Project Guid Name: C.Keerthana L
Project Guid Name: C.Keerthana L
Project Guid Name: C.Keerthana L
Keerthana L
The project entitled as DEPARTMENTAL STORE ADMINISTRATION SYSTEM and it has been developed for the purpose to computerize the activities of Sree Sree Departmental Store, Pollachi. This project is developed using VISUAL BASIC .Net as Front End and SQL as Back End tool. Sree Sree Departmental Store is established in the year 2011 and it is running as a super market in providing all the goods from A to Z (grocery, Home appliances, and day to day products), it functions as a retailer, as it is a two-year young market in offering domestic goods, it holds the infrastructure to place a good amount of goods in stock, this market is maintaining most of the transactions manually
Manage User Customer Supplier Employee Item Details Sales and Stock Sales Return Reports
Customer The customer module contains the details about the customer name, address, contact no, email id, goods purchased and bill details. Supplier The supplier detail contains the detail about the goods supplier name, company address, contact no, goods detail, goods ordered and billing details. Employee The employee module contains the detail about the employee name, employee id, address, designation and salary details. Item Details This module contains the details about the products in the departmental store kept for the selling to the customers. Sales and Stock The sales and stock module contains the details about the sale bill details, payment, total amount and stock goods details. Sales Return The sales return module contains the details about the goods damages and the total expense for the item returned by the customer..
The functioning of the departmental store is mainly classified as receipt from the Manufacturers (or) distributors, sales to various domestic and commercial customers and other kinds of sales issues and sending back the returned undelivered goods. For every stock transfer a stock transfer note is generated which consists of Distributor number, product code, packing code, quantity etc., for each sale a bil for the items sold is generated and issued to the customer. This bill shows the particulars such as bill no, date, sales type, customer code, product code, quantity, rate, amount payable, tax etc.,
EXISTING SYSTEM The Departmental Store activities are currently in manual. All the details are stored in ledger. In existing system details about Products, Purchase such as Sales, Service, Billing time, and Stock details reports for these details were generated manually. PROPOSED SYSTEM It is proposed to make the new system extremely user friendly with well designed screens and limited inputs, this project is being developed to record all the major activities that are taking place in the agency. This system monitors the incoming and outgoing of the finished products from the manufacturer this also takes care of the short supplied items as well as the items which have returned due to any manufacturing defects.
Supplier details The supplier form is to store and edit the details of the supplier name, address, code, item ordered, ordered date, item delivered, quantity of product, amount paid and balance amount. Customer details This form is to store and edit details of customer name, code, address, city, state, phone number, email-id, consulted doctor and product ordered. Employee details This form is to store and edit details of employers name, id , designation, date of join, basic salary, net salary, and their job. Item details This form is to store and edit details of the item code, item type, item ordered, item cost per piece, no of item and total amount. Salary details The salary form is to store and edit the employer name, id, designation, leave days, worked days, basic pay, bonus amount and net salary Sales details The sales form is to store and edit the details of customer name, id, item sold, item code, date, employer id, price, no of items, amount and bill payment type.
Stock details
This form to store and edit the details of the items in stock it included the item name, item type, item price, item supplier, and delivered date. Sales return details The sales form is to store and edit the details of item sold, item code, date, employer id, customer id, price, no of items and issues for return.
Table Name: Manage User Details Description: This table is to store the login details in the system. Table Name: Supplier Details Description: This table is to store the supplier details in the system. Table Name: Customer Details Description: This table is to store the customer details in the system. Table Name: Employee Details Description: This table is to store the employee details in the system. Table Name: Item Details