Input A, B, C x1 - B B - 4ac 2a
Input A, B, C x1 - B B - 4ac 2a
Input A, B, C x1 - B B - 4ac 2a
x1= -b b2 - 4ac 2a
disc > 0 ?
Two complex factors of x
disc < 0 ?
x = -c b Print x
x1= -b + disc 2a
x = -b 2a Print x
QUADRATIC EQUATION: ax2 + bx + c = 0 #include<iostream.h> #include<math.h> void main() { cout << "SOLUTION OF QUADRATIC EQUATION" << endl; // How much float a,b,c ; variables are to be declared and what will be the type // write prompt for a"; andcin input cout <<instructions Enter the for Value of \ a \ = >> a a; // write prompt for b"; andcin input cout <<instructions Enter the for Value of \ b \ = >> b b; // write instructions for prompt for c and input c cout << Enter the Value of \ c \ = "; cin >> c; cout << endl << RESULT: ; // write instruction to declare and double disc = ( (b*b) - (4*a*c) ) ; calculate disc = b2 - 4ac if ( a != 0 ) // equation is quadratic equation of the form ax2 + bx + c = 0
{ if ( disc > 0 ) // write cout instruction to calculate and output the first real factor of x // write cout instruction to calculate and output the second real factor of x else if ( disc < 0 ) // write cout instruction to calculate and output the first complex factor of x // write cout instruction to calculate and output the second complex factor of x else } // disc == 0 // write cout instruction to calculate the only value of x
else }
// if a = 0, equation is a linear equation of the form bx + c = 0 cout << endl << x = " << ( (-1)*c) / b ;
QUADRATIC EQUATION: ax2 + bx + c = 0 #include<iostream.h> #include<math.h> void main() { cout << "SOLUTION OF QUADRATIC EQUATION" << endl; float a,b,c; cout << Enter the Value of \ a \ = "; cin >> a; cout << Enter the Value of \ b \ = "; cin >> b; cout << Enter the Value of \ c \ = "; cin >> c; cout << endl << RESULT: ; double disc = ( (b*b) - (4*a*c) ) ; if ( a != 0 ) {{ if ((disc disc if >> 00 ) ) cout << endl = x1 = "( << ( (-1*b) ) +(disc) ( (sqrt {{cout << endl <<<< x1 " << (-1*b) / (2*a)/)(2*a) + ( (sqrt ) / (disc) (2*a) ) ) ; / (2*a) ) ; cout << endl << x2 = " << ( (-1*b) / (2*a) ) - ( (sqrt (disc) ) / (2*a) ) ; } cout << endl << x2 = " << ( (-1*b) / (2*a) ) - ( (sqrt (disc) ) / (2*a) ) ; } else if ( disc < 0 ) else if ( disc < 0 ) { disc = fabs ( disc ) ; { disc = fabs ( disc ) ; cout << endl << x1 = " << ( (-1*b) / (2*a) ) << + " << ( (sqrt (disc) ) / (2 * a ) ) << i "; cout << endl << x1 = " << ( (-1*b) / (2*a) ) << + " << ( (sqrt (disc) ) / (2 * a ) ) << i "; cout << endl << x2 = " << ( (-1*b) / (2*a) ) << - " << ( (sqrt (disc) ) / (2 *a ) ) << i ; } cout << endl << x2 = " << ( (-1*b) / (2*a) ) << - " << ( (sqrt (disc) ) / (2 *a ) ) << i ; } else if ( disc == 0 ) else cout << endl << x = " << ( (-1*b) / (2*a) ) ; } cout << endl << x = " << ( (-1*b) / (2*a) ) ; else } cout << endl << x = " << ( (-1)*c) / b ; }
Write a C++ program that computes and outputs the volume of a cone, the user will input the diameter of its base and its height.
Write a c++ program that computes the mean and standard deviation of a set of five integer values The mean is the sum of the five values divided by five
Where n = 5, x i refers to each of five values, and is the mean. Note that although the individual values are integers, the results are the floating point values
There are five steps in the program
1. 2. 2. 3. 4.
