20th Century Puppetry
20th Century Puppetry
20th Century Puppetry
Analle Impe
1. What
2. Why
1. What
2. Why
Barbara Mlois, La Pire Espce, Ubu Aluminures sur la table Compagnie Main dargile, Limites
1. What
2. Why
1. What
2. Why
a. Aesthetic; b. Political; c. Anthropological.
ScratchingScrafty A brilliant piece of art depicting the horrendous murders at Auschwitz. Note the prisoner telling the victim in the last scene about what's going to happen to her as she enters the gas chamber. This was so people could die with dignity, instead of being gassed like unaware rats. Thank you for creating this masterpiece. IdoDarklyCute They're just puppets, man.
Ilka Schnbein,LAndrode La Vieille et la Bte Aurlia [HU#1] Duda Paiva Ivan, Company
You think I take it very seriously? I cannot take it seriously enough. If there is a solemn thing at all in Life, only a marionnette can interpret it on stage. E. G. Craig