A Nonprofit Community Ministry

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A Nonprofit Community Ministry ~ Open to All Denominations ~

What is a Bible Institute?

Historically, the Bible Institute movement began in the late 1800s by men such as A.B. Simpson (founder of the Christian & Missionary Alliance Church) and D.L.Moody (founder of Moody Bible Institute). The purpose of the Bible institute is to train lay people for ministry. Characterized by a (1) Commitment to the reliability & authority of the Scriptures; (2) Belief that God has called all believers to be ministers; (3) Purpose of producing spiritually maturing adult lay people through a practical, yet demanding program of Biblical, doctrinal, & ministry studies; (4) Vision to share the life-transforming power of the Gospel everywhere - here at home and around the world.

Do We Need One?
In a survey of 106 local churches, 23% are United Methodist, 16% Baptist, 4% Episcopal, 4% Presbyterian, 2% Lutheran, and the remaining 46% are of various denominations or are nondenominational. Some, not all, non-denominational churches lack a solid teaching program that teaches lay people the necessary skills to do ministry.

Six Reasons to Start a Bible Institute

1. Meet the NEEDS OF ADULTS that may not be met elsewhere in the church.

Local Church

Bible Institute

2. EQUIP/TRAIN adults. Equipping focuses on providing adults with the tools they need for successful Christian living and ministry involvement in the local church. Training provides adults the practical skills needed to be able to effectively utilize the tools at their disposal.

Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you.

3. EMPOWER adults for personal ministry. Biblical knowledge alone is not enough. Jesus wanted the church to produce people who lived like He lived. The Bible institute is committed to communicating Biblical knowledge and ministry skills so that adults will become active in the ministries of their local church.

4. Provide the local church with a SOURCE OF trained and equipped leaders. Churches desperately need teachers and workers and instead of developing an adequate training program they sometimes simply recruit warm bodies who are often ineffective and destined to become ministry drop-outs.

5. Provide teachers with an opportunity to BROADEN THEIR MINISTRIES. The Bible institute can provide an opportunity for those who are already gifted and trained in teaching to exercise their gifts and who have much to offer students at the Bible institute level.

6. Visibly DEMONSTRATE the UNITY of the Body of Christ. In John 17, Jesus prayed three times that they may be one, as we are. A Bible institute which admits students from a variety of backgroundsdenominationally, economically, racially, educationally, ethnicallywill produce a vivid example of what John saw in heaven

BBI Mission Statement

Berlin Bible Institute (BBI)
Exists as a non-degree granting school of adult education, primarily for lay people, to provide advanced training and equipping in Biblical & doctrinal studies, and ministry & leadership skills so they may be prepared to carry out the work of the ministry.

Purpose of BBI
Provide accurate instruction in the Word of God Bring additional Bible education to the local church Enlist the assistance of church leadership in the training process Allow the student to remain in his/her home church while training Encourage the laity to use their training toward the fulfillment of the Great Commission Prepare students to
Interpret Scriptures by application of inductive principles Make personal application of Gods Word in their own lives Give a reason for the hope that is in them Participate in the Great Commission by teaching and discipling Fully comprehend the high priority of the local church in Gods program and the importance of ministry in the church

Certificate Program
BBIs Church Ministries Certificate Program will utilize the study material, credits, and certificates of the Evangelical Training Association as a means to teach and train the ministry of the laity. Foundational Church Ministries Certificate Standard Church Ministries Certificate Advanced Church Ministries Certificate Leadership in Church Ministries Certificate

Evangelical Training Association

Non-profit ministry organization comprised of seminaries, colleges, universities, institutes, & churches whose basic calling is to provide programs, materials, and services to assist churches in equipping lay leaders for ministry within the local church.

Curriculum Classes to be offered over time

Growing Toward Spiritual Maturity Understanding People You & Your Bible The Triune God Biblical Leadership Perspectives from Church History Old Testament Survey I & II New Testament Survey Biblical Beliefs Christian Ethics Sunday School Ministry Understanding Teaching Teaching Techniques Understanding Music & Worship Teaching Adults Teaching Youth Your Ministry of Evangelism World Missions Today Beyond Reasonable Doubt The Truth About World Views

Professional Development Program

It is the desire of BBI that students learn to study Gods Word inductively, consulting commentaries only after allowing Scripture to interpret Scripture, in an effort to discover Gods truth on their own. Precept Ministries offers the optimum opportunity for such inductive studies. Precept Ministries Biblical studies are accredited by the Association of Christian Schools International; therefore, offer Continuing Education Units (CEUs) that serve to certify the professional status of teachers that most Christian organizations require for their staff.

Non-Credit Classes
The Amazing Collection Alpha Course Disciple Jesus in the Gospels Christian Believer Various Bible Study programs

Target Date September 2012

Developed Mission Statement Approved Constitution & Bylaws Obtained Federal ID # Approved by ETA & Precept to teach curriculum Steering Committee - Select Board of Directors-7 Members

To Do
- Incorporate Seek Federal & State Tax Exemption Obtain Insurance Recruit teachers Promote! Promote! Promote!

Membership of BBI shall be open to any individual or church that is in agreement with the doctrinal statement of the Institute. Each member shall have one (1) vote at BBIs Annual Business Meeting. Officers & members of the Board must be a member in good standing of their church. Teachers must be approved by ETA &/or Precept to teach their curriculum.

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