Myoglobin & Hemoglobin
Myoglobin & Hemoglobin
Myoglobin & Hemoglobin
Evy Yulianti
Binding of O2 to Heme
Binding of O2 to a free heme group is irreversible Enclosure in a protein allows reversible binding O2 has only limited solubility (1 X 10-4 M) in water Solubility problem overcome by binding to proteins Also increases diffusion Binding of O2 alters heme electronic structure Causes changes in heme electronic spectrum (Vis) Bright scarlet color of blood in arteries
Structure of Hemoglobin
b1 b2
Inter-subunit contacts
To think about O2 transport, express binding in terms of the fraction of occupied binding sites, i.e. Fractional Saturation (YO2):
YO2 = [Hb(O2)1 + .+ / (*Hb+ + *Hb(O2)1 + .+)
Cooperativity in Binding O2
The sigmoidal shape is a consequence of the 4 subunits of hemoglobin "cooperating" in the binding of O2.
As pO2 increases and [O2] increases, increasing probability that at least 1 subunit has bound O2. Binding of O2 to a subunit INCREASES the probability that empty subunits will be able to bind an O2!! As pO2 increases even further, the probability that remaining binding sites will have O2 bound increases. Eventually, a plateau is reached: when most hemoglobins are filled there are few sites left to bind to, so not much increase, even if the pO2 is very high.
Rearranging the Hill equation allows Hill Plots to be made to facilitate analysis of binding curves.
Allosteric Effectors
The R or T state can be stabilized by the binding of ligands other than O2. 1. H+. Lower pH favors the T state which causes Hb to release bound O2. This is known as the Bohr Effect. 2. CO2. Release of CO2 lowers pH via conversion to HCO3-: CO2 + H2O HCO3- + H+. Reinforces Bohr Effect 3. Bisphosphoglycerate (BPG). Regulation of activity via binding more strongly to T state, helps to release O2.
Increase in levels of BPG helps adaptation to high altitude- faster than making more hemoglobin. Also important in hypoxia diseases (e.g. anemia)
HEMOGLOBIN at the pH (~7.6) found in the lungs. HEMOGLOBIN at the pH (~7.2) found in peripheral tissues. MYOGLOBIN in muscle (a peripheral tissue).
Path of O2 Flow
1. O2 diffuses from the alveoli of the lungs into the capillaries of the bloodstream then into the red blood cells 2. In the red blood cells, O2 binds to hemoglobin. 3. In parallel, CO2 diffuses from blood into the alveoli. 4. The lower concentration of dissolved CO2 in the blood causes lower pH (~7.6) in lungs than in the peripheral tissues (~pH 7.2) where CO2 is being actively released.
A classic example of allostery Hemoglobin and myoglobin are oxygen transport and storage proteins Compare the oxygen binding curves for hemoglobin and myoglobin Myoglobin is monomeric; hemoglobin is tetrameric Mb: 153 aa, 17,200 MW Hb: two alphas of 141 residues, 2 betas of 146
Hemoglobin Function
Hb must bind oxygen in lungs and release it in
When a first oxygen binds to Fe in heme of Hb, the heme Fe is drawn into the plane of the porphyrin ring This initiates a series of conformational changes that are transmitted to adjacent subunits
Hemoglobin Function
Hb must bind oxygen in lungs and release it in
Adjacent subunits' affinity for oxygen increases This is called positive cooperativity
Myoglobin Structure
Mb is a monomeric heme protein Mb polypeptide "cradles" the heme group Fe in Mb is Fe2+ - ferrous iron - the form that binds oxygen Oxidation of Fe yields 3+ charge - ferric iron metmyoglobin does not bind oxygen Oxygen binds as the sixth ligand to Fe
The secret of Mb and Hb! Oxygen binding changes the Mb conformation Without oxygen bound, Fe is out of heme plane Oxygen binding pulls the Fe into the heme plane Fe pulls its His F8 ligand along with it The F helix moves when oxygen binds Total movement of Fe is 0.029 nm - 0.29 A This change means little to Mb, but lots to Hb!
Binding of Oxygen by Hb
The Physiological Significance
Hb must be able to bind oxygen in the lungs Hb must be able to release oxygen in capillaries If Hb behaved like Mb, very little oxygen would be released in capillaries - see Figure 15.22! The sigmoid, cooperative oxygen binding curve of Hb makes this possible!
Oxygen Binding by Hb
A Quaternary Structure Change When deoxy-Hb crystals are exposed to oxygen, they shatter! Evidence of a structural change! One alpha-beta pair moves relative to the other by 15 degrees upon oxygen binding This massive change is induced by movement of Fe by 0.039 nm when oxygen binds See Figure 15.32
Bohr Effect II
Carbon dioxide diminishes oxygen binding Hydration of CO2 in tissues and extremities leads to proton production These protons are taken up by Hb as oxygen dissociates The reverse occurs in the lungs
An Allosteric Effector of Hemoglobin In the absence of 2,3-BPG, oxygen binding to Hb follows a rectangular hyperbola! The sigmoid binding curve is only observed in the presence of 2,3-BPG Since 2,3-BPG binds at a site distant from the Fe where oxygen binds, it is called an allosteric effector
2,3-BPG and Hb
The "inside" story...... Where does 2,3-BPG bind? "Inside"
in the central cavity
Fetal Hb - lower affinity for 2,3-BPG, higher affinity for oxygen, so it can get oxygen from mother