ESBM unit2WP
ESBM unit2WP
ESBM unit2WP
1. Introduction
2. Concept: Entrepreneurial Opportunity Search & Identification 3. Criteria to Select a Product First Online Test 4. Conducting Feasibility Studies 5. Project Finalization 6. Sources of Information Second Online Test
Steps in Setting up a new Business Venture/ Enterprise Process Model
The entrepreneurial process involves all the functions, activities, and actions associated with the perception of opportunities and creation of organizations to pursue them. Scanning the environment for identification of business opportunities Development of Product or Service idea Assessment of feasibility of the idea Preparation of Business Plan Resource Mobilization Project Commissioning and Launch
Business Plan
In terms of entrepreneurship, and the entrepreneurial process, the phenomenon of opportunity recognition is critical in that a major step in any entrepreneurial venture creation process is the recognition of the opportunity by the entrepreneur. Opportunity recognition can be defined as perceiving a possibility for new profit through the founding and formation of a new venture, the significant improvement of an existing venture. From this broad definition opportunity recognition can be considered as an activity that can occur both prior to establishment of a firm, and also post founding of a firm (throughout the life of the firm, and throughout the life of the entrepreneur).
Within the definition are two concepts, an idea and an entrepreneurial opportunity , that lead to the possibility for new profit which need to be distinguished. An idea for a business does not necessarily equate to an entrepreneurial opportunity, although it is always at the heart of an opportunity as an idea is the first step in the process of creating an opportunity. Therefore scholars suggest we can think of the idea as a stepping-stone that leads to an opportunity.
Finalizing a Product/Service:
The identification of opportunity follows the process of developing & selecting the product or service idea, which takes into account the following factors: Market growth rate Market size
Demand variability
Industry profitability Industry rivalry Global opportunities Macro-environmental factors etc
Skilled & unskilled labour positions Availability of ready market Availability of raw materials & machinery Government policies- subsidies & incentives Scope for further expansion Demand projections Cost projections Competition Required investment Profitability etc
Feasibility Process
Identify problem or opportunity Initiate feasibility study Define scope, identify constraints and objectives
Make recommendation
Evaluate alternatives
Accept project Reject project Delay project Refocus project Outsource project Proof of concept only
Feasibility Reports
These discuss the practicality, and possibly the suitability and compatibility of a given project, both in physical and economic terms. They also discuss the desirability of the proposed project from the viewpoint of those who would be affected by it. Report writers must come to a conclusion, and must recommend that some action is taken or is not taken and/or that some choice is adopted or is rejected.
Project Finalization
All complex projects consist of three basic phases: the initial (or preparatory) phase; the project (or work) phase; and the finalization phase. Each of these phases has its own challenges and pitfalls. These can be avoided by having a clear picture of what should be achieved in each of these phases. A project plan is finalized when it is formally accepted and approved by the project sponsor and other designated stakeholders. Formal approval acknowledges that all the deliverables produced during the Plan Stage are complete, reviewed and accepted.
The project plan is important because it provides baseline information such as the budget, schedule and management plans for executing and controlling the project. A signed project plan represents a commitment to continue and to dedicate the required time and resources toward the project. It ushers the way into the Execute and Control Stage.
/ Information