ACUTE ABDOMEN-Approach To Managment-Hazem
ACUTE ABDOMEN-Approach To Managment-Hazem
ACUTE ABDOMEN-Approach To Managment-Hazem
Acute Abdomen
Etio-Pathological Classification:-
Acute Cholecystitis Acute Pancreatitis Inflammatory Bowel Disease Acute Appendicitis Acute Diverticulitis Meckle's Diverticulitis PID-(Salpingitis)/Tuboovarian abscess. UTI-Acute Pyelonephritis/Acute Cystitis
Perforated Peptic Ulcer Disease
Perforated Appendicitis/Cholecystit is
Perforated Small Bowel
Esophageal Perforation
Perforated Colon Aortic Dissection
Thrombo-embolic diseases Acute Intestinal Ischemia Renal Infarction Splenic Infarction GIT-Volvulus Omental Torsion Intussusception Torsion ovarian cyst/sub-serous fibroid
Biliary Colic
Renal Colic
Etio-Pathological Classification
Rupture AAA. Rupture visceral A.Aneurysms in mesenteric; hepatic and renal arteries. Rupture pathologically enlarged spleen Rupture Hepatic Tumor. Gynecological causes: Ruptured Ectopic pregnancy Ruptured Ovarian Cyst Ruptured Graffian's follicles( mid-cycle) Ruptured Endometriosis.
Non-Surgical Abdomen
Intra-Abdominal Conditions
Gastro-Enteritis. Infective Colitis Mesenteric Adenitis Typhoid Fever UTI
Intra-Thoracic Conditions MI Basal Lobar Pneumonia and Lung Abscess Pericarditis. Spontaneous Pneumothorax.
Liver Abscess
Acute Viral Hepatitis Congestive Hepatomegaly Liver Tumors
Non-Surgical Abdomen
Metabolic Causes Haematological Diseases
D-Ketoacidosis Uremia Adreno-cortical Insufficiency Hypercalcemia Acute Intermittent Porphyria. Heavy Metals Poisoning
Haemolytic Crisis of Chronic Haemolytic Anaemia. Polycythemia. Henoch- Schonelein Purpura. Lymphoma. Leukemia.
Non-Surgical Abdomen
Neurological Causes
Herpes Zostercommonly involving spinal nerves T3-L1. Spinal cord Compression: Degenerative-Disc Prolapse. Metastases. Nerve Entrapment: 2-3 localised areas just medial to linea semilunaris of rectus muscle.
Collagen Diseases
Polyarteritis Nodosa.
Management Approach
(I)-Clinical Evaluation: Accurate History and Complete Physical Examination are Essential for Diagnosis
History taking
Abdominal pain
Site of pain: at onset, at present, radiation Severity Progression of pain
Type: intermittent, steady, colicky. Radiation of Pain Aggravating factors: movement, coughing, food Relieving factors: position, drug, food
Elicited by direct irritation/inflammation of the somatically innervated parietal peritoneum. Mediated by afferent somatic nerve fibres. localised in the dermatomes supplied by segmental nerve roots innervating the parietal peritoneum.
Referred Pain
Pain Sensations perceived at a site distant from that of a strong primary stimulus.
Due to Confluence of
afferent nerve fibers from widely disparate areas within the posterior horn of the spinal cord. This may cause distorted central perception of the site of pain.
In Most causes of Surgical Abdominal pain There is insidious onset of pain started diffuse;
Associated symptoms Nausea and vomiting Indigestion Anorexia and weight loss
Bowel habit
Urinary Symptoms Gynecological Symptoms
Vaginal Discharge
Medical History Medical Diseases; HTN ; CAD ; AF ; Vascular Diseases ;Pulmonary Diseases. Previous Surgery
Physical examination
General Examination
Vital Signs: Pulse ; Temp.; BP. Pallor ; Jaundice ; Cyanosis. Tongue:-Dry ; Coated ; acetone smell.