Declare input, output variables and variables which store the intermediate results Input Five integer numbers Calculate sum, divide it by five to get the Mean Calculate Standard Deviation Output the Mean and Standard Deviation
Decide what should be the output variables, input variables and variables used to store results of intermediate steps There are two output variables 1. is the mean, let we identify it by mean, as it will be a fractional number, so its type will be of type float. 2. s is the standard deviation, let we identify it by sd, its type will also be float so our declaration will be as float mean, sd ; There are five input integer variables, It is better to save them in an integer array of size 5 instead of declaring five individual integer variables const int size = 5; int x [ size ]; Note that the subscript of array is started from 0, so the formulae can be rewritten as
When calculating the mean, we should have an integer variable which will hold the sum of all input numbers,
let us call it sum and initialize it to 0, we will add to it each array element x [ i ] one by one, when all five array elements have been added, we will get the sum so in the declaration int sum = 0 ;
When calculating the Standard Deviation, we should have an float variable which will hold the sum of all
let us call it sumofsqdiff and initialize it to 0, we will add each one by one, when all squares of five differences have been added, we can calculate the standard deviation
Now we can write the complete declaration part as float sd, mean, sumofsqdiff = 0 ; const int size = 5 ; int x [ size ] = {0} ; int sum = 0; 2. Now we have to input five integer numbers into x array, we can use for loop for this purpose First we should prompt the user what is supposed to input and how Suppose we input the five integer value on one line, each separated by space So we should prompt cout << endl << "Enter the Five Integer Numbers separated by spaces"<< endl; endl at the start will assure that the prompt will be started on new line, and at the end it assure that the user will input from the next line to it For inputting five integers into x array for ( int i = 0 ; i < size ; i++ ) cin >> x [ i ] ; Recall we can write it as for ( int i = 0 ; i < size ; cin >> x [ i++ ] ) ;
3. In the third step first we have to sum the five array elements, and store it in integer variable sum. we have already initialize sum to 0 for ( i = 0 ; i < size ; i++ ) ; sum = sum + x [ i ] ; Can we optimize it as ? for ( i = 0 ; i < size ; sum += x [ i++ ] ) ; // i has been already declared in // previous for loop, so dont re-declare it
Now we can easily calculate mean as mean = sum / size ; but sum and size are both integer variables and expression sum / size evaluates to integer (fractional part of the result will be truncated), so use explicit type casting i.e., mean = ( float (sum)) / ( float (size)) ;
4. In the fourth step, first we will calculate the sum of all sumofsqdiff
we have already initialize the sumofsqdiff to 0 again we will use for loop, see the progress steps for ( i = 0 ; i < size ; i ++ ) sumofsqdiff = sumofsqdiff + ( x [ i ] mean ) 2 ; but x [ i ] is integer and mean is float, so for ( i = 0 ; i < size ; i ++ ) sumofsqdiff = sumofsqdiff + (float ( x [ i ] ) mean ) 2 ; or for ( i = 0 ; i < size ; i ++ ) sumofsqdiff = sumofsqdiff + pow( (float ( x [ i ] ) mean ), 2 ) ; or for ( i = 0 ; i < size ; sumofsqdiff += pow ( ( float ( x [ i++ ] ) mean ) , 2 ) ) ; Now we can calculate the Standard Deviation as
5. In the fifth step we will simply output the mean and standard deviation with proper labeling
cout << endl << "mean=" << mean; cout << endl << "Standard Deviation=" << sd;
Now all the five steps to construct the program has been completed,
Have you complete the program ? try to compile it and run it,
#include<iostream.h> #include<math.h> void main() { float sd, mean, sumofsqdiff = 0 ; const int size = 5 ; int x [ size ] = {0} ; int sum = 0; cout << endl << "Enter the Five Integer Numbers separated by spaces"<< endl; for ( int i = 0 ; i < size ; cin >> x [ i++ ] ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < size ; sum += x [ i++ ] ) ; mean = ( float ( sum ) ) / ( float ( size ) ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < size ; sumofsqdiff += pow ( ( float ( x [ i++ ] ) mean ) , 2 ) ) ; sd = sqrt ( sumofsqdiff / ( size-1) ) ; cout << endl << "mean=" << mean; cout << endl << "Standard Deviation=" << sd; }
Stirling Formula
n! = e -n nn 2 n
Is used to calculate the Factorial of large numbers without using any loop or recursive function. Here = PI e = base of natural Logarithm Write a program which prompts the user to enter a digit, then calculate the Factorial using stirling formula, and output the result with proper labeling.
Selection Sort: A selection sort searches an array looking for the smallest element in the array , then the smallest element is swapped with the first element of the array. The process is repeated for the subarray beginning with the second element of the array. Each pass of the array results in one element being placed in its proper location. When the subarray being processed contains one element, the array is sorted. Write a function selectionsort to perform this algorithm.
