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Format For Undergraduate Thesis and Graduate Thesis and

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Members of the Committee

University Committee on Graduate Thesis and Dissertation: Chair: Dr. Paulito C. Nisperos Members: Dr. Remedios C. Neroza Dr. Felino R. Neri Dr. Remedios Corpuz Dr. Dante Tattao Dr. Leonora E. Ngilangil Dr. Mario B. Mendoza

University Committee on Graduate Thesis and Dissertation

Dr. Eligio B. Sacayanan Dr. Manuel T. Libao Dr. Nenita Rita S. Villarama Dr. Eleanor Cynthia V. Nisperos Engr. Albert Tablatin Dr. Luzviminda F. Salamanca Dr. Virginia O. Rudio

Chair: Dr. Cynthia M. Rodriguez

Members: Amelia S. Delos Angeles Milagros B. Baldemor Keneth Bayani Marylen Rodriguez Emmanuel B. Songcuan Elizabeth B. Urmaza

University Committee on Undergraduate Thesis

Ma. Teresa Y. Acantilado Zonia T. Florendo Leonora E. Ngilangil Eligio B. Sacayanan Zosima B. Tadina

University Program/Policy Proposal Committee (UPPPC) on Instruction

Chair: Dr. Elsie M. Pacho Members: Dr. Amelia S. Delos Angeles Dr. Cynthia M. Rodriguez Dr. Rosita P. Abubo Dr. Ma. Teresa Y. Acantilado Dr. Angelina B. Corpuz Dr. Primitiva M. Quevedo Dr. Milagros R. Baldemor Dr. Emmanuel B. Songcuan Dr. Marcelina H. Ayson Dr. Luzviminda F. Salamanca Consultant: Dr. Honorio C. Buccat

To Come up with a common format for theses (graduate and undergraduate) and dissertation in the University.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Cover Page Title Page Approval Sheet Acknowledgments Dedication (optional) Abstract Table of Contents


Cover Page and Title Page

1. The cover page and title page should follow the inverted pyramid format but not to exceed three (3) lines. 2. Times New Roman of font size 12 shall be used. 3. The Date shall reflect the date of the term (October 2013 or March 2013 or May 2013) 4. Spaces between parts shall be equal.

Cover Page and Title Page

In case of group research in the

undergraduate level, the name of the lead researcher will appear first and the names of the other members will follow, to be arranged alphabetically. Group/Team research is not allowed in the Graduate school.

Approval Sheet
1. Chair shall be used referring to the Chairperson of the Oral Examination Committee (graduate level)/Thesis Committee (undergraduate level). 2. Department Chair shall be used to refer to the Program Chair or Chairperson of the Program.


1. This shall be presented in a formal language, narrative format with no pictures or graphics. 2. Initials of author(s) with no punctuation mark shall be places at the end.


This must be brief, centered on one page with no heading. This is an optional part of the Preliminary.


The Abstract is an abridged version of the

most important results of the study. It is a one-page part of the preliminary with a maximum of 150 words which includes one sentence of the situation/background of the study, the objectives/problems of the study and the salient findings. Conclusions and recommendations shall not be included in the abstract.


The Abstract shall be presented in the format:

Name. year. Title. Degree. School, College. Address. The name of the Adviser shall be in bold Title Case. Listing of alphabetically arranged key words shall be placed below the abstract. Abstract shall be in italics, single spaced.

Table of Contents
CAPITALIZED. 2. Items in every chapter shall be in Title Case. 3. Chapter Title shall be numbered using the HinduArabic Numeral. 4. List of Tables, List of Figures and List of Plates shall only reflect those that appear in the text. (Screen printed shall be included in the List of Plates)

Preliminaries and Chapter Title shall be

Table of Contents
5. Paging for the preliminaries shall use the Roman Numeral small case. Flash right for the page numbers. 6. Paging for the main parts shall use the Hindu-Arabic Numerals. Flash right for the page numbers. 7. Dots shall be used as leaders. ( no space between dots .) 8. Page numbers shall be at the bottom center. 9. There shall be no page number on the first page of each chapter. Page number shall start with ii.

Chapter 1( Hindu-Arabic) INTRODUCTION (Center heading)


Situation Analysis (Side Heading)

Discussion on the what and why and significance/importance of the study.


