Creativity - Lateral Thinking
Creativity - Lateral Thinking
Creativity - Lateral Thinking
To become creative you need to block normal channels and cut across patterns in a self-organizing information system
Vertical thinking Vs Lateral thinking Vertical thinking 1. Take a position Lateral thinking 1. Take a position
2. Develop arguments 2. Put forward different views which which are: are: related to 1 not derived from each other derived from 1 all correct Area of focus all coexisting Area of focus Truth Possibilities, alternatives, what Logic might be What is
Random inputs
The six thinking hats - Process and rationale Rationale Cooperative exploration replaces adversarial thinking Ego factors are removed Negativity is not allowed Process Meeting of several people Deliberate putting on of different hats i.e. different attitudes Everyone wears each hat simultaneously Hats are changed during meeting
Red hat
Fire, warmth
Black hat
Strict judge, intolerant of wrong doers
Area of focus
Feelings, intuition
Critical judgement
Questions/discussion topic
What info do we have? What info is missing? Where will we get it? How will we get it?
This is what I feel My gut feel is that I dont like the way My intuition tells me
The regulations dont allow He doesnt have the experience Those prices wont be profitable We wont fill capacity
Green hat
Vegetation, Rich growth
Blue hat
Sky Overview
Area of focus
Questions/discussion topic
Green hat
Vegetation, Rich growth
Blue hat
Sky Overview
Area of focus
Questions/discussion topic
Sequence is not fixed, but often it is: 1 White info 2 Green ideas 3Yellow benefits of ideas 4 Black evaluation 5 Red feelings 6 Blue - conclusions
+ -
Random input Process Take a problem Apply a random input word image Take the first characteristic that comes to mind Develop solution [NOTE Do not link the random word to previous ideas] Evaluation Easy to do Works for a group or an individual Produces new thinking
The need for creativity We need it... but we lack it The brain is not naturally creative Education is concerned with right and wrong
Creativity produces new ideas in: Science Arts Business Leisure etc, etc, etc...
Word Expansion
Philip L. Winters & Edward de Bono Creative Team 1999
How many squares can you see in this figure?