let us review some basic operations let a is an array of size 5 a [0] a [1] a [2] a [3] a [4] i.e., 16 10 6 4 3 const int arraySize = 5 ; a [ arraySize ] = { 16, 10, 6, 4, 3 } ; Swapping two elements of array means interchanging their locations To swap a [ 2 ] with a [ 4 ], we need an intermediate memory location ( a variable ), other wise contents will be overwritten, lets declare a variable temp. int temp = a [ 2 ] ; // save the value of a [ 2 ] in temp, a[2]=a[4]; // copy the value of a [ 4 ] in a [ 2 ] a [ 4 ] = temp ; // copy the saved value of a [ 2 ] in a [ 4 ]
Selection Sort: A selection sort searches an array looking for the smallest element in the array , then the smallest element is swapped with the first element of the array. The process is repeated for the subarray beginning with the second element of the array. Each pass of the array results in one element being placed in its proper location. When the subarray being processed contains one element, the array is sorted. Write a function selectionsort to perform this algorithm. let us review some basic operations let a is an array of size 5 i.e., const int arraySize = 5 ; a [ arraySize ] = { 16, 10, 6, 4, 3 } ; Swapping two elements of array means interchanging their locations
cond-expression True statement Loop expression Body True Statements break statements Cond-expression
Loop expression
Loop expression
const int arraySize = 5; int s[arraySize]; Initialization of every element to zero: s[arraySize]={0}; for (int i=0; i<arraySize; i++) s [ i ] = 0; for (int i=0; i<arraySize; s[i++]=0); Initialize every element w.r.t. its position for (int i=0; i<arraySize; i++) s [ i ] = i+1; for (int i=0; i<arraySize; s[i]=1+(i++)); Initialize every element w.r.t. its index for (int i=0; i<arraySize; i++) s [ i ] = i; for (int i=0; i<arraySize; s[i]=i++);
s 0 0 0 0 0 s
const int arraySize = 5; int i, s[arraySize]; Sum up all the elements int sum = 0; for (i=0; i<arraySize; i++) sum += s [ i ]; Product of all the elements int product = 1; for (i=0; i<arraySize; i++) product *= s [ i ]; Input array cout << \n\nEnter Array of << size << elements; for (i=0; i<size ; i++) cin >> s[i]; for (i=0,cout<< "\n\nEnter Array of "<< size << " elements= "; i<size ; cin >> s[i++]); Printing array cout << You have entered Array = ; for (i=0; i<size; i++); cout << s[j] << ; for (i=0,cout<< "You Have entered Array= "; i<size; cout << a[i++]<<" ");
Write a Program which inputs a linear array of size 5, Print that array, print the sum of all elements and print the product of all elements. The output should look like this #include<iostream.h> void main() { const int size = 5 ; int a [ size ] = { 0 } ; int i = 0, sum = 0, prod = 1; for ( i = 0, cout << "\n\nEnter Array of "<< size << " elements = "; i<size ; cin >> a [ i++ ] ) ; for ( i =0, cout << "You Have entered Array = "; i<size; cout << a [ i++ ] << " ) ;
Printing 2D-Matrix or Dual Scripted Array char *outmsg="\nEntered Matrix is \n"; cout << outmsg << rows << "X << cols; for (r=0; r<rows; r++) { cout << endl; for (c=0; c<cols; c++); cout << setw(3) << a[r][c] << ; }
for (r=0, cout<<outmsg<<" "<<rows<<"X"<<cols; r<rows; r++) for (c=0, cout<<endl; c<cols; cout<< setw(3) <<a[r][c++]<<" ");
Write a program which will input a 3X2 matix, and then print it, the input/output should be as given #include<iostream.h> #include<iomanip.h> void main() { const int rows=3; const int cols=2; int r, c, a[rows][cols], aT[cols][rows]; char *inmsg="Enter Input Marix of Order"; char *outmsg="\nEntered Matrix is"; cout << endl << endl; for (r=0, cout<<inmsg<<" "<<rows<<"X"<<cols<<"\n"; r<rows; r++) for (c=0; c<cols; cin>>a[r][c++]);
for (r=0, cout<<outmsg<<" "<<rows<<"X"<<cols; r<rows; r++) for (c=0, cout<<endl; c<cols; cout<< setw(3) <<a[r][c++]<<" "); } Enter Input Matrix of Order 3X2 5 6 2 3 1 5 Entered Matrix is 5 6 2 3 1 5
Both Matrices should be of same order
a00 a10 a20 a01 a11 a21 b00 b10 b20 b01 b11 b21 a00 + b00 a10 + b10 a20 + b20 a01 + b01 a11 + b11 a21 + b21