Situation Analysis (Side Heading)

Discussion on the what and why and significance/importance of the study. Framework of the Study ( with Paradigm) Statement of Objectives (both general and specific shall be stated in declarative Statement of the Problem General/ main problem shall be in declarative sentence) form and the specific problems shall be in interrogative form. Time and Place of the study Definition of Terms ( Operational definition) Definition of Terms (operational Note: For pure math researches, definition) symbols and notations shall be included in the definition of terms


The Review of Literature will no longer be a part of the Thesis or Dissertation. Literature shall be incorporated in the Situation Analysis, Framework of the Study, Methodology, and in the Discussion of Results.



Research Design
Materials and Procedures This includes the sources of data and instrumentation Data Analysis

Research Design Data Sources Instrumentation and Data Collection Data Analysis Statistical Tool Categorization of Data
Note: In Case of Qualitative Research, Statistical Tool and Categorization of Data are deleted as part of Data Analysis


1. The discussion of results shall be guided by the statement of problems or objectives. 2. Presentation of tables/figures/plates shall follow a short introduction about the table/figure/plate.

Table Presentation Table #. (2 space) Title Case ( In case of a two-liner title, the first letter in the second line should be aligned with the first letter in the first line)
Double line on top Double line at the bottom *Single line to separate the grand mean * Use single space if there are more than 10 entries in table. * Use double space if there are less than 10 entries in a table. MEAN shall be entered up to two decimal places only. Font size may be reduced to 10 (Times New Roman)

Figure Format

1.Figures shall be enclosed, drawn from margin to margin. 2. Needed data such as percentages/frequencies shall be evident. 3. The Notation Fig.1. Title (Title of the figure) shall be placed below the figure.

Format of Plates
1. The size of the plate is preferably half page of the paper. 2. The plate shall be drawn from margin to margin. 3. Two (2) plates on one page may be allowed. 4. Number and title shall be placed below the enclosed plate.


Summary ( Side heading) Introductory statement, problems, methodology, and salient findings (numbered) in paragraph form. Conclusions (side heading) Introductory statement and conclusions(numbered and in list form) Recommendations Introductory statement and recommendations (numbered and in list form)

Literature Cited
1. References shall be alphabetically arranged regardless of category. 2. Electronic sources shall include the date and time of retrieval. Citations/reviews taken from Wikipedia and blogs are not acceptable. 3. Secondary citation shall be limited to two (2) only. 4. References shall be 50% published materials and 50% unpublished materials. 5. Researches as reference shall be with in the last five (5) years.



A. Tables B. Figures C. Plates D.Others

A. Communication B. Questionnaire/Instrument C. Tables D.Figures E. Plates F. Others

Curriculum Vitae
1. The Curriculum Vitae shall reflect a listing of the personal information, educational background, expertise, training and seminars attended by the researcher and other pertinent information. 2. It should follow a single space format for every item and double space format between items. 3. A passport size, colored picture with plain background shall be placed at the upper righthand corner of the page. 4. In case of group research, each member of the group shall have a separate curriculum vitae.

Others Paper size: 8.5 x 11 Margin: left 1.5 top 1

bottom 1 right -1 Color: Doctorate Black Masters Green Undergraduate Maroon Spine: Author(s) for group research: lead Author, et al. Title Year

Cover Page Title: All capital letters, centered, inverted pyramid Author(s): For group research, the name of the lead researcher will appear first then the names of the other members will follow to be arranged alphabetically (maximum of five students in a group) All capital letters, centered First Name, Middle Initial, Family Name

Cover Page

Name of the University, Campus, College, Address (All in capital letters, centered Degree (All capital letters) Major/Specialization Only the first letter of the words are capitalized Date of completion - Month and Year

Thesis Committee Membership 1. There shall be four (4) members composed of the adviser, technical/external evaluator and two other members to be identified by the Program Chair/Dean/Director. 2. The student(s) shall recommend their adviser in consultation with the program Chair, and with the approval of the Dean/Director. 3. The Adviser should be an expert in the field.

Oral Examination Committee

Chapter 3 Academic Processes, 2011 Faculty Manual

Top 1.3; Bottom 1; Right 1; Left 1.5

Times New Roman 12pt

Spacing: Double-spaced

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