Structural Equation Modeling: Intro To SEM Psy 524 Ainsworth

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Structural Equation Modeling

Intro to SEM Psy 524 Ainsworth

SEM Structural Equation Modeling

CSA Covariance Structure Analysis

Causal Models

Simultaneous Equations
Path Analysis Confirmatory Factor Analysis

SEM in a nutshell
Combination of factor analysis and regression

Continuous and discrete predictors and outcomes Relationships among measured or latent variables

Direct link between Path Diagrams and

equations and fit statistics Models contain both measurement and path models

Measured variable

Observed variables, indicators or manifest variables in an SEM design Predictors and outcomes in path analysis Squares in the diagram
Un-observable variable in the model, factor, construct Construct driving measured variables in the measurement model Circles in the diagram

Latent Variable

Error or E

Variance left over after prediction of a measured variable Variance left over after prediction of a factor
Variable that predicts other variables A variable that is predicted by another variable A predicted variable is endogenous even if it in turn predicts another variable

Disturbance or D

Exogenous Variable

Endogenous Variables

Measurement Model

The part of the model that relates indicators to latent factors The measurement model is the factor analytic part of SEM
This is the part of the model that relates variable or factors to one another (prediction) If no factors are in the model then only path model exists between indicators

Path model

Direct Effect

Regression coefficients of direct prediction

Mediating effect of x1 on y through x2

Indirect Effect

Confirmatory Factor Analysis

Covariance Structure

Relationships based on variance and covariance Includes means (intercepts) into the model

Mean Structure

Diagram elements
Single-headed arrow

This is prediction Regression Coefficient or factor loading

Double headed arrow

This is correlation

Missing Paths

Hypothesized absence of relationship Can also set path to zero

Path Diagram
D E BDI Dep parent E



Negative Parental Influence

Insecure Attachment




SEM questions
Does the model produce an estimated

population covariance matrix that fits the sample data?

SEM calculates many indices of fit; close fit, absolute fit, etc.

Which model best fits the data? What is the percent of variance in the

variables explained by the factors? What is the reliability of the indicators? What are the parameter estimates from the model?

SEM questions
Are there any indirect or mediating effects in

the model? Are there group differences?

Multigroup models

Can change in the variance (or mean) be

tracked over time?

Growth Curve or Latent Growth Curve Analysis

SEM questions
Can a model be estimated with individual and

group level components?

Multilevel Models

Can latent categorical variables be


Mixture models

Can a latent group membership be estimated

from continuous and discrete variables?

Latent Class Analysis

SEM questions
Can we predict the rate at which people will

drop out of a study or end treatment?

Discrete-time survival mixture analysis

Can these techniques be combined into a

huge mess?

Multiple group multilevel growth curve latent class analysis???????

SEM limitations
SEM is a confirmatory approach

You need to have established theory about the relationships Cannot be used to explore possible relationships when you have more than a handful of variables Exploratory methods (e.g. model modification) can be used on top of the original theory SEM is not causal; experimental design = cause

SEM limitations
SEM is often thought of as strictly

correlational but can be used (like regression) with experimental data if you know how to use it.

Mediation and manipulation can be tested

SEM is by far a very fancy technique but this

does not make up for a bad experiment and the data can only be generalized to the population at hand

SEM limitations
Biggest limitation is sample size

It needs to be large to get stable estimates of the covariances/correlations 200 subjects for small to medium sized model A minimum of 10 subjects per estimated parameter Also affected by effect size and required power

SEM limitations
Missing data

Can be dealt with in the typical ways (e.g. regression, EM algorithm, etc.) through SPSS and data screening Most SEM programs will estimate missing data and run the model simultaneously
Screen for univariate and multivariate outliers SEM programs have tests for multi-normality SEM programs have corrected estimators when theres a violation

Multivariate Normality and no outliers

SEM limitations

No multicollinearity/singularity
Residuals Covariances (R minus reproduced R)

Should be small Centered around zero Symmetric distribution of errors If asymmetric than some covariances are being estimated better than others

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