We require a third matrix sum (of the same order as that of a or b ) to store the result of addition Obviously we can show the above notations as
a[0][0] a[1][0] a[0][1] a[1][1] b[0][0] b[0][1] b[1][1] a[0][0] + b[0][0] a[0][1] + b[0][1] a[1][1] + b[1][1]
a[1][0] + b[1][0]
a[2][0] + b[2][0]
a[2][1] + b[2][1]
Write a program which will input two 3X2 matricesx, add them and then print out the summing matrix, the input/output should be as given #include<iostream.h> #include<iomanip.h> void main() { const int rows=3; const int cols=2; int r, c, a[rows][cols], b[rows][cols], sum[rows][cols]; char *inmsg="Enter Marix of Order"; char *outmsg="\nSum of matrices is"; cout << endl << endl; for (r=0, cout<<inmsg<<" "<<rows<<"X"<<cols<<"\n"; r<rows; r++) for (c=0; c<cols; cin>>a[r][c++]); for (r=0, cout<<inmsg<<" "<<rows<<"X"<<cols<<"\n"; r<rows; r++) for (c=0; c<cols; cin>>b[r][c++]); for (r=0; r<rows; r++) for (c=0; c<cols; c++) sum[r][c]=a[r][c]+b[r][c]; for (r=0, cout<<outmsg<<" "<<cols<<"X"<<rows; r<rows; r++) for (c=0, cout<<endl; c<cols; cout<<setw(4)<<sum[r][c++]<<" "); }
Enter Input Matrix of Order 3X2 5 6 2 3 1 5 Enter Input Matrix of Order 3X2 1 2 2 3 3 4 Sum of matrices is 6 8 4 6 4 9
If a is a Matrix of Order mxn then an nxm matrix at obtained by inter-changing the rows and columns of a is called the transpose of a
a =
b02 b12
Write a program which will input two 3X2 matricesx, add them and then print out the summing matrix, the input/output should be as given #include<iostream.h> #include<iomanip.h> void main() { const int rows = 3 ; const int cols = 2 ; int r, c, a[rows][cols ], aT[cols][rows ] ; char *inmsg = "Enter Input Marix of Order ; char *outmsg = "\nTranspose matrix is "; cout << endl << endl;
for (r=0, cout << inmsg <<" << rows << "X <<cols<<"\n"; r<rows; r++) for (c=0; c<cols; cin >> a[r][c++]);
for (r=0; r<rows; r++) for (c=0; c<cols; c++) aT[c][r] = a[r][c];
for (r=0, cout << outmsg << " << cols << "X << rows; r<cols; r++) for (c=0, cout << endl; c<rows; cout << aT[r][c++] << " ");
Enter Input Matrix of Order 3X2 5 6 2 3 1 5 Transpose Matrix is 2X3 5 2 1 6 3 5
A Square Matrix A = [ a i j ] is said to be an Identity or Unit Matrix, if
aij=0 aij=1 for all for all ij i=j
1 0 0 0 0
0 1 0 0 0
0 0 1 0 0
0 0 0 1 0
0 0 0 0 1
Write a Program which inputs a square matrix, and figure out whether it is an identity matrix or not, Properly Labels the input and output.
+ =
b20 b21
Rows2=3 Cols2 =2
prod01= a00b01 +a01b11 +a02b21 prod11= a10b01 +a11b11 +a12b21 prod01= a00b01 +a01b11 +a02b21 prod11= a10b01 +a11b11 +a12b21
for (r=0; r<rows1; r++) for (c=0; c<cols2; c++) for (int i=0;i<cols1; i++) { prod [ r ] [ c ] += a [ ] [ ] * b [ ] [ ]; } Also note that some elements remains constant for (r=0; r<rows1; r++) for (c=0; c<cols2; c++) for (int i=0;i<cols1; i++) prod [ r ] [ c ] += a [ r ] [ ] * b [ ] [ c ]; Also note that elements which doesnt remains constant for (r=0; r<rows1; r++) for (c=0; c<cols2; c++) for (int i=0;i<cols1; i++) prod [ r ] [ c ] += a [ r ] [ i ] * b [ i ] [ c ]; Complete the program to input Two matrices, multiply them and store the value in third Prod Matrix
#include<iostream.h> #include<iomanip.h> void main() { const int rows1=3; const int rows2=cols1;
int r, c, a[ rows1][ cols1], b[ rows2 ][ cols2 ], prod[ rows1][ cols2 ] = {0}; char *inmsg = "Enter Marix of Order"; char *outmsg = "\nProduct of matrices is"; cout << endl << endl; for ( r=0, cout << inmsg << " << rows1 << "X << cols1 << "\n ; r<rows1; r++ ) for ( c=0 ; c<cols1; cin >> a[ r ][ c++ ] ); for ( r=0, cout << inmsg << " << rows2 << "X << cols2 << "\n ; r<rows2 ; r++ ) for (c=0; c<cols2; cin>>b[r][c++]); for ( r=0 ; r<rows1; r++ ) for ( c=0 ; c<cols2 ; c++ ) for ( int i=0 ; i<cols1 ; i++ ) prod [ r ][ c ] += a [ r ][ i ]*b [ i ][ c ]; for ( r=0, cout << outmsg << " << rows1 << "X << cols2 ; r<rows1; r++ ) for ( c=0, cout << endl ; c<cols2 ; cout << setw(4) << prod[ r ][ c++ ] << " ); }