Abdominal Examination
Patient should be exposed from nipple to midthigh. Abdominal Distension.
Cullen sign
Grey-Turner sign
Palpation and Percussion Light and deep palpation. Start gently and away from reported area of pain.
Rebound tenderness = Peritoneal irritation can be elicited by:Cough tenderness = Percussion tenderness. Involuntary Muscle guarding=Peritonitis. Areas of maximum tenderness. Detect Organomegaly. Tympanatic Abdomen.= gas in bowel loops. Shifting dullness in Ascites.
High-pitch tinkling sound = mechanical bowel obstruction. No sound within 1-2 min = absent bowel sounds.
Do Not Forget
Examination of: Hernial Orifices. External Genitalia-Testis and Scrotum.
NPO NG-Tube in intestinal obstruction and if there is persistent vomiting. IV-Line and Start IV Fluids. Analgesia after initial assessment should be given for pain relief. Important:-Narcotic analgesia don't mask physical signs or obscure the diagnosis. Start broad spectrum IV Antibiotics if Inflammatory Conditions suspected. Correction of dehydration and electrolyte imbalance. Urinary catheter and monitor the urine output
Laboratory studies
CBC Electrolytes Blood urea nitrogen/creatinine Amylase / lipase Serum lactate levels Liver function test Pregnancy Test-In all Women in childbearing age. Sickling Test Blood Group and save the serum. ECG.
Detection of acute Cholecystitis; pancreatitis; pancreatic pseudo-cysts; liver abscess Detection of appendicitis/ appendicular abscess; diverticular abscess; mesenteric cysts; Tubo-ovarian abscess; PID and pelvic abscess. Useful in pregnant and young female patient (detect pelvic pathology);ovarian cysts ; sub-serous fibroid ;PID. Diagnosis of suspected AAA. Diagnosis of free intra-peritoneal blood/fluid.
After the initial assessment the patients with acute abdominal pain should be categorized into:
(I)Patients with immediately and Rapidly Life Threatening conditions :(A)-Surgical causes: Rupture AAA. Intra-abdominal Haemorrhage Acute intestinal ischemia. Perforated viscus and Peritonitis Strangulated intestinal obstruction-volvulus Intussusception; strangulated hernia. (B)--Medical life threatening conditions: Myocardial infarction. Spontaneous tensionPneumothora D-Ketoacidosis Acute AD.Cortical Failure
Abdominal crises
These are sub-group of patients who require immediate laparotomy without delay to perform confirmatory images.
(1)-Patients with intra-peritoneal Bleeding;(Rupture AAA.; ruptured ectopic pregnancies, and spontaneous hepatic or splenic ruptures.) (2)-Advanced; intra-abdominal sepsis; (due to perforated viscus/or strangulation); with high fever; tachypnea; sweating; profound hypotension; deterioration of mental state(agitation, disorientation); indicating impending septic shock.
(II)-Serious conditions:-that need early planned surgery/or need early supportive treatment and close monitoring (1)-Appendicitis/appendicular abscess; acute Cholecystitis/peri-cholecystic abscess; acute pancreatitis. (2)-Diverticulitis/Diverticular abscess; PID /Tuboovarian abscess; intra-abdominal abscess. (3)-Small bowel obstruction. (4)-Large bowel obstruction due to: diverticular abscess/ carcinoma
Differential Diagnosis
Incarcerated congenital hernia.
Hirschsprung disease.
Differential Diagnosis of patients with Acute Abdominal Pain Old-age >60-65 years old
Colo-rectal Cancer. Diverticulitis. Present with subacute Colonic Obstruction/OR Perforation and Peritonitis. Acute Intestinal Ischemia. History of recent MI ; AF; Or Atherosclerosis
Rupture AAA.
Medical Causes
Special Attention should be made for the extreme of agethe children and old age. Analgesia-Make the patient pain-free.