ESD Presentation

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Process ESD systems

Valve Automation

ESD Systems

In an emergency, the ability to rapidly shut off fluid and/or gas flow can mean the difference between a manageable situation and a potential disaster

Valve Automation
[File Name or Event] Emerson Confidential 27-Jun-01, Slide 2

ESD Systems
NPS 2 Failure !S" Jul# 2003 $%eratin& %ressure' 10 0%si

Pi%e (lo) out , No fire*

A well designed ESD system utilized to section off the pipeline, coupled with the absence of fire, made this one a non event!

Valve Automation
[File Name or Event] Emerson Confidential 27-Jun-01, Slide 3

ESD control solutions

20 years ago, a liquid spill or gas released was not a major event.
+ Historically, sectioning valves on tank farms, liquids lines , aggressive pressurized gases etc.. ave !een electrically actuated due to t eir remote location. + "it today#s environmental standards and required practices, t e need to ave $%& capa!ilities !ecomes prevalent and c anges t e operational function of sectioning valves. + ' e lack of spring return capa!ilities from t e different electric actuators designs on t e market and its dependence on t e supply source to operate and react to any given situation know makes t e users vulnera!le to dangerous situations and potential environmental catastrop es.

Valve Automation
[File Name or Event] Emerson Confidential 27-Jun-01, Slide

ESD Systems

-o) .an )e define an ES/ valve0dam%er s#stem1

+ " %a.2a&ed solution or sets of .ontrols .onfi&ured to ma2e a rotar# or linear a.tuator &o to a desired %osition u%on dete.tion of a set or sets of event3s4, autonomousl# or 5# dedi.ated si&nal* + Emer&en.# S6utdo)n 3ES/4 7alves and ot6er failsafe valves and dam%ers assem5lies, t#%i.all# in.or%orate a s%rin&-to-fail a.tuator to stro2e t6e valve or dam%er in t6e event of an u%set %ro.ess .ondition*

Valve Automation
[File Name or Event] Emerson Confidential 27-Jun-01, Slide ,

ESD Systems

$%en Side

Valve Automation
[File Name or Event] Emerson Confidential 27-Jun-01, Slide 8

ESD Systems

"n a.tuator usin& eit6er stored ener&# or reserved ener&# and .onfi&ured to ans)er to t6e desi&nation of Emer&en.# S6ut /o)n 3ES/4 valve )ill %rovide %rote.tion on9 + Pi%elines + Stora&e fa.ilities in refineries + :P; + + <an2 farm + :oadin& and unloadin& fa.ilities + Pro.ess + =ell6eads + :i>uids lines

Valve Automation
[File Name or Event] Emerson Confidential 27-Jun-01, Slide 7

ESD Systems

Su.6 %rote.tion is indis%ensa5le on %ro.ess medias su.6 as9

+ "mmonia + (utane + Pro%ane + Pentane + Pol#%ro%#lene, + :N; + N;: + @ild a.ids + /iesel fuels + <6ermal oils + :i>uefied &ases

Valve Automation
[File Name or Event] Emerson Confidential 27-Jun-01, Slide ?

ESD systems

<#%i.all# used on on0off isolation or se.tionin& valves, .ontrols .an 5e devised to in.or%orate ES/ lo&i. into .ontrol valves %a.2a&es* @ost often installed on 5all, %lu&, 5utterfl#, &ate and &lo5e valves, solutions .an 5e self .ontained or inte&rated into a ES/ s#stem* From to remote tri&&erin&, )e must first determined t6e %arameter and means 5# )6i.6 )e )ill Btri%C t6e a.tuator to fail .lose or o%en on ea.6 a%%li.ations*

Valve Automation
[File Name or Event] Emerson Confidential 27-Jun-01, Slide A

ESD triggers

(ressure sensing Hig ) *ow

"ll Pressuremati. %ilot valves %rovide 6i&6 and lo) %ressure sensin& on &as or li>uids and .an 5e fitted )it6 eit6er an automati. or manual reset**

