Forex Market
Forex Market
Forex Market
Increased Development of
Volatility Sophisticated
Improvement in
Communication system
Derivatives Product
Explanation of various
Derivatives products:
Forwards: A forward contract is a customized
contract between two entities, where
settlement takes place on a specific date in the
future at today's pre-agreed price.
Futures: A futures contract is an agreement
between two parties to buy or sell an asset at
a certain time in the future at a certain price.
Futures contracts are special types of forward
contracts in the sense that they are
standardized exchange traded contracts.
Options: Options are of two types
- calls and puts. Calls give the
buyer the right but not the
obligation to buy a given quantity
of the underlying asset, at a given
price on or before a given future
date. Puts give the buyer the right,
but not the obligation to sell a
given quantity of the underlying
asset at a given price on or before
a given date.
Swaps: Swaps are private agreements between
two parties to exchange cash flows in the future
according to a prearranged formula. They can be
regarded as portfolios of forward contracts. The
two commonly used swaps are:
Currency future is a contract to
exchange one currency for another
currency at a specified date and a
specified rate in the future. the buyer
and the seller lock themselves into an
exchange rate for a specific value or
delivery date. Both parties of the
futures contract must fulfill their
obligations on the settlement date.
Settlement of Currency
Currency futures can be cash
settled or settled by delivering the
respective obligation of the seller
and buyer. All settlements
however, unlike in the case of OTC
markets, go through the exchange.
Calculation of Profit &
Loss in Currency Futures
Currency futures are a linear product, and
calculating profits or losses on Currency
Futures is similar to calculating profits or
losses on Index futures.
In determining profits and losses in futures
trading, it is essential to know both the
contract size (the number of currency units
being traded) and also what is the tick value.
A tick is the minimum trading increment or
price differential at which traders are able to
enter bids and offers.
Spot price: The price at which an asset trades
in the spot market. In the case of USDINR, spot
value is
T + 2.
Futures price: The price at which the futures
contract trades in the futures market.
Contract cycle: The period over which a
contract trades. The currency futures contracts
on the NSE have one-month, two-month, three-
month up to twelve-month expiry cycles. Hence,
NSE will have 12 contracts outstanding at any
given point in time.
Value Date/Final Settlement Date: The last
business day of the month will be termed the Value
date / Final Settlement date of each contract.
Expiry date: It is the date specified in the futures
contract. This is the last day on which the contract will
be traded, at the end of which it will cease to exist.
The last trading day will be two business days prior to
the Value date / Final Settlement Date.
Contract size: The amount of asset that has to be
delivered under one contract. Also called as lot size.
In the case of USDINR it is USD 1000.
Basis: In the context of financial futures, basis can be
defined as the futures price minus the spot price. In a
normal market, basis will be positive. This reflects that
futures prices normally exceed spot prices.
Cost of carry: The relationship between futures prices
and spot prices can be summarized in terms of what is
known as the cost of carry. This measures (in
commodity markets) the storage cost plus the interest
that is paid to finance or ‘carry’ the asset till delivery
less the income earned on the asset. For equity
derivatives carry cost is the rate of interest.
Types of Margins….
Initial margin: The amount that must be deposited in
the margin account at the time a futures contract is first
entered into is known as initial margin.
Marking-to-market: In the futures market, at the end
of each trading day, the margin account is adjusted to
reflect the investor's gain or loss depending upon the
futures closing price. This is called marking-to-market.
Maintenance margin: This is somewhat lower than
the initial margin. This is set to ensure that the balance
in the margin account never becomes negative. If the
balance in the margin account falls below the
maintenance margin, the investor receives a margin call
and is expected to top up the margin account to the
initial margin level before trading commences on the
next day.
The rationale for establishing
the currency futures
Currency futures enable investors
to hedge currency risks.
Increasing the cross border trade
and investment flows.
Currency futures are expected to
bring about better price discovery
and also possibly lower transaction
In comparison to forwards, futures are
standardized products and helps in
elimination of counterparty credit risk
and greater reach in terms of easy
accessibility to all.
currency futures could be seen as a
facilitator in promoting investment and
aggregate demand in the economy,
thus promoting growth.
Advantages of futures
Advantages of
cy and
Elimination Standardize platform
of Access to all d products
Counterparty types of
credit risk market
Limitations of Futures
Of futures
US US $ 43.30 0.0231
Canada Canadia Can$ 29.10 0.0344
n Dollar
Exchange Rate Quotations:
Spot rates for a number of
currencies (in Rupees)
Country Currenc Symbol Direct Indirect
y quote quote
German Deutsch DM/DEM 22.94
y mark
Euro € 44.87
R=2, i.e. R= 2 $/ £ or
R= $/ £ = 2
i.e. 2 dollars are required to buy one
The Foreign Exchange
X axis- Quantity of
Y axis- exchange
rate i.e. R
R= $/£
Lower exchange rate:
a) fewer dollars will be required to
purchase one pound.
b) It will be cheaper for US to import
funds from UK.
c) Better for us to invest in UK.
Therefore, Demand for pound
Higher exchange rate:
a) Uk gets more dollars for pound.
b) They find UK goods to be cheaper.
c) They find investing in US attractive.
Factors that affect the
Equilibrium Exchange Rate
2. Relative interest rates
If real interest rates of US are higher than that of
If interest rate of US > int. rate of UK (because of
Short sell
Bid and Ask Rates
A bank is ready to buy and sell a currency at
different prices.
Buy price- Bid rate
Sell price- Ask rate
Spread- Difference between Bid and Ask rate
is called Bid- ask Spread.
It is more in retail market and less in
interbank market as there is more volume,
greater liquidity and lower counterparty risk in
interbank transactions.
Causes of spread are:
Transaction cost
Return on capital employed
Reward / Compensation for taking risk
1 + terms i* days
Points = basis
1 + base i* days