multi-spherical futuristic challenges of the contemporary world.
As the training arm of HCL Infosystems, HCL Career Development Centre (CDC) carries forth a legacy of excellence spanning across more than three decades. HCL CDC is an initiative that enables individuals and organisations to benefit from HCL's deep expertise in the IT space. Among the fastest growing IT education brands in India, HCL CDC offers a complete spectrum of quality training programs on software, hardware, networking as well as global certifications in association with leading IT organisations worldwide. Empowered with strategic alliances with leading IT organisations in India and abroad, HCL CDC training solutions cater to diverse consumer profiles including individuals, enterprises, academic institutions and Government enterprises. As the fountainhead of the most significant pursuit of human mind (IT), HCL strongly believes, "Only a Leader can transform you into a Leader". HCL CDC is a formalization of this experience and credo which has been perfected over three decades.
Scheduling of the classes, distribution of day-to-day schedule determines whether the programs are well managed and organized. The satisfaction level in both the cases is high and we can say that there is proper management of the programs internally. This leads to greater satisfaction level of the customers, which further leads to good word of mouth. Overall satisfaction level of the respondents is 50%. This means that there is some reason due to which they are not that happy. This factor is definitely internal as not many of them are satisfied with the distribution of day-to-day schedules. Also for 34% of the respondents, the programs are less economical. HCL word of mouth publicity is good at 62%. But it definitely needs to convert at least 28% not sure into yes. Economic feasibility of any program is very important so as to carry on with it. The programs being taught at HCL are very economical in accordance to all the facilities provided to the students. This is clear from the data, as, as many as 58% of the respondents feel that all the courses are economical.
To increase word to mouth publicity, HCL CDC needs to take care of proper management of programs. So as to give students a professional atmosphere they need to improve their scheduling.
Overall satisfaction level is comparatively less. So after improving all the above factors the overall satisfaction level will definitely increase and hence word to mouth publicity will automatically increase.