Ra 9239

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RA 9239


I. General Provision

Section 1. Short Title. This Act shall be known as the "Optical Media Act of 2003".

Section 2. Policy. - It is hereby declared to be the policy of the State to ensure the protection and promotion of intellectual property rights.

I. General Provision
The unregulated mastering, manufacture, replication, importation and exportation of optical media in all forms is inimical to economic growth and public interest. Towards this end, the State shall institute the means to regulate the manufacture, mastering, replication, importation and exportation of optical media.

Section 3. Definition of Terms. - For the Purpose of this Act, the following terms shall mean:
(a) Economic Zone - the Special Economic Zones, Industrial Estates, Export Processing Zones and Free Trade Zones as defined in Republic Act No. 7916 or the PEZA Law including the Clark Special Economic Zone, the Cagayan Special Economic Zone, the Zamboanga City Special Economic Zone, the Subic Bay Freeport and other economic zones now in existence in the Philippines or as may be established in the future;

Section 3. Definition of Terms. - For the Purpose of this Act, the following terms shall mean:

(b) IP Code - Republic Act No. 8293 also known as the Intellectual Property Code of the Philippines;

Section 3. Definition of Terms. - For the Purpose of this Act, the following terms shall mean:

(c) License - the authority granted by the Optical Media Board (OMB) to establishments or entities registered with the OMB to engage in the business of mastering, manufacture, replication, importation or exportation of optical media;

Section 3. Definition of Terms. - For the Purpose of this Act, the following terms shall mean:
(d) Magnetic Media - a storage medium or device characterized by a base, usually plastic, coated with ferric oxide powder, in which visual and/or aural information, or software code, may be recorded or stored, including, but not limited to, magnetic tape, cassettes, video tape, diskettes, and floppy discs;

Section 3. Definition of Terms. - For the Purpose of this Act, the following terms shall mean:
(e) Manufacture - the act or business of producing optical media or devices containing sounds and/or images, or software code, including any work protected in Part IV of the IP Code, by mastering and/or replication. In relation to equipment, "manufacture" shall refer to the assembly or integration of various components into any equipment useful for the mastering, manufacture and/or replication of optical media;

Section 3. Definition of Terms. - For the Purpose of this Act, the following terms shall mean:
(f) Manufacturing Equipment - any and all equipment, machine or device, now known or to be known in the future, intended or design for the production or manufacture, by mastering and/or replication of optical media, optical media masters, or production parts thereof, including but not limited to, those which shall be listed in the Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) of this Act or as prescribed by the OMB. For the purpose of this Act, optical disc writers and such other devices used in personal computers not for commercial purposes shall not be considered as manufacturing equipment;

(g) Manufacturing Material - any material such as, but not limited to, optical grade polycarbonate or polycarbonate substitutes with physical properties suitable for the manufacture of optical media;


(h) Mastering - the act or business of producing a stamper made of glass, metal or other material, intended for the manufacture of optical media;

(i) Optical Media - a storage medium or device in which information, including sounds and/or images, or software code, has been stored, either by mastering and/or replication, which may be accessed and read using a lens scanning mechanism employing a high intensity light source such as a laser or any such other means as may be developed in the future. The term shall include, but not be limited to, devices which shall be listed in the IRR of this Act, or as prescribed by the OMB;

(j) OMB - the Optical Media Board; (k) Replication - the process of manufacturing optical media by reproducing or generating copies of the stamper in an injection molding machine or other forms of replicating equipment; and (l) Source Identification Code or SID Code - a system of codes to identify the source of all optical media mastered, manufactured or replicated by any establishment or entity.

Section 6. The Board - The OMB shall be composed of four (4) ex officio members and five (5) regular members to be appointed by the President. The Chairperson shall be appointed by the President from among the five (5) regular members.

Section 7. Qualifications
- The regular members of the Board shall be Filipino citizens, at least twenty-one (21) years old, of good moral character and standing in the community, and with proven competence in the industry they represent: Provided, that the Chairperson shall be at least thirty-five (35) years old, of known probity and managerial and administrative competence: Provided, finally, That at least two (2) members of the board must be members of the Philippine Bar.

Section 10. Powers and Functions of the OMB. - The OMB shall have the following powers and functions:
(a) Formulate and implement such policies and programs as are necessary for the accomplishment of the purposes of this Act;
(b) Evaluate the qualifications of any individual, establishment or other entity to engage in the mastering, manufacture or replication of optical media. For this purpose, the OMB shall require such person to substantiate its capability to engage in said activities; (c) Supervise regulate, grant, or renew licenses for specific periods, or deny, suspend, or cancel the same, subject to such conditions as it may impose, for the activities enumerated in Section 13(a), (b) and (c);

(d) Conduct inspections, by itself or in coordination with other competence agencies of the government, at anytime, with or without prior notice, of establishments or entities including those within the economic zones engaged in the activities as provided in Section 13(a), (b) and (c) of this Act, and employ reasonable force in the event that the responsible person or persons of such establishment or entity evades, obstructs, or refuses such inspection. For this purpose, the agents of the OMB shall be considered agents in authority;

(e) Apply for or obtain search warrants from any court of law, or take into preventive custody any optical media and/or material or equipment, including parts, accessories and paraphernalia used for the mastering, manufacture or replication of optical media which are found in any premises if the OMB has reasonable ground to believe or suspect that these are evidence of violation of the provisions of this Act;

(f) Act as complainant in the criminal prosecution of violators of this Act;