Valve Automation
[File Name or Event] Emerson Confidential 27-Jun-01, Slide 10

ESD triggers

(ressure sensing Hig ) *ow (ressure sensing Hig or *ow

low +falling, pressure

ig +rising, pressure

SP Pressure Pilot valves %rovide eit6er 6i&6 or lo) %ressure sensin& on &as or li>uid and .an 5e fitted )it6 eit6er an automati. or manual reset fa.ilit#*
ig +rising, pressure c-w manual reset valve

Valve Automation
[File Name or Event] Emerson Confidential 27-Jun-01, Slide 11

ESD triggers

(ressure sensing Hig ) *ow (ressure sensing Hig or *ow .usi!le link

Fusi5le lin2s are set to melt and a.tivate an ES/ s#stem in t6e event of fire*

Valve Automation
[File Name or Event] Emerson Confidential 27-Jun-01, Slide 12

ESD triggers

(ressure sensing Hig ) *ow (ressure sensing Hig or *ow .usi!le link /0& +/ate of &rop,

<6e (ettis /eltamati. line5rea2 dete.tion s#stem is desi&ned to automati.all# monitor %ressure and send instrument %ressure si&nal if a %redetermined rate of %ressure dro% is eD.eeded

Valve Automation
[File Name or Event] Emerson Confidential 27-Jun-01, Slide 13

ESD triggers

(ressure sensing Hig ) *ow (ressure sensing Hig or *ow .usi!le link /0& +/ate of &rop, *ine!reak system

En anti.i%ation of .ustomer re>uirements to %rovide a s#stem t6at )ill not onl# %rovide line5rea2 %rote.tion 5ut also monitorin& and anal#ses of %ressure .6ara.teristi.s, (ettis 6as desi&ned our neDt &eneration ele.troni. line5rea2 s#stem* <6e :ine;uard s#stem in.or%orates ever#t6in& (ettis 6as learned a5out %i%eline %rote.tion )6i.6 isF)ell, a lot* "&ain, (ettis leads t6e =orld in valve a.tuation s#stems*

Valve Automation
[File Name or Event] Emerson Confidential 27-Jun-01, Slide 1

ESD triggers
G Enitiates valve s6utdo)n on set 6i&6 and lo) %i%eline %ressures* Enitiates valve s6utdo)n on a set rate of %i%eline %ressure fall* G @onitors 3ever# , se.onds4 and re.ords %i%eline %ressure to %rovide a detailed insi&6t into t6e %i%elines o%eratin& .6ara.teristi.s %rior and %ost to valve s6utdo)n* G "llo)s o%timiHin& of set%oints for effe.tive line5rea2 .ontrol* G Iemote .ommuni.ation and .ontrol usin& industr# standard @$/(!S %roto.ol*
*ine1uard 2200

Valve Automation
[File Name or Event] Emerson Confidential 27-Jun-01, Slide 1,

ESD triggers

(ressure sensing Hig ) *ow (ressure sensing Hig or *ow .usi!le link /0& +/ate of &rop, *ine!reak system
+ Hard wired + 3ellular communication + /adio 3ommunication + %cada systems

Valve Automation
[File Name or Event] Emerson Confidential 27-Jun-01, Slide 18

ESD triggers

Valve Automation
[File Name or Event] Emerson Confidential 27-Jun-01, Slide 17

ESD triggers

(ressure sensing Hig ) *ow (ressure sensing Hig or *ow .usi!le link /0& +/ate of &rop, *ine!reak system
+ Hard wired + 3ellular communication + /adio 3ommunication + %cada systems =6ere an inde%endent monitorin& s#stems from t6e main %ro.ess s#stem )ill send t6e sele.ted valves into ES/ mode*

$%& systems

Valve Automation
[File Name or Event] Emerson Confidential 27-Jun-01, Slide 1?

