The disagreement between two or more individuals or groups over an issue of mutual interest.
1.Goal Incongruency 2.Organizational Change 3.Personality Clashes
Is Conflict Desirable ?
Classification of Conflicts
1.Intrapersonal Conflict
b) Approach-Avoid
c) Avoid-Avoid
2.Interpersonal Conflict
The conflict between two individual. It results when someone threatens the self concept of another.
3.Interagroup Conflict
The conflict within the group. 4.Intergroup Conflict The conflict between the groups
3.Intensions The individuals decide on the action that is to be taken to deal with the conflict by discovering the intensions behind the same.
The desire to withdraw from or suppress a conflict
2.Dominating/Competing A desire to satisfy ones interest, regardless of the impact on the other party to the conflict
3.Accomodating The willingness of one party in a conflict to place the opponents interests above his or her own.
5.Problem Solving/Collaborating
A situation in which the parties to a conflict each desire to satisfy fully the concerns of all parties
Problem Solving
It is an attempt by one party to implement its intensions. It takes the form of statements, actions and reactions. 5.Outcomes These are the consequences that result from interaction among conflicting parties.
Conflict Management
The use of resolution and stimulation techniques to achieve the desired level of conflict.
Conflict Resolution Techniques
1.Problem Solving- Open Discussion 2.Superordinate Goals- Creating shared goal 3.Expansion of Resources
5.Smoothing - playing down differences while emphasizing common interests
6. Compromise
2. Bringing in Outsiders
3. Restructuring Organization 4. Appointing a Devils Advocate -Designating a critic to purposely argue against the majority positions held by the group.
It is a process in which one party agrees to exchange a product or service with another party in return for something
Approaches to Negotiation
1.Distributive Bargaining Negotiation that seeks to divide up a fixed amount of resources; a win lose situation.
As Aspiration Range
Settlement Range
Bs Aspiration Range
As Target Point
Bs Resistance Point
As Resistance Point
Bs Target Point
2. Integrative Bargaining
Negotiation that seeks one or more settlements that can create a win-win solution
Fixed I win, You lose
Variable I win,You win Convergent Long Term
Negotiation Process
1.Preparation & Planning BATNA (Best Alternative To A Negotiated Agreement) The agreement that satisfies high priority objectives 2.Defining Rules 3.Clarification & Justification 4.Bargaining & Problem Solving 5.Closure & Implementation
Defining Rules
Arrive at the negotiation table Discuss basic rules & procedures to be followed The person who will represent the party is identified The issues that should be discussed The order in which they should be taken up The time limit for each issue Strategy to be adopted in case of deadlock
1.Biases Assuming there exists only win-lose solution Frustrations arising from belief that the initial demands made by opponent are his final demands Making decisions based on whatever information available rather than looking for relevant information A know-it-all attitude & making commitments without considering their feasibility Believing women negotiators are soft & make more concessions 2.Personality Traits
The studies have shown that negotiation strategies as well as the outcomes of negotiations are unaffected by an individuals personality traits.
3.Cultural Differences
1.France More combative, indifferent.
2.Chinese & Japanese Negotiate at length, long term relationship 3.Americans Impatient, end up quickly 4.North Americans Rely on objectives facts and logic, adhere to timelines Subjective feelings & emotions Use examples but no importance to timelines
Has authority to enforce his decisions Chosen voluntarily or imposed by law Always result in settlement
Informal communication link Trusted Tries to find solution that is acceptable
Skilled person, uses conflict management techniques Encourages them to understand each other, develop a +ve attitude & build long term relationships Motivates parties to find creative solutions Acts as a facilitator while the parties attempt to find a solution
Intergroup Relations
If the organization is to function efficiently & effectively, the activities of all the different groups which specialize in different functions must be properly coordinated
The extent to which a group is dependent on another group determines the degree of interaction & the type of relations that exist between them
Pooled interdependence
2.Task Uncertainty Routine Tasks standardized operating procedures to be followed Non Routine Tasks customized approach for each task
Obtain information from various groups Faced with unique problems that require one of a kind response
When rules & procedures do not help in resolving differences it may be resolved by a common superior
It consumes valuable time of top management Parties have no choice but to abode with the decision
Goals are clearly specified, members of all groups know what is expected of them As each group carries out its responsibilities, intergroup conflict decreases & coordination increases
4.Liaison Roles
A capable person is assigned Ensures effective communication & coordination between 2 interdependent groups Success depends on the ability of the person to skillfully resolve disputes, promote communication & establish amicable relations between the conflicting groups Will fail if information flow is too high & interaction is too frequent
5.Task Forces
To solve complex problems that demand multiple perspectives in order to arrive at a proper solution A temporary group that exist only till the problem is solved Useful when a project requires coordination among many groups, for a short duration
To address day to day operational issues permanent teams are set up Are cross-functional in nature & consist of members from various departments Have dual responsibilities ( own department & team)
7.Integrating Departments
Used in situations where relationships between groups are too complex for the above methods Permanent departments which seek to integrate the various groups Useful when groups have conflicting goals, face non-routine problems & when intergroup decisions have considerable impact on organizational performance