(g) Hear and resolve administrative cases against violators of this Act and impose administrative sanctions including, but not limited to, the imposition of fines and penalties; confiscation of optical media; and suspension, non-renewal or cancellation of the license to operate and/or closure of establishments or entities that violate the provisions of this Act. For this purpose, the Board shall have the power to issue subpoena or subpoena duces tecum to compel the attendance of witnesses and production of documents and other effects;

(h) Call upon law enforcement agencies and the managing authorities in the economic zones for assistance in the implementation and enforcement of its decisions, orders, rules and regulations;
(i) To deputize, whenever necessary, provincial governors, city and municipal mayors, and representatives of the national government agencies, organizations representing copyright owners, neighboring rights owners and concerned sectors to help monitor compliance with and report to the OMB any violation of this Act;

(j) Require persons, establishments and entities engaged in the activities in Section 13 to keep and maintain for a period of at least five (5) years true and complete records of all activities related to the conduct of its business. For this purpose, the Board may, at any time, require the production of such records and samples of optical media from each mastering, manufacturing or replicating line; (k) Levy, assess and collect, and periodically adjust and/or revise the rates of fees and charges for the issuance of licenses granted under this Act;

(l) Establish support offices as may be necessary;

(m) Create and maintain a database, and regularly publish data containing the list and activities of registered and/or licensed optical media and other related establishments. Any enforcement agency, including the Bureau of Customs, may refer to this database for enforcement and/or seizure;

(n) Prescribe the internal and operational procedures for the exercise of its powers and functions, the performance of its duties and responsibilities and other related matters; and
(o) Exercise such other powers and functions as may be necessary or incidental to the attainment of the purposes and objectives of this Act, and to perform other related duties and responsibilities as may be directed by the President


Section 13. Licensing and Registration. - Any person, establishment or entity shall, prior to engaging in one or more of the business or activities enumerated hereunder, register with, and secure the appropriate licenses from the OMB:
(a) Importation, exportation, acquisition, sale or distribution of optical media, manufacturing equipment, parts and accessories and manufacturing materials used or intended for use in the mastering, manufacture or replication of optical media;

(b) Possession or operation of manufacturing equipment, parts and accessories, or the possession acquisition, sale or use of manufacturing materials for the mastering, manufacture or replication of optical media; and
(c) The mastering, manufacture, replication, importation or exportation of optical media.

Section 14. Form, Term, Amendment and Renewal of License. Every license shall be in a form prescribed by the OMB and shall be valid for a period of three (3) years subject to conditions as the OMB may impose. The OMB may amend or renew a license upon application made by the licensee in accordance with this Act. Failure to register and obtain a license from the OMB shall automatically cancel any permit, license or registration issued by any national or local government unit, agency or office.

Section 15. Grounds for Non-issuance or Non-renewal of License. - The OMB may refuse to grant a license, or to renew a license. The OMB shall decide whether or not to grant or renew a license within fifteen (15) working days from the filing of the application.


Section 19. Offenses and Penalties. (a) Imprisonment of at least three (3) years but not more than six (6) years, and a fine of not less than Five Hundred thousand pesos (Php 500,000.00) but not exceeding One Million five hundred thousand pesos (Php 1,500,000.00), at the discretion of the Court, shall be imposed on any person, natural or juridical, who shall: 1. Engage in importation, exportation, mastering, manufacturing, acquisition, replicating, sale or distribution of, or operate manufacturing equipment, parts and accessories without the necessary licenses from the OMB.

Section 21. Persons Liable. - If the offender is an alien, the person shall immediately be deported after serving his sentence, and shall, thereafter, be refused entry into the country. If the offender is a government official or employee, he shall suffer perpetual disqualification from public office and forfeiture of his right to vote and participate in any public election for ten (10) years. Should the offense be committed by the juridical person, the stockholder, chairperson, president, officer, director, trustee, partner or manager responsible for such violation shall be liable.

Section 27. Classification of Motion Pictures and Cinematographic Works. - The classification for audience suitability of motion pictures and cinematographic works in optical media including related publicity materials thereto shall be the function of the Movie and Television Review and Classification Board (MTRCB).



5. It is the process of manufacturing optical media by reproducing or generating copies of the stamper in an injection molding machine or other forms of replicating equipment 6. The authority of the OMB shall cover the entire territory of the Republic of the Philippines including the economic zones. TRUE oR FALSE? 7. The OMB shall be composed of five (5) ex officio members and four (4) regular members to be appointed by the President. TRUE or FALSE? 8. The regular members of the Board shall be Filipino citizens, at least ______ years old, of good moral character and standing in the community, and with proven competence in the industry they represent

9. The OMB does NOT have the power to formulate and implement such policies and programs as are necessary for the accomplishment of the purposes of this Act. TRUE or FALSE? 10. Section 13 tells about LICENSING AND REGISTRATION? TRUE or FALSE? 11. MAGNETIC MEDIA is a a storage medium or device characterized by a base, usually plastic, coated with ferric oxide powder, in which visual and/or aural information, or software code, may be recorded or stored, including, but not limited to, magnetic tape, cassettes, video tape, diskettes, and floppy discs 12. It is any and all equipment, machine or device, now known or to be known in the future, intended or design for the production or manufacture, 13. OMB

14. Article 4 tells about the Penal Provisions. What is the FINE penalty for engaging to replication, importation and exportation with no legal license? 15. Who is the President of the Philippines when the Optical Media Act of 2003 implemented?

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