ESD control solutions

"it controls modification we can turn your control valve package into and $%& solution using !ot spring return actuators and dou!le acting w ere we can use t e line pack as t e source of energy w en availa!le

Valve Automation
[File Name or Event] Emerson Confidential 27-Jun-01, Slide 1A

ESD control solutions



-20 ma in
?0%si min 120 %si maD

-20 ma out

ES/ si&nal on :inear .ontrol valve ES/ %ro.ess J ES/ 6and %um%

Valve Automation
[File Name or Event] Emerson Confidential 27-Jun-01, Slide 20

ESD control solutions

Valve Automation
[File Name or Event] Emerson Confidential 27-Jun-01, Slide 21

ESD On Off solutions

' e Valve Automation division offers a complete array of solution wit products suc as4

Scotch !o"e # $inear Designs

Valve Automation
[File Name or Event] Emerson Confidential 27-Jun-01, Slide 22

ESD On Off solutions


$ow high pressure ESD shut off Spring %eturn Actuator


Valve Automation
[File Name or Event] Emerson Confidential 27-Jun-01, Slide 23

ESD On Off solutions

' e Valve Automation division offers a complete array of solution wit products suc as4

-#drauli. 7ane /esi&ns

Valve Automation
[File Name or Event] Emerson Confidential 27-Jun-01, Slide 2

ESD On Off solutions

$ow high pressure ESD shut off Double Acting Actuator





Valve Automation
[File Name or Event] Emerson Confidential 27-Jun-01, Slide 2,

ESD On Off solutions

' e Valve Automation division offers a complete array of solution wit products suc as4 S%line su5sea /esi&ns

Valve Automation
[File Name or Event] Emerson Confidential 27-Jun-01, Slide 28

ESD On Off solutions

' e Valve Automation division offers a complete array of solution wit products suc as4

Ia.2 J Pinion /esi&ns

Valve Automation
[File Name or Event] Emerson Confidential 27-Jun-01, Slide 27

ESD On Off solutions

' e Valve Automation division offers a complete array of solution wit products suc as4

Ia.2 J Pinion /esi&ns

Valve Automation
[File Name or Event] Emerson Confidential 27-Jun-01, Slide 2?

ESD On Off solutions

' e Valve Automation division offers a complete array of solution wit products suc as4

Ia.2 J Pinion intelli&ent solutions

Valve Automation
[File Name or Event] Emerson Confidential 27-Jun-01, Slide 2A

ESD Self contained solution

<6e standard SC- .ontrol s#stem al)a#s re>uires at least one additional .ontrol .om%onent to initiate valve s6utdo)n* <6is t#%e of .om%onent is used to initiate t6e de%ressuriHation of t6e s#stem allo)in& t6e a.tuatorKs s%rin& to move t6e mainline valve to its failed %osition* @ost .ommon of t6ese s6utdo)n are %ressure %ilot valves, solenoid valves and manual 5all valves*
' e picture s ows a (ressurematic (ilot fitted wit a manual reset valve +(5 6/ type, !eing used as t e s utdown device.

(ressure6atic (ilot Valve c-w 6anual /est

Valve Automation
[File Name or Event] Emerson Confidential 27-Jun-01, Slide 30

ESD Self contained solution

Valve Automation
[File Name or Event] Emerson Confidential 27-Jun-01, Slide 31

ESD &as over Oil solution

=6en line %ressure eD.eeds 00 %si, )e .an loo2 at usin& t6e line %ressure as t6e sour.e of ener&# to drive t6e a.tuator

Valve Automation
[File Name or Event] Emerson Confidential 27-Jun-01, Slide 32

ESD &as over Oil solution

Valve Automation
[File Name or Event] Emerson Confidential 27-Jun-01, Slide 33

'alve Automation division

<6e most .om%lete offerin& of a.tuation .on.e%ts and solutions* <or>ues u% to 8,000,000 l50in From 3,000 meters 5elo) sea to t6e to% of #our sta.2, )e offer %roven and relia5le %rodu.ts for all #ou automation needsL

Valve Automation
[File Name or Event] Emerson Confidential 27-Jun-01, Slide 3

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